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Add placeholder functions for parsing c and java in bitshift/parser. Add parse_py function with helper functions. Parse_py grabs relevant information on variables, functions, and classes from abstract syntax tree of codelet code.

Benjamin Attal 10 år sedan
3 ändrade filer med 99 tillägg och 0 borttagningar
  1. +3
  2. +3
  3. +93

+ 3
- 0
bitshift/parser/ Visa fil

@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@

def parse_c():

+ 3
- 0
bitshift/parser/ Visa fil

@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@

def parse_java():

+ 93
- 0
bitshift/parser/ Visa fil

@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
import ast

def _serialize(tree):
Private function to serialize an abstract syntax tree so it is indexable by the database.

:param tree: The syntax tree to be serialized.

:type tree: list or ast.AST

def _start_n_end(big_node):
Helper function to get the start and end lines of a code node.

:param big_node: The node.

:type big_node: ast.FunctionDef, ast.ClassDef, ast.Module

start_line = big_node.lineno

temp_node = big_node
while 'body' in temp_node.__dict__:
temp_node = temp_node.body[-1]

end_line = temp_node.lineno
return (start_line, end_line)

def _helper(cur_node, accum):
Helper function for _serialize which recursively updates the 'vars', 'functions', and 'classes' in the parsed version of the tree.

:param cur_node: The node in the syntax tree currently being parsed.
:param accum: Dicitonary holding parsed version of the tree.

:type cur_node: list or ast.AST
:type accum: dict

if isinstance(cur_node, list):
for node in cur_node:
_helper(node, accum)

elif isinstance(cur_node, ast.Assign):
# return name
# return col and line offset
# in the future add value and type metadata
for t in cur_node.targets:
if isinstance(t, ast.Tuple):
for n in t.elts:
line, col = n.lineno, n.col_offset
accum['vars'][] = {'ln': line, 'col': col}
line, col = t.lineno, t.col_offset
accum['vars'][] = {'ln': line, 'col': col}

elif isinstance(cur_node, ast.FunctionDef):
# return name
# return start and end of the function
# in the future add arguments and decorators metadata
start_line, end_line = _start_n_end(cur_node)
accum['functions'][] = {'start_ln': start_line , 'end_ln': end_line}

elif isinstance(cur_node, ast.ClassDef):
# return name
# return start and end of the class
# in the future add arguments, inherits, and decorators metadata
start_line, end_line = _start_n_end(cur_node)
accum['classes'][] = {'start_ln': start_line , 'end_ln': end_line}

elif isinstance(cur_node, ast.AST):
for k in cur_node.__dict__.keys():
node = node.__dict__[k]
_helper(node, accum)

accum = {}
_helper(tree, accum)
return accum

def parse_py(codelet):
Adds 'symbols' field to the codelet after parsing the code.

:param codelet: The codelet object to parsed.

:type code: Codelet
tree = ast.parse(codelet.code)
symbols = _serialize(tree)
codelet.symbols = symbols
print symbols
