123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384 |
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone
- from flask import g, session, url_for
- from itsdangerous import BadSignature, URLSafeSerializer
- from . import baseLogger
- from .exceptions import AccessDeniedError
- __all__ = ["AuthManager"]
- class AuthManager:
- """Authentication manager. Handles user access and management."""
- def __init__(self, config, eve):
- self._config = config
- self._eve = eve
- self._logger = baseLogger.getChild("auth")
- self._debug = self._logger.debug
- def _allocate_new_session(self):
- """Create a new session for the current user."""
- sid, created = g.db.new_session()
- session["id"] = sid
- session["date"] = int(created.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc).timestamp())
- self._debug("Allocated session id=%d", sid)
- g._session_check = True
- g._session_expired = False
- def _get_session_id(self):
- """Return the current session ID, allocating a new one if necessary."""
- if "id" not in session:
- self._allocate_new_session()
- return session["id"]
- def _invalidate_session(self):
- """Mark the current session as invalid.
- Remove it from the database and from the user's cookies.
- """
- if "id" in session:
- sid = session["id"]
- g.db.drop_session(sid)
- self._debug("Dropped session id=%d", sid)
- session.clear()
- def _expire_session(self, always_notify=False):
- """Mark the current session as expired, then invalidate it."""
- if always_notify or session.get("expire-notify"):
- g._session_expired = True
- self._debug("Session expired id=%d", session["id"])
- self._invalidate_session()
- def _check_session(self, always_notify_expired=False):
- """Return whether the user has a valid, non-expired session.
- This checks for the session existing in the database, but does not
- check that the user is logged in or has any particular access roles.
- """
- if "id" not in session:
- return False
- if hasattr(g, "_session_check"):
- return g._session_check
- if "date" not in session:
- self._debug("Clearing dateless session id=%d", session["id"])
- session.clear()
- return False
- created = g.db.has_session(session["id"])
- if not created:
- self._expire_session(always_notify=always_notify_expired)
- g._session_check = False
- return False
- cstamp = int(created.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc).timestamp())
- if session["date"] != cstamp:
- self._debug("Clearing bad-date session id=%d", session["id"])
- session.clear()
- return False
- g._session_check = True
- return True
- def _get_state_hash(self):
- """Return a hash of the user's session ID suitable for OAuth2 state.
- Allocates a new session ID if necessary.
- """
- key = self._config.get("auth.session_key")
- serializer = URLSafeSerializer(key)
- return serializer.dumps(self._get_session_id())
- def _verify_state_hash(self, state):
- """Confirm that a state hash is correct for the user's session.
- Assumes we've already checked the session ID. If the state is invalid,
- the session will be invalidated.
- """
- key = self._config.get("auth.session_key")
- serializer = URLSafeSerializer(key)
- try:
- value = serializer.loads(state)
- except BadSignature:
- self._debug("Bad signature for session id=%d", session["id"])
- self._invalidate_session()
- return False
- if value != session["id"]:
- self._debug("Got session id=%d, expected id=%d", value,
- session["id"])
- self._invalidate_session()
- return False
- return True
- def _fetch_new_token(self, code, refresh=False):
- """Given an auth code or refresh token, get a new token and other data.
- If refresh is True, code should be a refresh token, otherwise an auth
- code. If successful, we'll return a 5-tuple of (access_token,
- token_expiry, refresh_token, char_id, char_name). If the token was
- invalid, we'll return None. We may also raise EVEAPIError if there was
- an internal API error.
- """
- cid = self._config.get("auth.client_id")
- secret = self._config.get("auth.client_secret")
- result = self._eve.sso.get_access_token(cid, secret, code, refresh)
- if not result:
- return None
- token, expiry, refresh = result
- expires = (datetime.utcnow().replace(microsecond=0) +
- timedelta(seconds=expiry))
- result = self._eve.sso.get_character_info(token)
- if not result:
- return None
- char_id, char_name = result
- return token, expires, refresh, char_id, char_name
- def _get_token(self, cid):
- """Return a valid access token for the given character, or None.
- If the database doesn't have an auth entry for this character, return
- None. If the database's token is expired but the refresh token is
- valid, then refresh it, update the database, and return the new token.
- If the token has become invalid and couldn't be refreshed, drop the
- auth information from the database and return None.
- """
- result = g.db.get_auth(cid)
- if not result:
- self._debug("No auth info in database for char id=%d", cid)
- return None
- token, expires, refresh = result
- seconds_til_expiry = (expires - datetime.utcnow()).total_seconds()
- if seconds_til_expiry >= self.EXPIRY_THRESHOLD:
- self._debug("Using cached access token for char id=%d", cid)
- return token
- result = self._fetch_new_token(refresh, refresh=True)
- if not result:
- self._debug("Couldn't refresh token for char id=%d", cid)
- g.db.drop_auth(cid)
- return None
- token, expires, refresh, char_id, char_name = result
- if char_id != cid:
- self._debug("Refreshed token has incorrect char id=%d for "
- "char id=%d", char_id, cid)
- g.db.drop_auth(cid)
- return None
- self._debug("Using fresh access token for char id=%d", cid)
- g.db.put_character(cid, char_name)
- g.db.update_auth(cid, token, expires, refresh)
- return token
- def _check_access(self, token, char_id):
- """"Check whether the given character is allowed to access this site.
- If allowed, do nothing. If not, raise AccessDeniedError.
