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Finish section on using Guppy.

Ben Kurtovic 9 jaren geleden
1 gewijzigde bestanden met toevoegingen van 248 en 6 verwijderingen
  1. +248

+ 248
- 6
_drafts/ Bestand weergeven

@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ False
{% endhighlight %}

Also, this won't work if `A` and `B` are different sizes, since we will be
either reading from or writing to memory we don't necessarily own:
either reading from or writing to memory that we don't necessarily own:

{% highlight pycon %}

@@ -192,21 +192,259 @@ delving into the actual problem.

### Feature demonstration

Guppy's interface is deceptively simple. We begin by creating an instance of
the Heapy interface, which is the component of Guppy that has the features we
Guppy's interface is deceptively simple. We begin by calling
to expose the Heapy interface, which is the component of Guppy that has the
features we want:

{% highlight pycon %}

>>> import guppy
>>> hp = guppy.hpy()
>>> hp
Top level interface to Heapy.
Use eg: hp.doc for more info on hp.

{% endhighlight %}

shows us a table of the objects known to Guppy, grouped together
(mathematically speaking,
[_partitioned_]( by
type<sup><a id="ref3" href="#fn3">[3]</a></sup> and sorted by how much space
they take up in memory:

{% highlight pycon %}

>>> heap = hp.heap()
>>> heap
Partition of a set of 45761 objects. Total size = 4699200 bytes.
Index Count % Size % Cumulative % Kind (class / dict of class)
0 15547 34 1494736 32 1494736 32 str
1 8356 18 770272 16 2265008 48 tuple
2 346 1 452080 10 2717088 58 dict (no owner)
3 13685 30 328440 7 3045528 65 int
4 71 0 221096 5 3266624 70 dict of module
5 1652 4 211456 4 3478080 74 types.CodeType
6 199 0 210856 4 3688936 79 dict of type
7 1614 4 193680 4 3882616 83 function
8 199 0 177008 4 4059624 86 type
9 124 0 135328 3 4194952 89 dict of class
<91 more rows. Type e.g. '_.more' to view.>

{% endhighlight %}

This object (called an
looks bizarre, but it can be treated roughly like a list. If we want to take a
look at strings, we can do `heap[0]`:

{% highlight pycon %}

>>> heap[0]
Partition of a set of 22606 objects. Total size = 2049896 bytes.
Index Count % Size % Cumulative % Kind (class / dict of class)
0 22606 100 2049896 100 2049896 100 str

{% endhighlight %}

This isn't very useful, though. What we really want to do is re-partition this
subset by another relationship. There are a number of options:

{% highlight pycon %}

>>> heap[0].byid # Group by object ID; each subset therefore has one element
Set of 22606 <str> objects. Total size = 2049896 bytes.
Index Size % Cumulative % Representation (limited)
0 7480 0.4 7480 0.4 'The class Bi... copy of S.\n'
1 4872 0.2 12352 0.6 "Support for ... 'error'.\n\n"
2 4760 0.2 17112 0.8 'Heap queues\ Art! :-)\n'
3 4760 0.2 21872 1.1 'Heap queues\ Art! :-)\n'
4 3896 0.2 25768 1.3 'This module function\n'
5 3824 0.2 29592 1.4 'The type of order.\n'
6 3088 0.2 32680 1.6 't\x00\x00|\x...x00|\x02\x00S'
7 2992 0.1 35672 1.7 'HeapView(roo... size, etc.\n'
8 2808 0.1 38480 1.9 'Directory tr...ories\n\n '
9 2640 0.1 41120 2.0 'The class No... otherwise.\n'
<22596 more rows. Type e.g. '_.more' to view.>

{% endhighlight %}

{% highlight pycon %}

>>> heap[0].byrcs # Group by what types of objects reference the strings
Partition of a set of 22606 objects. Total size = 2049896 bytes.
Index Count % Size % Cumulative % Referrers by Kind (class / dict of class)
0 6146 27 610752 30 610752 30 types.CodeType
1 5304 23 563984 28 1174736 57 tuple
2 4104 18 237536 12 1412272 69 dict (no owner)
3 1959 9 139880 7 1552152 76 list
4 564 2 136080 7 1688232 82 function, tuple
5 809 4 97896 5 1786128 87 dict of module
6 346 2 71760 4 1857888 91 dict of type
7 365 2 19408 1 1877296 92 dict of module, tuple
8 192 1 16176 1 1893472 92 dict (no owner), list
9 232 1 11784 1 1905256 93 dict of class, function, tuple, types.CodeType
<229 more rows. Type e.g. '_.more' to view.>

{% endhighlight %}

{% highlight pycon %}

>>> heap[0].byvia # Group by how the strings are related to their referrers
Partition of a set of 22606 objects. Total size = 2049896 bytes.
Index Count % Size % Cumulative % Referred Via:
0 2656 12 420456 21 420456 21 '[0]'
1 2095 9 259008 13 679464 33 '.co_code'
2 2095 9 249912 12 929376 45 '.co_filename'
3 564 2 136080 7 1065456 52 '.func_doc', '[0]'
4 243 1 103528 5 1168984 57 "['__doc__']"
5 1930 9 100584 5 1269568 62 '.co_lnotab'
6 502 2 31128 2 1300696 63 '[1]'
7 306 1 16272 1 1316968 64 '[2]'
8 242 1 12960 1 1329928 65 '[3]'
9 184 1 9872 0 1339800 65 '[4]'
<7323 more rows. Type e.g. '_.more' to view.>

{% endhighlight %}

From this, we can see that the plurality of memory devoted to strings is taken
up by those referenced by code objects (`types.CodeType` represents
Python code—accessible from a non-C-defined function through
`func.func_code`—and contains things like the names of its local variables and
the actual sequence of opcodes that make it up).

