# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone from flask import g, session, url_for from itsdangerous import BadSignature, URLSafeSerializer from . import baseLogger from .exceptions import AccessDeniedError __all__ = ["AuthManager"] class AuthManager: """Authentication manager. Handles user access and management.""" EXPIRY_THRESHOLD = 30 def __init__(self, config, eve): self._config = config self._eve = eve self._logger = baseLogger.getChild("auth") self._debug = self._logger.debug def _allocate_new_session(self): """Create a new session for the current user.""" sid, created = g.db.new_session() session["id"] = sid session["date"] = int(created.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc).timestamp()) self._debug("Allocated session id=%d", sid) g._session_check = True g._session_expired = False def _get_session_id(self): """Return the current session ID, allocating a new one if necessary.""" if "id" not in session: self._allocate_new_session() return session["id"] def _invalidate_session(self): """Mark the current session as invalid. Remove it from the database and from the user's cookies. """ if "id" in session: sid = session["id"] g.db.drop_session(sid) self._debug("Dropped session id=%d", sid) session.clear() def _expire_session(self, always_notify=False): """Mark the current session as expired, then invalidate it.""" if always_notify or session.get("expire-notify"): g._session_expired = True self._debug("Session expired id=%d", session["id"]) self._invalidate_session() def _check_session(self, always_notify_expired=False): """Return whether the user has a valid, non-expired session. This checks for the session existing in the database, but does not check that the user is logged in or has any particular access roles. """ if "id" not in session: return False if hasattr(g, "_session_check"): return g._session_check if "date" not in session: self._debug("Clearing dateless session id=%d", session["id"]) session.clear() return False created = g.db.has_session(session["id"]) if not created: self._expire_session(always_notify=always_notify_expired) g._session_check = False return False cstamp = int(created.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc).timestamp()) if session["date"] != cstamp: self._debug("Clearing bad-date session id=%d", session["id"]) session.clear() return False g._session_check = True return True def _get_state_hash(self): """Return a hash of the user's session ID suitable for OAuth2 state. Allocates a new session ID if necessary. """ key = self._config.get("auth.session_key") serializer = URLSafeSerializer(key) return serializer.dumps(self._get_session_id()) def _verify_state_hash(self, state): """Confirm that a state hash is correct for the user's session. Assumes we've already checked the session ID. If the state is invalid, the session will be invalidated. """ key = self._config.get("auth.session_key") serializer = URLSafeSerializer(key) try: value = serializer.loads(state) except BadSignature: self._debug("Bad signature for session id=%d", session["id"]) self._invalidate_session() return False if value != session["id"]: self._debug("Got session id=%d, expected id=%d", value, session["id"]) self._invalidate_session() return False return True def _fetch_new_token(self, code, refresh=False): """Given an auth code or refresh token, get a new token and other data. If refresh is True, code should be a refresh token, otherwise an auth code. If successful, we'll return a 5-tuple of (access_token, token_expiry, refresh_token, char_id, char_name). If the token was invalid, we'll return None. We may also raise EVEAPIError if there was an internal API error. """ cid = self._config.get("auth.client_id") secret = self._config.get("auth.client_secret") result = self._eve.sso.get_access_token(cid, secret, code, refresh) if not result: return None token, expiry, refresh = result expires = (datetime.utcnow().replace(microsecond=0) + timedelta(seconds=expiry)) result = self._eve.sso.get_character_info(token) if not result: return None char_id, char_name = result return token, expires, refresh, char_id, char_name def _get_token(self, cid): """Return a valid access token for the given character, or None. If the database doesn't have an auth entry for this character, return None. If the database's token is expired but the refresh token is valid, then refresh it, update the database, and return the new token. If the token has become invalid and couldn't be refreshed, drop the auth information from the database and return None. """ result = g.db.get_auth(cid) if not result: self._debug("No auth info in database for char id=%d", cid) return None token, expires, refresh = result seconds_til_expiry = (expires - datetime.utcnow()).total_seconds() if seconds_til_expiry >= self.EXPIRY_THRESHOLD: self._debug("Using cached access token for char id=%d", cid) return token result = self._fetch_new_token(refresh, refresh=True) if not result: self._debug("Couldn't refresh token for char id=%d", cid) g.db.drop_auth(cid) return None token, expires, refresh, char_id, char_name = result if char_id != cid: self._debug("Refreshed token has incorrect char id=%d for " "char id=%d", char_id, cid) g.db.drop_auth(cid) return None self._debug("Using fresh access token for char id=%d", cid) g.db.put_character(cid, char_name) g.db.update_auth(cid, token, expires, refresh) return token def _is_corp_member(self, token, char_id): """"Return whether the given character is in the site's corp.""" resp = self._eve.esi(token).v3.characters(char_id).get() return resp.get("corporation_id") == self._config.get("corp.id") def _check_access(self, token, char_id): """"Check whether the given character is allowed to access this site. If allowed, do nothing. If not, raise AccessDeniedError. """ if not self._is_corp_member(token, char_id): self._debug("Access denied per corp membership for char id=%d " "session id=%d", char_id, session["id"]) g.db.drop_auth(char_id) self._invalidate_session() raise AccessDeniedError() def _cache_token(self, cid, token): """Cache the given token for this request.""" if hasattr(g, "_cached_tokens"): g._cached_tokens[cid] = token else: g._cached_tokens = {cid: token} def _update_prop_cache(self, module, prop, value): """Update the value of a character module property in the cache.""" if hasattr(g, "_character_modprops"): propcache = g._character_modprops else: propcache = g._character_modprops = {module: {}} if module not in propcache: propcache[module] = {} propcache[module][prop] = value def get_character_id(self): """Return the character ID associated with the current session. Return None if the session is invalid or is not associated with a character. """ if not self._check_session(): return None if not hasattr(g, "_character_id"): g._character_id = g.db.read_session(session["id"]) return g._character_id def get_character_prop(self, prop): """Look up a property for the current session's character. Return None if the session is invalid, is not associated with a character, or the property has no non-default value. """ cid = self.get_character_id() if not cid: return None if not hasattr(g, "_character_props"): g._character_props = g.db.read_character(cid) return g._character_props.get(prop) def set_character_style(self, style): """Update the current user's style and return whether successful.""" cid = self.get_character_id() if not cid: return False style = style.strip().lower() if style not in self._config.get("style.enabled"): return False self._debug("Setting style to %s for char id=%d", style, cid) g.db.update_character(cid, "style", style) if hasattr(g, "_character_props"): delattr(g, "_character_props") return True def get_character_modprop(self, module, prop): """Look up a module property for the current session's character. Return None if the session is invalid, is not associated with a character, or the property has no non-default value. """ cid = self.get_character_id() if not cid: return None if hasattr(g, "_character_modprops"): propcache = g._character_modprops if module in propcache and prop in propcache[module]: return propcache[module][prop] value = g.db.get_character_modprop(cid, module, prop) self._update_prop_cache(module, prop, value) return value def set_character_modprop(self, module, prop, value): """Update a module property for the current session's character. Return whether successful. """ cid = self.get_character_id() if not cid: return False self._debug("Setting module %s property %s to %s for char id=%d", module, prop, value, cid) g.db.set_character_modprop(cid, module, prop, value) self._update_prop_cache(module, prop, value) return True def get_token(self, cid=None): """Return a valid token for the given character. If no character is given, we use the current session's character. If a token couldn't be retrieved, return None. Assuming we want the current character's token and this is called in a restricted route (following a True result from is_authenticated), this function makes no API calls and should always succeed. If it is called in other circumstances, it may return None or raise EVEAPIError. """ if cid is None: cid = self.get_character_id() if not cid: return None if hasattr(g, "_cached_tokens"): if cid in g._cached_tokens: return g._cached_tokens[cid] token = self._get_token(cid) self._cache_token(cid, token) return token def is_authenticated(self): """Return whether the user has permission to access this site. We confirm that they have a valid, non-expired session that is associated with a character that is permitted to be here. EVEAPIError or AccessDeniedError may be raised. """ cid = self.get_character_id() if not cid: return False self._debug("Checking auth for session id=%d", session["id"]) token = self._get_token(cid) if not token: self._debug("No valid token for char id=%d session id=%d", cid, session["id"]) self._invalidate_session() return False self._check_access(token, cid) self._debug("Access granted for char id=%d session id=%d", cid, session["id"]) g.db.touch_session(session["id"]) self._cache_token(cid, token) return True def make_login_link(self): """Return a complete EVE SSO link that the user can use to log in.""" cid = self._config.get("auth.client_id") target = url_for("login", _external=True, _scheme=self._config.scheme) scopes = self._config.collect_scopes() state = self._get_state_hash() return self._eve.sso.get_authorize_url(cid, target, scopes, state) def handle_login(self, code, state): """Given an OAuth2 code and state, try to authenticate the user. If the user has a legitimate session and the state is valid, we'll check the code with EVE SSO to fetch an authentication token. If the token corresponds to a character that is allowed to access the site, we'll update their session to indicate so. Return whether authentication was successful. EVEAPIError or AccessDeniedError may be raised. """ if not code or not state: return False if "id" in session: self._debug("Logging in session id=%d", session["id"]) if not self._check_session(always_notify_expired=True): return False if not self._verify_state_hash(state): return False sid = session["id"] result = self._fetch_new_token(code) if not result: self._debug("Couldn't fetch token for session id=%d", sid) self._invalidate_session() return False token, expires, refresh, char_id, char_name = result self._check_access(token, char_id) self._debug("Logged in char id=%d session id=%d", char_id, sid) g.db.put_character(char_id, char_name) g.db.set_auth(char_id, token, expires, refresh) g.db.attach_session(sid, char_id) g.db.touch_session(sid) session["expire-notify"] = True return True def handle_logout(self): """Log out the user if they are logged in. Invalidates their session and clears the session cookie. """ if "id" in session: self._debug("Logging out session id=%d", session["id"]) self._invalidate_session() def get_valid_characters(self): """Iterate over all valid corp members that we have tokens for. Each character is returned as a 2-tuple of (char_id, token). This function may make a large number of API queries (up to three per character in the corp), hence it is a generator. """ chars = g.db.get_authed_characters() for cid, token, expires, refresh in chars: seconds_til_expiry = (expires - datetime.utcnow()).total_seconds() if seconds_til_expiry < self.EXPIRY_THRESHOLD: result = self._fetch_new_token(refresh, refresh=True) if not result: self._debug("Couldn't refresh token for char id=%d", cid) g.db.drop_auth(cid) continue token, expires, refresh, char_id, char_name = result if char_id != cid: self._debug("Refreshed token has incorrect char id=%d for " "char id=%d", char_id, cid) g.db.drop_auth(cid) continue g.db.put_character(cid, char_name) g.db.update_auth(cid, token, expires, refresh) if self._is_corp_member(token, cid): yield cid, token