# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys import textwrap from flask import g from .._provided import config, logger from ...exceptions import EVEAPIForbiddenError __all__ = ["update_operation"] def _save_operation(cname, opname, primary, secondary, key=None): """Save the given campaign/operation overview info in the database.""" secstr = "" if secondary is None else (" secondary=%d" % secondary) logger.debug("Setting overview primary=%d%s campaign=%s operation=%s", primary, secstr, cname, opname) g.campaign_db.set_overview(cname, opname, primary, secondary) g.campaign_db.touch_operation(cname, opname, key=key) def _build_filter(qualifiers, arg): """Given a qualifiers string from the config, return a filter function. This function is extremely sensitive since it executes arbitrary Python code. It should never be run with a user-provided argument! We trust the contents of a config file because it originates from a known place on the filesystem. """ namespace = {"g": g} body = ("def _func(%s):\n" % arg) + textwrap.indent(qualifiers, " " * 4) exec(body, namespace) return namespace["_func"] def _store_kill(cname, opnames, kill): """Store the given kill and its associations into the database.""" kid = kill["killmail_id"] if g.campaign_db.has_kill(kid): current = g.campaign_db.get_kill_associations(cname, kid) opnames -= set(current) if opnames: logger.debug("Adding operations=%s to kill id=%d campaign=%s", ",".join(opnames), kid, cname) else: logger.debug("Adding kill id=%d campaign=%s operations=%s", kid, cname, ",".join(opnames)) g.campaign_db.add_kill(kill) g.campaign_db.associate_kill(cname, kid, opnames) def _update_killboard_operations(cname, opnames, min_kill_id): """Update all killboard-type operations in the given campaign subset.""" operations = config["campaigns"][cname]["operations"] filters = [] for opname in opnames: qualif = operations[opname]["qualifiers"] filters.append((_build_filter(qualif, "kill"), opname)) args = ["kills", "corporationID", g.config.get("corp.id"), "no-items", "no-attackers", "orderDirection", "desc"] max_kill_id = min_kill_id for kill in g.eve.zkill.iter_killmails(*args, extended=True): kid = kill["killmail_id"] if min_kill_id > 0 and kid == min_kill_id: # TODO: This fails if ZKill receives kills out of order. # Should look ahead for kills within, say, 12 hours of the # min_kill_id, and extend code below to ignore kills aleady # included instead of re-adding. break ktime = kill["killmail_time"] logger.debug("Evaluating kill date=%s id=%d for campaign=%s " "operations=%s", ktime, kid, cname, ",".join(opnames)) max_kill_id = max(max_kill_id, kid) ops = set() for filt, opname in filters: if filt(kill): ops.add(opname) if ops: _store_kill(cname, ops, kill) for opname in opnames: primary, secondary = g.campaign_db.count_kills(cname, opname) show_isk = operations[opname].get("isk", True) if not show_isk: secondary = None _save_operation(cname, opname, primary, secondary, key=max_kill_id) def _get_prices(): """Return a dict mapping type IDs to ISK prices.""" pricelist = g.eve.esi().v1.markets.prices.get() return {entry["type_id"]: entry["average_price"] for entry in pricelist if "average_price" in entry} def _save_collection_overview(cname, opnames, data): """Save collection overview data to the database.""" operations = config["campaigns"][cname]["operations"] for opname in opnames: primary = sum(count for d in data[opname].values() for (count, _) in d.values()) show_isk = operations[opname].get("isk", True) if show_isk: secondary = sum(value for d in data[opname].values() for (_, value) in d.values()) else: secondary = None _save_operation(cname, opname, primary, secondary) def _update_collection_operations(cname, opnames): """Update all collection-type operations in the given campaign subset.""" operations = config["campaigns"][cname]["operations"] filters = [] for opname in opnames: qualif = operations[opname]["qualifiers"] filters.append((_build_filter(qualif, "asset"), opname)) prices = _get_prices() data = {opname: {} for opname in opnames} for char_id, token in g.auth.get_valid_characters(): logger.debug("Fetching assets for char id=%d campaign=%s " "operations=%s", char_id, cname, ",".join(opnames)) try: assets = g.eve.esi(token).v1.characters(char_id).assets.get() except EVEAPIForbiddenError: logger.debug("Asset access denied for char id=%d", char_id) continue for opname in opnames: data[opname][char_id] = {} logger.debug("Evaluating %d assets for char id=%d", len(assets), char_id) for asset in assets: for filt, opname in filters: if filt(asset): typeid = asset["type_id"] count = 1 if asset["is_singleton"] else asset["quantity"] value = prices.get(typeid, 0.0) char = data[opname][char_id] if typeid in char: char[typeid][0] += count char[typeid][1] += count * value else: char[typeid] = [count, count * value] g.campaign_db.update_items(cname, data) _save_collection_overview(cname, opnames, data) def update_operation(cname, opname, new=False): """Update a campaign/operation. Assumes a thread-exclusive lock is held.""" campaign = config["campaigns"][cname] operations = campaign["operations"] optype = operations[opname]["type"] opnames = [opn for opn in campaign["enabled"] if operations[opn]["type"] == optype] if optype == "killboard": opsubset = [] min_key = 0 if new else sys.maxsize for opn in opnames: last_updated, key = g.campaign_db.check_operation(cname, opn) if new and last_updated is None: opsubset.append(opn) elif not new and last_updated is not None: min_key = min(min_key, key) opsubset.append(opn) _update_killboard_operations(cname, opsubset, min_key) elif optype == "collection": _update_collection_operations(cname, opnames) else: raise RuntimeError("Unknown operation type: %s" % optype)