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Ben Kurtovic hace 9 años
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_drafts/python-object-replacement.md Ver fichero

@@ -14,7 +14,10 @@ object has made its way throughout your code. It lives inside lists, class
attributes, maybe even inside some closures. You want to completely replace
this object with another one; that is to say, you want to find all references
to object `A` and replace them with object `B`, enabling `A` to be garbage
collected. This has some interesting implications for special object types. If
you have methods that are bound to `A`, you want to rebind them to `B`. If `A`
is a class, you want all instances of `A` to become instances of `B`. And so

_But why on Earth would you want to do that?_ you ask. I'll focus on a concrete
use case in a future post, but for now, I imagine this could be useful in some
@@ -38,7 +41,7 @@ a = [1, 2, 3, 4]
We are creating a list object with four integers, and binding it to the name

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In each of the following examples, we are creating new _references_ to the
list object, but we are never duplicating it. Each reference points to the same
@@ -128,15 +131,16 @@ function closures
Certainly, not every case is handled above, but it seems to cover the vast
majority of instances that I've found through testing. There are a number of
reference relations in Guppy that I couldn't figure out how to replicate
without doing something insane (`R_CELL` and `R_STACK`), so some obscure
replacements are likely unimplemented.
without doing something insane (`R_HASATTR`, `R_CELL`, and `R_STACK`), so some
obscure replacements are likely unimplemented.

Some other kinds of replacements are known, but impossible. For example,
replacing a class object that uses `__slots__` with another class will not work
if the replacement class has a different slot layout and instances of the old
class exist. Furthermore, it doesn't work for references stored in the code of
C extensions, since there's effectively no way for us to track these, but this
is an exceptional circumstance.
class exist. More generally, replacing a class with a non-class object won't
work if instances of the class exist. Furthermore, references stored in data
structures managed by C extensions cannot be changed, since there's no good way
for us to track these.

Remaining areas to explore include behavior when metaclasses and more complex
descriptors are involved. Implementing a more complete version of `replace()`
