- #!/usr/bin/env python3
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- """
- Import an EVE Online Static Data Export dump to Calefaction.
- """
- import gzip
- from pathlib import Path
- import shutil
- import sys
- import yaml
- _SHIP_CAT = 6
- _STRUCT_CATS = [22, 23, 40, 46, 65]
- _REGION = 3
- def _load_yaml(filename):
- with filename.open("rb") as fp:
- return yaml.load(fp, Loader=yaml.CLoader)
- def _save_yaml(filename, data):
- with filename.open("w") as fp:
- fp.write(yaml.dump(data, Dumper=yaml.CDumper))
- def _verify_categoryids(sde_dir):
- print("Verifying categoryIDs... ", end="", flush=True)
- data = _load_yaml(sde_dir / "fsd" / "categoryIDs.yaml")
- assert data[_SHIP_CAT]["name"]["en"] == "Ship"
- print("done.")
- def _load_groupids(sde_dir):
- print("Loading groupIDs... ", end="", flush=True)
- data = _load_yaml(sde_dir / "fsd" / "groupIDs.yaml")
- groups = {cid: {} for cid in [_SHIP_CAT, _FIGHTER_CAT] + _STRUCT_CATS}
- for gid, group in data.items():
- cat = group["categoryID"]
- if cat in groups:
- name = group["name"]["en"]
- assert isinstance(gid, int)
- assert isinstance(name, str)
- groups[cat][gid] = name
- print("done.")
- return groups
- def _load_typeids(sde_dir, groups):
- print("Loading typeIDs... ", end="", flush=True)
- data = _load_yaml(sde_dir / "fsd" / "typeIDs.yaml")
- assert data[_REGION]["groupID"] == _REGION
- assert data[_REGION]["name"]["en"] == "Region"
- assert data[_CONSTELLATION]["groupID"] == _CONSTELLATION
- assert data[_CONSTELLATION]["name"]["en"] == "Constellation"
- assert data[_SOLAR_SYSTEM]["groupID"] == _SOLAR_SYSTEM
- assert data[_SOLAR_SYSTEM]["name"]["en"] == "Solar System"
- types = {}
- killables = {"ships": {}, "structures": {}, "fighters": {}}
- cat_conv = {_SHIP_CAT: "ships", _FIGHTER_CAT: "fighters"}
- cat_conv.update({cid: "structures" for cid in _STRUCT_CATS})
- group_conv = {gid: cid for cid, gids in groups.items() for gid in gids}
- for tid, type_ in data.items():
- name = type_["name"].get("en", "Unknown")
- gid = type_["groupID"]
- assert isinstance(tid, int)
- assert isinstance(gid, int)
- assert tid >= 0
- assert gid >= 0
- types[tid] = {"name": name, "group_id": gid}
- if "marketGroupID" in type_:
- mgid = type_["marketGroupID"]
- assert isinstance(mgid, int)
- assert mgid >= 0
- types[tid]["market_group_id"] = mgid
- if gid in group_conv:
- cid = group_conv[gid]
- cname = cat_conv[cid]
- group = groups[cid][gid]
- killables[cname][tid] = {"name": name, "group": group}
- print("done.")
- return types, killables
- def _load_ids(sde_dir):
- print("Loading itemIDs... ", end="", flush=True)
- data = _load_yaml(sde_dir / "bsd" / "invItems.yaml")
- ids = {_REGION: [], _CONSTELLATION: [], _SOLAR_SYSTEM: []}
- for entry in data:
- if entry["typeID"] in ids:
- ids[entry["typeID"]].append(entry["itemID"])
- print("done.")
- return ids
- def _load_names(sde_dir):
- print("Loading itemNames... ", end="", flush=True)
- data = _load_yaml(sde_dir / "bsd" / "invNames.yaml")
- names = {}
- for entry in data:
- name = entry["itemName"]
- assert isinstance(name, str)
- names[entry["itemID"]] = name
- print("done.")
