import ast import re encoding_re = re.compile(r"^\s*#.*coding[:=]\s*([-\w.]+)", re.UNICODE) class _CachedWalker(ast.NodeVisitor): """ Local node visitor for python abstract syntax trees. :ivar accum: (dict) Information on variables, functions, and classes accumulated from an abstract syntax tree. :ivar cache: (dict or None) Information stored about parent nodes. Added to accum when node reaches the lowest possible level. .. todo:: Add visit funciton for ast.Name to record all uses of a variable. Use self.cache to store extra information about nodes. """ def __init__(self): """ Create a _TreeCutter instance. """ self.accum = {'vars': {}, 'functions': {}, 'classes': {}} self.cache = [] def block_position(self, node): """ Helper function to get the start and end lines of an AST node. :param node: The node. :type node: ast.FunctionDef or ast.ClassDef or ast.Module """ start_line, start_col = node.lineno, node.col_offset temp_node = node while 'body' in temp_node.__dict__: temp_node = temp_node.body[-1] end_line, end_col = temp_node.lineno, temp_node.col_offset return (start_line, start_col, end_line, end_col) def visit_Assign(self, node): """ Visits Assign nodes in a tree. Adds relevant data about them to accum. :param node: The current node. :type node: ast.Assign .. todo:: Add value and type metadata to accum. """ line, col = node.lineno, node.col_offset pos = (line, col, -1, -1) self.cache.append({'nodes': []}) self.generic_visit(node) last = self.cache.pop() for name in last['nodes']: if not self.accum['vars'].has_key(name): self.accum['vars'][name] = {'assignments': [], 'uses': []} self.accum['vars'][name]['assignments'].append(pos) def visit_FunctionDef(self, node): """ Visits FunctionDef nodes in a tree. Adds relevant data about them to accum. :param node: The current node. :type node: ast.FunctionDef .. todo:: Add arguments and decorators metadata to accum. """ start_line, start_col, end_line, end_col = self.block_position(node) if not self.accum['functions'].has_key( self.accum['functions'][] = {'assignments': [], 'uses': []} pos = (start_line, start_col, end_line, end_col) self.accum['functions'][]['assignments'].append(pos) self.generic_visit(node) def visit_Call(self, node): """ Visits Function Call nodes in a tree. Adds relevant data about them in the functions section for accum. :param node: The current node. :type node: ast.Call .. todo:: Add arguments and decorators metadata to accum. """ line, col = node.lineno, node.col_offset pos = (line, col, -1, -1) if isinstance(node.func, ast.Name): name = else: name = node.func.attr if not self.accum['functions'].has_key(name): self.accum['functions'][name] = {'assignments': [], 'uses': []} self.accum['functions'][name]['uses'].append(pos) def visit_ClassDef(self, node): """ Visits ClassDef nodes in a tree. Adds relevant data about them to accum. :param node: The current node. :type node: ast.ClassDef .. todo:: Add arguments, inherits, and decorators metadata to accum. """ start_line, start_col, end_line, end_col = self.block_position(node) pos = (start_line, start_col, end_line, end_col) self.accum['classes'][] = pos self.generic_visit(node) def visit_Name(self, node): if self.cache: last = self.cache[-1] last['nodes'].append( def visit_Attribute(self, node): if self.cache: last = self.cache[-1] last['nodes'].append(node.attr) def parse_py(codelet): """ Adds 'symbols' field to the codelet after parsing the python code. :param codelet: The codelet object to parsed. :type code: Codelet """ def strip_encoding(lines): """Strips the encoding line from a file, which breaks the parser.""" it = iter(lines) try: first = next(it) if not encoding_re.match(first): yield first second = next(it) if not encoding_re.match(second): yield second except StopIteration: return for line in it: yield line try: tree = ast.parse("\n".join(strip_encoding(codelet.code.splitlines()))) except SyntaxError: ## TODO: add some logging here? return cutter = _CachedWalker() cutter.visit(tree) return cutter.accum