- """
- Subpackage with classes and functions to handle communication with the MySQL
- database backend, which manages the search index.
- """
- import codecs
- import os
- import mmh3
- import oursql
- from .migration import VERSION, MIGRATIONS
- from ..codelet import Codelet
- from ..query.nodes import (String, Regex, Text, Language, Author, Date, Symbol,
- BinaryOp, UnaryOp)
- __all__ = ["Database"]
- class Database(object):
- """Represents the MySQL database."""
- def __init__(self, migrate=False):
- self._conn = self._connect()
- self._check_version(migrate)
- def _connect(self):
- """Establish a connection to the database."""
- try:
- codecs.lookup("utf8mb4")
- except LookupError:
- utf8 = codecs.lookup("utf8")
- codecs.register(lambda name: utf8 if name == "utf8mb4" else None)
- root = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
- default_file = os.path.join(root, ".my.cnf")
- return oursql.connect(
- db="bitshift", read_default_file=default_file, autoping=True,
- autoreconnect=True, charset="utf8mb4")
- def _migrate(self, cursor, current):
- """Migrate the database to the latest schema version."""
- for version in xrange(current, VERSION):
- print "Migrating to %d..." % (version + 1)
- for query in MIGRATIONS[version - 1]:
- cursor.execute(query)
- cursor.execute("UPDATE version SET version = ?", (version + 1,))
- def _check_version(self, migrate):
- """Check the database schema version and respond accordingly.
- If the schema is out of date, migrate if *migrate* is True, else raise
- an exception.
- """
- with self._conn.cursor() as cursor:
- cursor.execute("SELECT version FROM version")
- version = cursor.fetchone()[0]
- if version < VERSION:
- if migrate:
- self._migrate(cursor, version)
- else:
- err = "Database schema out of date. " \
- "Run `python -m bitshift.database.migration`."
- raise RuntimeError(err)
- def _search_with_query(self, cursor, tree, page):
- """Execute an SQL query based on a query tree, and return results.
- The returned data is a 2-tuple of (list of codelet IDs, estimated
- number of total results).
- """
- query, args = tree.build_query(page)
- cursor.execute(query, args)
- ids = [cid for cid, _ in cursor.fetchall()]
- num_results = len(ids) # TODO: This is not entirely correct
- return ids, num_results
- def _get_authors_for_codelet(self, cursor, codelet_id):
- """Return a list of authors for a given codelet."""
- query = """SELECT author_name, author_url
- FROM authors
- WHERE author_codelet = ?"""
- cursor.execute(query, (codelet_id,))
- return cursor.fetchall()
- def _get_symbols_for_code(self, cursor, code_id, tree):
- """Return a list of symbols for a given codelet."""
- query = """SELECT symbol_type, symbol_name, sloc_type, sloc_row,
- sloc_col, sloc_end_row, sloc_end_col
- FROM symbols
- INNER JOIN symbol_locations ON sloc_symbol = symbol_id
- WHERE symbol_code = ? AND (%s)"""
- conds, args = [], [code_id]
- for node in tree.walk(Symbol):
- node_cond, node_args, _, _ = node.parameterize(set())
- conds.append(node_cond)
- args += node_args
- if not conds:
- return {}
- cond = " OR ".join(conds)
- symbols = {type_: {} for type_ in Symbol.TYPES}
- cursor.execute(query % cond, tuple(args))
- for type_, name, loc_type, row, col, erow, ecol in cursor.fetchall():
- sdict = symbols[Symbol.TYPES[type_]]
- if name not in sdict:
- sdict[name] = ([], [])
- sdict[name][loc_type].append((row, col, erow, ecol))
- for type_, sdict in symbols.items():
- symbols[type_] = [(n, d, u) for n, (d, u) in sdict.iteritems()]
- return symbols
- def _get_codelets_from_ids(self, cursor, ids, tree):
- """Return a list of Codelet objects given a list of codelet IDs."""
- query = """SELECT *
- FROM codelets
- INNER JOIN code ON codelet_code_id = code_id
- INNER JOIN origins ON codelet_origin = origin_id
- WHERE codelet_id = ?"""
- with self._conn.cursor(oursql.DictCursor) as dict_cursor:
- for codelet_id in ids:
- dict_cursor.execute(query, (codelet_id,))
- row = dict_cursor.fetchall()[0]
- code_id = row["code_id"]
- if row["origin_url_base"]:
- url = row["origin_url_base"] + row["codelet_url"]
- else:
- url = row["codelet_url"]
- origin = (row["origin_name"], row["origin_url"])
- authors = self._get_authors_for_codelet(cursor, codelet_id)
- symbols = self._get_symbols_for_code(cursor, code_id, tree)
- yield Codelet(
- row["codelet_name"], row["code_code"], None,
- row["code_lang"], authors, url,
- row["codelet_date_created"], row["codelet_date_modified"],
- row["codelet_rank"], symbols, origin)
- def _decompose_url(self, cursor, url):
- """Break up a URL into an origin (with a URL base) and a suffix."""