- return names
- def _build_galaxy_skeleton(ids, names):
- print("Building galaxy skeleton... ", end="", flush=True)
- galaxy = {"regions": {}, "constellations": {}, "systems": {}}
- d = galaxy["regions"]
- for rid in ids[_REGION]:
- assert isinstance(rid, int)
- d[rid] = {
- "name": names[rid]
- }
- d = galaxy["constellations"]
- for cid in ids[_CONSTELLATION]:
- assert isinstance(cid, int)
- d[cid] = {
- "name": names[cid],
- "region": -1
- }
- d = galaxy["systems"]
- for sid in ids[_SOLAR_SYSTEM]:
- assert isinstance(sid, int)
- d[sid] = {
- "name": names[sid],
- "constellation": -1,
- "region": -1,
- "security": 0.0,
- "coords": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
- "gates": []
- }
- print("done.")
- return galaxy
- def _load_assoc_for_system(galaxy, system, rid, cid):
- data = _load_yaml(system / "solarsystem.staticdata")
- sid = data["solarSystemID"]
- sec = data["security"]
- coords = data["center"]
- assert isinstance(sid, int)
- assert isinstance(sec, float)
- assert sid >= 0
- assert sec >= -1.0 and sec <= 1.0
- assert len(coords) == 3 and all(isinstance(val, float) for val in coords)
- galaxy["systems"][sid]["constellation"] = cid
- galaxy["systems"][sid]["region"] = rid
- galaxy["systems"][sid]["security"] = sec
- galaxy["systems"][sid]["coords"] = coords
- if "factionID" in data:
- facid = data["factionID"]
- assert isinstance(facid, int)
- assert facid >= 0
- galaxy["systems"][sid]["faction"] = facid
- galaxy["systems->stargates"][sid] = []
- for sgid, gate in data["stargates"].items():
- dest = gate["destination"]
- assert isinstance(sgid, int)
- assert isinstance(dest, int)
- assert sgid >= 0
- assert dest >= 0
- galaxy["systems->stargates"][sid].append(dest)
- galaxy["stargates->systems"][sgid] = sid
- def _load_assoc_for_constellation(galaxy, constellation, rid):
- data = _load_yaml(constellation / "constellation.staticdata")
- cid = data["constellationID"]
- assert isinstance(cid, int)
- assert cid >= 0
- galaxy["constellations"][cid]["region"] = rid
- if "factionID" in data:
- facid = data["factionID"]
- assert isinstance(facid, int)
- assert facid >= 0
- galaxy["constellations"][cid]["faction"] = facid
- for system in constellation.iterdir():
- if not system.is_dir():
- continue
- _load_assoc_for_system(galaxy, system, rid, cid)
- def _load_assoc_for_region(galaxy, region):
- data = _load_yaml(region / "region.staticdata")
- rid = data["regionID"]
- assert isinstance(rid, int)
- assert rid >= 0
- if "factionID" in data:
- facid = data["factionID"]
- assert isinstance(facid, int)
- assert facid >= 0
- galaxy["regions"][rid]["faction"] = facid
- for constellation in region.iterdir():
- if not constellation.is_dir():
- continue
- _load_assoc_for_constellation(galaxy, constellation, rid)
- def _load_gate_info(galaxy):
- sys2gate = galaxy["systems->stargates"]
- gate2sys = galaxy["stargates->systems"]
- for sid, gates in sys2gate.items():
- galaxy["systems"][sid]["gates"] = [gate2sys[gate] for gate in gates]
- def _load_galaxy_associations(sde_dir, galaxy):
- print("Loading galaxy staticdata... ", end="", flush=True)
- galaxy["systems->stargates"] = {}
- galaxy["stargates->systems"] = {}
- univdir = sde_dir / "fsd" / "universe"
- for base in univdir.iterdir():
- if not base.is_dir():
- continue
- for region in base.iterdir():
- if not region.is_dir():
- continue
- _load_assoc_for_region(galaxy, region)
- _load_gate_info(galaxy)
- del galaxy["systems->stargates"]
- del galaxy["stargates->systems"]
- for cid, constellation in galaxy["constellations"].items():
- if constellation["region"] < 0:
- print("[WARNING] Orphaned constellation: %d=%s" % (
- cid, constellation["name"]))
- for sid, system in galaxy["systems"].items():
- if system["region"] < 0 or system["constellation"] < 0:
- print("[WARNING] Orphaned system: %d=%s" % (sid, system["name"]))
- print("done.")
