- /*
- Stylesheet for index.html.
- */
- @import mixins
- @import variables
- $resultWidth: 830px
- $sidebarWidth: 30px
- $codeWidth: 500px
- $hiddenInfoWidth: 300px
- div#search-field
- @extend .t2
- bottom: 0
- height: 50%
- left: 0
- margin: auto
- margin-top: 15%
- max-height: 100px
- position: absolute
- right: 0
- top: 0
- width: 34%
- #title
- font-size: 4em
- padding-bottom: 0.5em
- text-align: center
- #title-bit
- color: $baseColor1
- #title-angle
- color: $baseColor3
- #title-shift
- color: $baseColor2
- font-style: italic
- form#search-bar
- input[type="text"]
- @include vendor(box-sizing, border-box)
- border: 1px solid $baseColor1
- font-size: 1.1em
- margin-bottom: 0px
- padding: 6px
- width: 100%
- div#advanced-search
- display: none
- background-color: white
- border: 1px solid $baseColor2
- margin: 0px
- overflow: auto
- >div
- @include vendor(box-sizing, border-box)
- float: left
- height: 100%
- >#col1
- width: 10%
- >#col2
- width: 84%
- ul
- list-style: none
- li
- margin-bottom: 0.5em
- label
- display: block
- font-size: 1.1em
- input[type="text"]
- border-color: $baseColor3
- font-size: 1em
- padding: 2px
- width: 100%
- #upper-half
- >div
- float: left
- width: 50%
- &.partly-visible
- height: 1%
- margin-top: 3%
- width: 60%
- #title
- display: none
- div#results
- margin-left: auto
- margin-right: auto
- width: 80%
- /* TODO:
- 1) Sidebar
- - Add way to cycle through hits in the code.
- 2) Hidden info
- - Use effect to make it transition into view.
- - Add date modified.
- - Get rid of symbols matches.
- - Don't use monospace.
- - Add links for authors.
- - Cross out search terms based on what's in the codelet.
- 3) Header
- - Remove date modified.
- - Make the title bigger.
- - Add an icon for the website.
- - Change the spacing.
- 4) Code body
- - Add highlighting.*/
- div.result
- width: $resultWidth
- height: 200px
- margin-top: 2%
- margin-bottom: 6%
- #display-info
- a
- text-decoration: none
- &:hover
- color: orange
- #title
- margin-right: 50px
- #site
- text-transform: capitalize
- #date-modified
- font-style: italic
- color: #777
- display: block
- table
- border-collapse: collapse
- border: 1px solid #ccc
- height: inherit
- tr
- height: inherit
- td
- overflow: scroll
- #sidebar
- width: $sidebarWidth
- background-color: #eee
- border-right: 1px solid #ccc
- height: inherit
- #code
- width: $codeWidth
- height: inherit
- border-right: 1px solid #ccc
- #tablecontainer
- overflow: scroll
- width: 100%
- height: inherit
- background-color: #49483e
- table
- table-layout:fixed
- border-collapse: collapse
- border: none
- font-family: monospace
- #hidden-info
- width: $hiddenInfoWidth
- text-align: center
- font-size: 1.2em
- font-family: monospace
- #date-created
- display: block
- #language
- display: inline-block
- padding: 3px
- @include vendor(border-radius, 3px)
- background-color: #eee
- font-weight: bold
- color: purple
- &:hover
- background-color: #ddd
- #matches
- span
- color: red
- #authors
- span
- color: red
- &.cascade
- @extend .t3