Kaynağa Gözat

Store system connection info in universe data.

Ben Kurtovic 8 yıl önce
3 değiştirilmiş dosya ile 95 ekleme ve 4 silme
  1. +58
  2. +9
  3. +28

+ 58
- 1
calefaction/eve/universe.py Dosyayı Görüntüle

@@ -7,6 +7,18 @@ import yaml

__all__ = ["Universe"]

def _cache(func):
"""Wrap a no-argument method to cache its return value in the object."""
def inner(self):
key = func.__name__
if key in self._cache:
return self._cache[key]
value = func(self)
self._cache[key] = value
return value
return inner

class _UniqueObject:
"""Base class for uniquely ID'd objects in the universe."""

@@ -14,6 +26,7 @@ class _UniqueObject:
self._universe = universe
self._id = id_
self._data = data
self._cache = {}

def id(self):
@@ -30,11 +43,13 @@ class _SolarSystem(_UniqueObject):
return self._data["name"]

def constellation(self):
"""The solar system's constellation, as a _Constellation object."""
return self._universe.constellation(self._data["constellation"])

def region(self):
"""The solar system's region, as a _Region object."""
return self._universe.region(self._data["region"])
@@ -50,6 +65,16 @@ class _SolarSystem(_UniqueObject):
return tuple(self._data["coords"])

def gates(self):
"""The solar system's adjacent systems, via stargate.

A list of _SolarSystem objects.
return [self._universe.system(sid) for sid in self._data["gates"]]

def faction(self):
"""The solar system's faction, as a _Faction object, or None."""
if "faction" in self._data:
@@ -86,11 +111,13 @@ class _Constellation(_UniqueObject):
return self._data["name"]

def region(self):
"""The constellation's region, as a _Region object."""
return self._universe.region(self._data["region"])

def faction(self):
"""The constellation's faction, as a _Faction object, or None."""
if "faction" in self._data:
@@ -112,6 +139,7 @@ class _Region(_UniqueObject):
return self._data["name"]

def faction(self):
"""The region's faction, as a _Faction object, or None."""
if "faction" in self._data:
@@ -132,6 +160,16 @@ class _Faction(_UniqueObject):
"""The faction's name, as a string."""
return self._data["name"]

def territory(self):
"""The faction's controlled territory.

A list of _SolarSystems.
return [system for system in self._universe.systems()
if system.faction and system.faction.id == self.id]

class _Type(_UniqueObject):
"""Represents any type, including ships and materials."""
@@ -194,7 +232,8 @@ class _DummySolarSystem(_SolarSystem):
"constellation": -1,
"region": -1,
"security": 0.0,
"coords": (0, 0, 0)
"coords": (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
"gates": []

@@ -325,6 +364,12 @@ class Universe:
return _DummyConstellation(self)
return _Constellation(self, cid, self._constellations[cid])

def constellations(self):
"""Return an iterator over all _Constellations."""
for cid in self._constellations:
yield self.constellation(cid)

def region(self, rid):
"""Return a _Region with the given ID.

@@ -335,6 +380,12 @@ class Universe:
return _DummyRegion(self)
return _Region(self, rid, self._regions[rid])

def regions(self):
"""Return an iterator over all _Regions."""
for rid in self._regions:
yield self.region(rid)

def faction(self, fid):
"""Return a _Faction with the given ID.

@@ -345,6 +396,12 @@ class Universe:
return _DummyFaction(self)
return _Faction(self, fid, self._factions[fid])

def factions(self):
"""Return an iterator over all _Factions."""
for fid in self._factions:
yield self.faction(fid)

def type(self, tid):
"""Return a _Type with the given ID.

+ 9
- 1
calefaction/modules/map.py Dosyayı Görüntüle

@@ -25,10 +25,18 @@ def mapdata():
"galaxy": {
system.id: {
"name": system.name,
"security": system.security,
"coords": system.coords,
"security": system.security
"gates": [dest.id for dest in system.gates],
"faction": system.faction.id if system.faction else -1
for system in g.eve.universe.systems() if not system.is_whspace
"factions": {
faction.id: {
"name": faction.name
for faction in g.eve.universe.factions() if faction.territory
resp = app.response_class(response=json.dumps(payload), status=200,

+ 28
- 2
scripts/import_sde.py Dosyayı Görüntüle

@@ -152,7 +152,9 @@ def _build_galaxy_skeleton(ids, names):
"name": names[sid],
"constellation": -1,
"region": -1,
"security": 0.0
"security": 0.0,
"coords": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
"gates": []

@@ -181,6 +183,16 @@ def _load_assoc_for_system(galaxy, system, rid, cid):
assert facid >= 0
galaxy["systems"][sid]["faction"] = facid

galaxy["systems->stargates"][sid] = []
for sgid, gate in data["stargates"].items():
dest = gate["destination"]
assert isinstance(sgid, int)
assert isinstance(dest, int)
assert sgid >= 0
assert dest >= 0
galaxy["stargates->systems"][sgid] = sid

def _load_assoc_for_constellation(galaxy, constellation, rid):
data = _load_yaml(constellation / "constellation.staticdata")
cid = data["constellationID"]
@@ -221,9 +233,19 @@ def _load_assoc_for_region(galaxy, region):

_load_assoc_for_constellation(galaxy, constellation, rid)

def _load_gate_info(galaxy):
sys2gate = galaxy["systems->stargates"]
gate2sys = galaxy["stargates->systems"]

for sid, gates in sys2gate.items():
galaxy["systems"][sid]["gates"] = [gate2sys[gate] for gate in gates]

def _load_galaxy_associations(sde_dir, galaxy):
print("Loading galaxy staticdata... ", end="", flush=True)

galaxy["systems->stargates"] = {}
galaxy["stargates->systems"] = {}

univdir = sde_dir / "fsd" / "universe"
for base in univdir.iterdir():
if not base.is_dir():
@@ -235,7 +257,9 @@ def _load_galaxy_associations(sde_dir, galaxy):

_load_assoc_for_region(galaxy, region)

del galaxy["systems->stargates"]
del galaxy["stargates->systems"]

for cid, constellation in galaxy["constellations"].items():
if constellation["region"] < 0:
@@ -246,6 +270,8 @@ def _load_galaxy_associations(sde_dir, galaxy):
if system["region"] < 0 or system["constellation"] < 0:
print("[WARNING] Orphaned system: %d=%s" % (sid, system["name"]))


def _load_factions(sde_dir):
print("Loading factions... ", end="", flush=True)
