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- <h1 id="head"><a class="incognito" href="/">¡punoℲ ʇoᴎ :ᔭ0ᔭ</a></h1>
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- <p>The page you're looking for doesn't exist – and I thought I had designed everything so well! *sniff*</p>
- <p>Did I delete it? Did I redesign my site and move everything around aimlessly? WAS IT ABDUCTED BY ALIENS!? Who knows? Not my web server.</p>
- <p>Well, you're welcome to <a href="/">look around a bit</a>!</p>
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- <p>Copyright © 2011–2014 Ben Kurtovic • <a href="//github.com/earwig/earwig.github.com">View Source</a> • <a href="http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=referer">Valid HTML5</a></p>
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