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post Copyvio Detector A technical writeup of some recent developments.

This is an in-progress technical writeup of some recent developments involving the copyright violation detector for Wikipedia articles that I maintain, located at Its source code is available on GitHub.

Determining violation confidence

One of the most important aspects of the detector is not fetching and parsing potential sources, but figuring out the likelihood that a given article is a violation of a given source. We call this number, a value between 0 and 1, the “confidence” of a violation. Values between 0 and 0.5 are considered to indicate no violation (green background in results page), between 0.5 and 0.75 a “possible” violation (yellow background), and between 0.75 and 1 a “suspected” violation (red background).

To calculate the confidence of a violation, the copyvio detector uses the maximum value of two functions, one of which accounts for the size of the delta chain (\(\Delta\)) in relation to the article chain (\(A\)), and the other of which accounts for just the size of \(\Delta\). This ensures a high confidence value when both chains are small, but not when \(A\) is significantly larger than \(\Delta\).

The article–delta confidence function is simply \(\frac{\Delta}{A}\). Therefore, we have complete confidence of a violation (\(C(A, \Delta)=1\)) when the article and suspected source share all of their trigrams, half confidence (\(C(A, \Delta)=0.5\)) when the source shares half of the article’s trigrams, and so on.

The delta confidence function, \(C_{\Delta}\), is more complicated because it must determine a confidence value without having anything to compare \(\Delta\) to. A number of confidence values were derived experimentally, and the function was extrapolated from there such that \(\lim_{Δ \to +\infty}C_{\Delta}(\Delta) = 1\). The reference points were \(\{(0, 0), (100, 0.5), (250, 0.75), (500, 0.9), (1000, 0.95)\}\). The function is defined as follows:

$$C_{\Delta}(\Delta)=\begin{cases} \frac{\Delta}{\Delta+100} & \Delta\leq 100 \\[0.5em] \frac{\Delta-25}{\Delta+50} & 100\lt \Delta\leq 250\; \\[0.5em] \frac{10.5\Delta-750}{10\Delta} & 250\lt \Delta\leq 500\; \\[0.5em] \frac{\Delta-50}{\Delta} & \Delta\gt500 \end{cases}$$

A graph can be viewed [here](/static/Delta Confidence Function.pdf), with the background colored red, yellow, and green when a violation is considered suspected, possible, or not present, respectively.

Now that we have these two definitions, we can define the primary confidence function, \(C\), as follows:

$$C(A, \Delta) = \max(\tfrac{\Delta}{A}, C_{\Delta}(\Delta))$$

By feeding \(A\) and \(\Delta\) into \(C\), we get our final confidence value.