# This is a sample config file for Calefaction. # Copy this to config.yml and modify it to set up your website. # You must restart the server after making any changes. site: # Full canonical server name; include port if not default: canonical: example.com # Assume HTTPS? This affects how URLs are generated, not how the site is # served (setting up TLS is your responsibility): https: yes # Contact info reported in the User-Agent when making requests to EVE's API: contact: webmaster@example.com corp: # You need to reset the database if this value is changed in the future. # Find your corp's ID at e.g. https://zkillboard.com/corporation/917701062/: id: 123456789 # Full corp name (doesn't need to match in-game name exactly, but it should): name: My Corp Name Here modules: # Most site functionality comes from optional modules selected based on your # corp's needs. They are located in the calefaction/modules/ directory. Their # order below determines how they appear in the navigation menu. # List of enabled modules: enabled: - campaigns - map - members # Module to show on the home page after users log in: home: campaigns auth: # Secure session signing key. Never share with anyone. Can generate with # "import base64, os; base64.b64encode(os.urandom(24))": session_key: sEQMbNbxRxHBhyGtt8cuLEMN6sDM1JcP # You need to create an application at # https://developers.eveonline.com/applications for this corp's website. # Set the callback URL to http(s):///login (match the protocol # with "site.https" above) and the scopes to whatever is required by the # modules you've enabled. # SSO client ID: client_id: a290afea820b8dd8c46d3883898ab66d # SSO client secret: client_secret: XXAPGc0LM6wdOJAwSNQmliZ2QhQpoBuUutQY6Rlc style: # Default stylesheet from static/styles/*.css: default: null # List of enabled stylesheets: enabled: - amarr - caldari - gallente - minmatar welcome: |- (If you are seeing this message on the public internet, someone forgot to configure their website. Whoops!) This message is displayed to anyone who reaches your website without (or before) logging in. It's public, so don't give away any secrets. You might want to explain a bit about your corp, with recruitment information, or invite corp members to log in, or maybe just say something cryptic. You can type raw HTML in here. Newlines are ignored, except for double linebreaks, which are treated as separate paragraphs.