package com.bitshift.parsing.utils; //This class contains implementations of methods to // -- pack an integer into 4 consecutive bytes of a byte array // -- unpack an integer from 4 consecutive bytes of a byte array // -- exhaustively test the pack and unpack methods. // // This file should be saved as Once it has been // compiled, the tester can be invoked by typing "java PackableMemory" public class PackableMemory { int size; public byte mem[] = null; public PackableMemory(int size) { this.size = size; this.mem = new byte[size]; } // Pack the 4-byte integer val into the four bytes mem[loc]...mem[loc+3]. // The most significant porion of the integer is stored in mem[loc]. // Bytes are masked out of the integer and stored in the array, working // from right(least significant) to left (most significant). public void pack(int val, int loc) { final int MASK = 0xff; for (int i = 3; i >= 0; i--) { mem[loc+i] = (byte)(val & MASK); val = val >> 8; } } // Unpack the four bytes mem[loc]...mem[loc+3] into a 4-byte integer, // and return the resulting integer value. // The most significant porion of the integer is stored in mem[loc]. // Bytes are 'OR'ed into the integer, working from left (most significant) // to right (least significant) public int unpack(int loc) { final int MASK = 0xff; int v = (int)mem[loc] & MASK; for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) { v = v << 8; v = v | ((int)mem[loc+i] & MASK); } return v; } // Test the above pack and unpack methods by iterating the following // over all possible 4-byte integers: pack the integer, // then unpack it, and then verify that the unpacked integer equals the // original integer. It tests all nonnegative numbers in ascending order // and then all negative numbers in ascending order. The transition from // positive to negative numbers happens implicitly due to integer overflow. public void packTest() { int i = 0; long k = 0; do { this.pack(i,4); int j = this.unpack(4); if (j != i) { System.out.printf("pack/unpack test failed: i = %d, j = %d\n",i,j); System.exit(0); } i++; k++; } while (i != 0); System.out.printf("pack/unpack test successful, %d iterations\n",k); } // main routine to test the PackableMemory class by running the // packTest() method. public static void main(String[] args) { PackableMemory pm = new PackableMemory(100); pm.packTest(); System.exit(0); } }