""" :synopsis: Main crawler module, to oversee all site-specific crawlers. Contains all website/framework-specific Class crawlers. """ import logging import math import time import threading import requests from . import indexer class GitHubCrawler(threading.Thread): """ Crawler that retrieves links to all of GitHub's public repositories. GitHubCrawler is a threaded singleton that queries GitHub's API for urls to its public repositories, which it inserts into a :class:`Queue.Queue` shared with :class:`indexer.GitIndexer`. :ivar clone_queue: (:class:`Queue.Queue`) Contains :class:`GitRepository` with repository metadata retrieved by :class:`GitHubCrawler`, and other Git crawlers, to be processed by :class:`indexer.GitIndexer`. :ivar _logger: (:class:`logging.Logger`) A class-specific logger object. """ AUTHENTICATION = { "client_id" : "436cb884ae09be7f2a4e", "client_secret" : "8deeefbc2439409c5b7a092fd086772fe8b1f24e" } def __init__(self, clone_queue, run_event): """ Create an instance of the singleton `GitHubCrawler`. :param clone_queue: see :attr:`self.clone_queue` :type clone_queue: see :attr:`self.clone_queue` """ self.clone_queue = clone_queue self.run_event = run_event self._logger = logging.getLogger("%s.%s" % (__name__, self.__class__.__name__)) self._logger.info("Starting.") super(GitHubCrawler, self).__init__(name=self.__class__.__name__) def run(self): """ Query the GitHub API for data about every public repository. Pull all of GitHub's repositories by making calls to its API in a loop, accessing a subsequent page of results via the "next" URL returned in an API response header. Uses Severyn Kozak's (sevko) authentication credentials. For every new repository, a :class:`GitRepository` is inserted into :attr:`self.clone_queue`. """ next_api_url = "https://api.github.com/repositories" api_request_interval = 5e3 / 60 ** 2 while next_api_url and self.run_event.is_set(): start_time = time.time() try: resp = requests.get(next_api_url, params=self.AUTHENTICATION) except requests.ConnectionError: self._logger.exception("API %s call failed:" % next_api_url) time.sleep(0.5) continue queue_percent_full = (float(self.clone_queue.qsize()) / self.clone_queue.maxsize) * 100 self._logger.info("API call made. Queue size: %d/%d, %d%%." % ((self.clone_queue.qsize(), self.clone_queue.maxsize, queue_percent_full))) repo_names = [repo["full_name"] for repo in resp.json()] repo_ranks = self._get_repository_ranks(repo_names) for repo in resp.json(): while self.clone_queue.full(): time.sleep(1) self.clone_queue.put(indexer.GitRepository( repo["html_url"], repo["full_name"], "GitHub", repo_ranks[repo["full_name"]])) if int(resp.headers["x-ratelimit-remaining"]) == 0: time.sleep(int(resp.headers["x-ratelimit-reset"]) - time.time()) next_api_url = resp.headers["link"].split(">")[0][1:] sleep_time = api_request_interval - (time.time() - start_time) if sleep_time > 0: time.sleep(sleep_time) def _get_repository_ranks(self, repo_names): """ Return the ranks for several repositories. Queries the GitHub API for the number of stargazers for any given repositories, and blocks if the query limit is exceeded. The rank is calculated using these numbers. :param repo_names: An array of repository names, in `username/repository_name` format. :type repo_names: str :return: A dictionary mapping repository names to ranks. Example dictionary: .. code-block:: python { "user/repository" : 0.2564949357461537 } :rtype: dictionary """ API_URL = "https://api.github.com/search/repositories" REPOS_PER_QUERY = 25 repo_ranks = {} for names in [repo_names[ind:ind + REPOS_PER_QUERY] for ind in xrange(0, len(repo_names), REPOS_PER_QUERY)]: query_url = "%s?q=%s" % (API_URL, "+".join("repo:%s" % name for name in names)) params = self.AUTHENTICATION resp = requests.get(query_url, params=params, headers={ "Accept" : "application/vnd.github.preview" }) if int(resp.headers["x-ratelimit-remaining"]) == 0: sleep_time = int(resp.headers["x-ratelimit-reset"]) - \ time.time() + 1 if sleep_time > 0: logging.info("API quota exceeded. Sleep time: %d." % sleep_time) time.sleep(sleep_time) for repo in resp.json()["items"]: stars = repo["stargazers_count"] rank = min(math.log(max(stars, 1), 5000), 1.0) repo_ranks[repo["full_name"]] = rank for name in repo_names: if name not in repo_ranks: repo_ranks[name] = 0.1 return repo_ranks class BitbucketCrawler(threading.Thread): """ Crawler that retrieves links to all of Bitbucket's public repositories. BitbucketCrawler is a threaded singleton that queries Bitbucket's API for urls to its public repositories, and inserts them as :class:`indexer.GitRepository` into a :class:`Queue.Queue` shared with :class:`indexer.GitIndexer`. :ivar clone_queue: (:class:`Queue.Queue`) The shared queue to insert :class:`indexer.GitRepository` repository urls into. :ivar _logger: (:class:`logging.Logger`) A class-specific logger object. """ def __init__(self, clone_queue, run_event): """ Create an instance of the singleton `BitbucketCrawler`. :param clone_queue: see :attr:`self.clone_queue` :type clone_queue: see :attr:`self.clone_queue` """ self.clone_queue = clone_queue self.run_event = run_event self._logger = logging.getLogger("%s.%s" % (__name__, self.__class__.__name__)) self._logger.info("Starting.") super(BitbucketCrawler, self).__init__(name=self.__class__.__name__) def run(self): """ Query the Bitbucket API for data about every public repository. Query the Bitbucket API's "/repositories" endpoint and read its paginated responses in a loop; any "git" repositories have their clone-urls and names inserted into a :class:`indexer.GitRepository` in :attr:`self.clone_queue`. """ next_api_url = "https://api.bitbucket.org/2.0/repositories" while self.run_event.is_set(): try: response = requests.get(next_api_url).json() except requests.ConnectionError: self._logger.exception("API %s call failed:", next_api_url) time.sleep(0.5) continue queue_percent_full = (float(self.clone_queue.qsize()) / self.clone_queue.maxsize) * 100 self._logger.info("API call made. Queue size: %d/%d, %d%%." % ((self.clone_queue.qsize(), self.clone_queue.maxsize, queue_percent_full))) for repo in response["values"]: if repo["scm"] == "git": while self.clone_queue.full(): time.sleep(1) clone_links = repo["links"]["clone"] clone_url = (clone_links[0]["href"] if clone_links[0]["name"] == "https" else clone_links[1]["href"]) try: watchers = requests.get( repo["links"]["watchers"]["href"]) num = len(watchers.json()["values"]) rank = min(math.log(max(num, 1), 500), 1.0) except requests.ConnectionError: err = "API %s call failed:" % next_api_url self._logger.exception(err) time.sleep(0.5) continue self.clone_queue.put(indexer.GitRepository( clone_url, repo["full_name"], "Bitbucket"), rank) next_api_url = response["next"] time.sleep(0.2)