- """
- resp = self._eve.esi(token).v3.characters(char_id).get()
- if resp.get("corporation_id") != self._config.get("corp.id"):
- self._debug("Access denied per corp membership for char id=%d "
- "session id=%d", char_id, session["id"])
- g.db.drop_auth(char_id)
- self._invalidate_session()
- raise AccessDeniedError()
- def _update_prop_cache(self, module, prop, value):
- """Update the value of a character module property in the cache."""
- if hasattr(g, "_character_modprops"):
- propcache = g._character_modprops
- else:
- propcache = g._character_modprops = {module: {}}
- if module not in propcache:
- propcache[module] = {}
- propcache[module][prop] = value
- def get_character_id(self):
- """Return the character ID associated with the current session.
- Return None if the session is invalid or is not associated with a
- character.
- """
- if not self._check_session():
- return None
- if not hasattr(g, "_character_id"):
- g._character_id = g.db.read_session(session["id"])
- return g._character_id
- def get_character_prop(self, prop):
- """Look up a property for the current session's character.
- Return None if the session is invalid, is not associated with a
- character, or the property has no non-default value.
- """
- cid = self.get_character_id()
- if not cid:
- return None
- if not hasattr(g, "_character_props"):
- g._character_props = g.db.read_character(cid)
- return g._character_props.get(prop)
- def set_character_style(self, style):
- """Update the current user's style and return whether successful."""
- cid = self.get_character_id()
- if not cid:
- return False
- style = style.strip().lower()
- if style not in self._config.get("style.enabled"):
- return False
- self._debug("Setting style to %s for char id=%d", style, cid)
- g.db.update_character(cid, "style", style)
- if hasattr(g, "_character_props"):
- delattr(g, "_character_props")
- return True
- def get_character_modprop(self, module, prop):
- """Look up a module property for the current session's character.
- Return None if the session is invalid, is not associated with a
- character, or the property has no non-default value.
- """
- cid = self.get_character_id()
- if not cid:
- return None
- if hasattr(g, "_character_modprops"):
- propcache = g._character_modprops
- if module in propcache and prop in propcache[module]:
- return propcache[module][prop]
- value = g.db.get_character_modprop(cid, module, prop)
- self._update_prop_cache(module, prop, value)
- return value
- def set_character_modprop(self, module, prop, value):
- """Update a module property for the current session's character.
- Return whether successful.
- """
- cid = self.get_character_id()
- if not cid:
- return False
- self._debug("Setting module %s property %s to %s for char id=%d",
- module, prop, value, cid)
- g.db.set_character_modprop(cid, module, prop, value)
- self._update_prop_cache(module, prop, value)
- return True
- def get_token(self):
- """Return a valid token for the current character, or None.
- Assuming this is called in a restricted route (following a True result
- from is_authenticated), this function makes no API calls and should
- always succeed. If it is called in other circumstances, it may fail and
- return None.
- """
- cid = self.get_character_id()
- if not cid:
- return None
- if not hasattr(g, "_cached_token"):
- g._cached_token = self._get_token(cid)
- return g._cached_token
- def is_authenticated(self):
- """Return whether the user has permission to access this site.
- We confirm that they have a valid, non-expired session that is
- associated with a character that is permitted to be here.
- EVEAPIError or AccessDeniedError may be raised.
- """
- cid = self.get_character_id()
- if not cid:
- return False
- self._debug("Checking auth for session id=%d", session["id"])
- token = self._get_token(cid)
- if not token:
- self._debug("No valid token for char id=%d session id=%d", cid,
- session["id"])
- self._invalidate_session()
- return False
- self._check_access(token, cid)
- self._debug("Access granted for char id=%d session id=%d", cid,
- session["id"])
- g.db.touch_session(session["id"])
- g._cached_token = token
- return True
- def make_login_link(self):
- """Return a complete EVE SSO link that the user can use to log in."""
- cid = self._config.get("auth.client_id")
- target = url_for("login", _external=True, _scheme=self._config.scheme)
- scopes = self._config.collect_scopes()
- state = self._get_state_hash()
- return self._eve.sso.get_authorize_url(cid, target, scopes, state)
- def handle_login(self, code, state):
- """Given an OAuth2 code and state, try to authenticate the user.
- If the user has a legitimate session and the state is valid, we'll
- check the code with EVE SSO to fetch an authentication token. If the
- token corresponds to a character that is allowed to access the site,
- we'll update their session to indicate so.
- Return whether authentication was successful. EVEAPIError or
- AccessDeniedError may be raised.
- """
- if not code or not state:
- return False
- if "id" in session:
- self._debug("Logging in session id=%d", session["id"])
- if not self._check_session(always_notify_expired=True):
- return False
- if not self._verify_state_hash(state):
- return False
- sid = session["id"]
- result = self._fetch_new_token(code)
- if not result:
- self._debug("Couldn't fetch token for session id=%d", sid)
- self._invalidate_session()
- return False
- token, expires, refresh, char_id, char_name = result
- self._check_access(token, char_id)
- self._debug("Logged in char id=%d session id=%d", char_id, sid)
- g.db.put_character(char_id, char_name)
- g.db.set_auth(char_id, token, expires, refresh)
- g.db.attach_session(sid, char_id)
- g.db.touch_session(sid)
- session["expire-notify"] = True
- return True
- def handle_logout(self):
- """Log out the user if they are logged in.
- Invalidates their session and clears the session cookie.
- """
- if "id" in session:
- self._debug("Logging out session id=%d", session["id"])
- self._invalidate_session()