- query = """SELECT origin_id, SUBSTR(?, LENGTH(origin_url_base) + 1)
- FROM origins
- WHERE origin_url_base IS NOT NULL
- AND ? LIKE CONCAT(origin_url_base, "%")"""
- cursor.execute(query, (url, url))
- result = cursor.fetchone()
- return result if result else (1, url)
- def _insert_symbols(self, cursor, code_id, sym_type, symbols):
- """Insert a list of symbols of a given type into the database."""
- query1 = "INSERT INTO symbols VALUES (DEFAULT, ?, ?, ?)"
- query2 = """INSERT INTO symbol_locations VALUES
- (DEFAULT, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"""
- build = lambda id, L, typ: [tuple([id, typ] + list(loc)) for loc in L]
- type_id = Symbol.TYPES.index(sym_type)
- for (name, assigns, uses) in symbols:
- cursor.execute(query1, (code_id, type_id, name))
- sym_id = cursor.lastrowid
- params = (build(sym_id, assigns, Symbol.ASSIGN) +
- build(sym_id, uses, Symbol.USE))
- cursor.executemany(query2, params)
- def close(self):
- """Disconnect from the database."""
- self._conn.close()
- def search(self, tree, page=1):
- """
- Search the database for a query and return the *n*\ th page of results.
- :param tree: The query to search for.
- :type tree: :py:class:`~.query.tree.Tree`
- :param page: The result page to display.
- :type page: int
- :return: The total number of results, and the *n*\ th page of results.
- :rtype: 2-tuple of (long, list of :py:class:`.Codelet`\ s)
- """
- query1 = "SELECT 1 FROM cache WHERE cache_id = ?"
- query2 = """SELECT cdata_codelet, cache_count_mnt, cache_count_exp
- FROM cache
- INNER JOIN cache_data ON cache_id = cdata_cache
- WHERE cache_id = ?
- ORDER BY cdata_index ASC"""
- query3 = "INSERT INTO cache VALUES (?, ?, ?, DEFAULT)"
- query4 = "INSERT INTO cache_data VALUES (?, ?, ?)"
- cache_id = mmh3.hash64(str(page) + ":" + tree.serialize())[0]
- with self._conn.cursor() as cursor:
- cursor.execute(query1, (cache_id,))
- cache_hit = cursor.fetchall()
- if cache_hit:
- cursor.execute(query2, (cache_id,))
- rows = cursor.fetchall()
- num_results = rows[0][1] * (10 ** rows[0][2]) if rows else 0
- ids = [row[0] for row in rows]
- else:
- ids, num_results = self._search_with_query(cursor, tree, page)
- num_exp = max(len(str(num_results)) - 3, 0)
- num_results = int(round(num_results, -num_exp))
- num_mnt = num_results / (10 ** num_exp)
- cursor.execute(query3, (cache_id, num_mnt, num_exp))
- cdata = [(cache_id, c_id, i) for i, c_id in enumerate(ids)]
- cursor.executemany(query4, cdata)
- codelet_gen = self._get_codelets_from_ids(cursor, ids, tree)
- return (num_results, list(codelet_gen))
- def insert(self, codelet):
- """
- Insert a codelet into the database.
- :param codelet: The codelet to insert.
- :type codelet: :py:class:`.Codelet`
- """
- query1 = """INSERT INTO code VALUES (?, ?, ?)
- ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE code_id=code_id"""
- query2 = """INSERT INTO codelets VALUES
- (DEFAULT, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"""
- query3 = "INSERT INTO authors VALUES (DEFAULT, ?, ?, ?)"
- hash_key = str(codelet.language) + ":" + codelet.code.encode("utf8")
- code_id = mmh3.hash64(hash_key)[0]
- with self._conn.cursor() as cursor:
- cursor.execute(query1, (code_id, codelet.language, codelet.code))
- if cursor.rowcount == 1:
- for sym_type, symbols in codelet.symbols.iteritems():
- self._insert_symbols(cursor, code_id, sym_type, symbols)
- origin, url = self._decompose_url(cursor, codelet.url)
- cursor.execute(query2, (codelet.name, code_id, origin, url,
- codelet.rank, codelet.date_created,
- codelet.date_modified))
- codelet_id = cursor.lastrowid
- authors = [(codelet_id, a[0], a[1]) for a in codelet.authors]
- cursor.executemany(query3, authors)