For fun, let's pick a random string.

{% highlight pycon %}

>>> import random
>>> obj = heap[0].byid[random.randrange(0, heap[0].count)]
>>> obj
Set of 1 <str> object. Total size = 176 bytes.
Index Size % Cumulative % Representation (limited)
0 176 100.0 176 100.0 'Define names...not listed.\n'

{% endhighlight %}

Interesting. Since this heap subset contains only one element, we can use
to get the actual object represented here:

{% highlight pycon %}

>>> obj.theone
'Define names for all type symbols known in the standard interpreter.\n\nTypes that are part of optional modules (e.g. array) are not listed.\n'

{% endhighlight %}

Looks like the docstring for the
[`types`]( module. We can confirm
by using
to get the set of objects that refer to objects in the given set:

{% highlight pycon %}

>>> obj.referrers
Partition of a set of 1 object. Total size = 3352 bytes.
Index Count % Size % Cumulative % Kind (class / dict of class)
0 1 100 3352 100 3352 100 dict of module

{% endhighlight %}

This is `types.__dict__` (since the docstring we got is actually stored as
`types.__dict__["__doc__"]`), so if we use `.referrers` again:

{% highlight pycon %}

>>> obj.referrers.referrers
Partition of a set of 1 object. Total size = 56 bytes.
Index Count % Size % Cumulative % Kind (class / dict of class)
0 1 100 56 100 56 100 module
>>> obj.referrers.referrers.theone
<module 'types' from '/usr/local/Cellar/python/2.7.8_2/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/types.pyc'>
>>> import types
>>> types.__doc__ is obj.theone

{% endhighlight %}

_But why did we find an object in the `types` module if we never imported it?_
Well, let's see. We can use
to get the Heapy set consisting of a single given object:

{% highlight pycon %}

>>> hp.iso(types)
Partition of a set of 1 object. Total size = 56 bytes.
Index Count % Size % Cumulative % Kind (class / dict of class)
0 1 100 56 100 56 100 module

{% endhighlight %}

Using a similar procedure as before, we see that `types` is imported by the
[`traceback`]( module:

{% highlight pycon %}

>>> hp.iso(types).referrers
Partition of a set of 10 objects. Total size = 25632 bytes.
Index Count % Size % Cumulative % Kind (class / dict of class)
0 2 20 13616 53 13616 53 dict (no owner)
1 5 50 9848 38 23464 92 dict of module
2 1 10 1048 4 24512 96 dict of guppy.etc.Glue.Interface
3 1 10 1048 4 25560 100 dict of guppy.etc.Glue.Share
4 1 10 72 0 25632 100 tuple
>>> hp.iso(types).referrers[1].byid
Set of 5 <dict of module> objects. Total size = 9848 bytes.
Index Size % Cumulative % Owner Name
0 3352 34.0 3352 34.0 traceback
1 3352 34.0 6704 68.1 warnings
2 1048 10.6 7752 78.7 __main__
3 1048 10.6 8800 89.4 abc
4 1048 10.6 9848 100.0 guppy.etc.Glue

{% endhighlight %}

...and that is imported by

{% highlight pycon %}

>>> import traceback
>>> hp.iso(traceback).referrers
Partition of a set of 3 objects. Total size = 15992 bytes.
Index Count % Size % Cumulative % Kind (class / dict of class)
0 1 33 12568 79 12568 79 dict (no owner)
1 1 33 3352 21 15920 100 dict of module
2 1 33 72 0 15992 100 tuple
>>> hp.iso(traceback).referrers[1].byid
Set of 1 <dict of module> object. Total size = 3352 bytes.
Index Size % Cumulative % Owner Name
0 3352 100.0 3352 100.0 site

{% endhighlight %}

Since `site` is imported by Python on startup, we've figured out why objects
from `types` exist, even though we've never used them.

We've learned something important, too. When objects are stored as ordinary
attributes of a parent object (like `types.__doc__`, `traceback.types`, and
`site.traceback` from above), they are not referenced directly by the parent
object, but by that object's `__dict__` attribute. Therefore, if we want to
replace `A` with `B` and `A` is an attribute of `C`, we (probably) don't need
to know anything special about `C`—just how to modify dictionaries.

A good Guppy/Heapy tutorial, while a bit old and incomplete, can be found on
[Andrey Smirnov's website](

## Handling different reference types


### Dictionaries

dicts, class attributes via `__dict__`, locals()
@@ -260,7 +498,7 @@ Remaining areas to explore include behavior when metaclasses and more complex
descriptors are involved. Implementing a more complete version of `replace()`
is left as an exercise for the reader.

## Notes
## Footnotes

1. <a id="fn1" href="#ref1">^</a> This post relies _heavily_ on implementation
details of CPython 2.7. While it could be adapted for Python 3 by examining
@@ -274,3 +512,7 @@ is left as an exercise for the reader.
[DOT files](
used to generate graphs in this post are
[available on Gist](

3. <a id="fn3" href="#ref3">^</a> They're actually grouped together by _clodo_
("class or dict object"), which is similar to type, but groups `__dict__`s
separately by their owner's type.