- def _load_factions(sde_dir):
- print("Loading factions... ", end="", flush=True)
- data = _load_yaml(sde_dir / "bsd" / "chrFactions.yaml")
- factions = {}
- for entry in data:
- fid = entry["factionID"]
- name = entry["factionName"]
- assert isinstance(fid, int)
- assert isinstance(name, str)
- assert fid >= 0
- factions[fid] = {"name": name}
- print("done.")
- return factions
- def _dump_types(out_dir, types):
- print("Dumping types... ", end="", flush=True)
- _save_yaml(out_dir / "types.yml", types)
- print("done.")
- def _dump_killables(out_dir, killables):
- print("Dumping killables... ", end="", flush=True)
- _save_yaml(out_dir / "killables.yml", killables)
- print("done.")
- def _dump_galaxy(out_dir, galaxy):
- print("Dumping galaxy... ", end="", flush=True)
- _save_yaml(out_dir / "galaxy.yml", galaxy)
- print("done.")
- def _dump_entities(out_dir, factions):
- print("Dumping entities... ", end="", flush=True)
- entities = {"factions": factions}
- _save_yaml(out_dir / "entities.yml", entities)
- print("done.")
- def _compress(out_dir):
- targets = ["types", "killables", "galaxy", "entities"]
- for basename in targets:
- print("Compressing %s... " % basename, end="", flush=True)
- fn_src = out_dir / (basename + ".yml")
- fn_dst = out_dir / (basename + ".yml.gz")
- with fn_src.open("rb") as f_in:
- with gzip.open(str(fn_dst), "wb") as f_out:
- shutil.copyfileobj(f_in, f_out)
- print("done.")
- def _cleanup(out_dir):
- print("Cleaning up... ", end="", flush=True)
- targets = ["types", "killables", "galaxy", "entities"]
- for basename in targets:
- (out_dir / (basename + ".yml")).unlink()
- print("done.")
- def import_sde(sde_dir, out_dir):
- """Import the SDE unzipped at sde_dir to out_dir."""
- print("EVE Online static data import")
- print("- from: %s" % sde_dir)
- print("- to: %s" % out_dir)
- _verify_categoryids(sde_dir)
- groups = _load_groupids(sde_dir)
- types, killables = _load_typeids(sde_dir, groups)
- _dump_types(out_dir, types)
- _dump_killables(out_dir, killables)
- del groups, types, killables
- ids = _load_ids(sde_dir)
- print("Counts: regions=%d, constellations=%d, systems=%d" % (
- len(ids[_REGION]), len(ids[_CONSTELLATION]), len(ids[_SOLAR_SYSTEM])))
- names = _load_names(sde_dir)
- galaxy = _build_galaxy_skeleton(ids, names)
- del ids, names
- _load_galaxy_associations(sde_dir, galaxy)
- _dump_galaxy(out_dir, galaxy)
- del galaxy
- factions = _load_factions(sde_dir)
- _dump_entities(out_dir, factions)
- del factions
- _compress(out_dir)
- _cleanup(out_dir)
- def main():
- if len(sys.argv) < 2:
- print("usage: %s <sde_directory>" % sys.argv[0])
- exit(1)
- sde_dir = Path(sys.argv[1]).resolve()
- out_dir = Path(__file__).resolve().parent.parent / "data" / "universe"
- import_sde(sde_dir, out_dir)
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- main()