A corporation manager and dashboard for EVE Online
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

23 regels
872 B

  1. # This is a sample config file for Calefaction.
  2. # Copy this to config.yml and modify it to set up your website.
  3. corp:
  4. # Find your corp's ID at, e.g., https://zkillboard.com/corporation/917701062/
  5. id: 123456789
  6. # Full corp name (doesn't need to match in-game name exactly, but should)
  7. name: My Corp Name Here
  8. welcome: |-
  9. (If you are seeing this message on the public internet, someone forgot to
  10. configure their website. Whoops!)
  11. This message is displayed to anyone who reaches your website without
  12. (or before) logging in.
  13. It's public, so don't give away any secrets. You might want to explain a bit
  14. about your corp, with recruitment information, or invite corp members to log
  15. in, or maybe just say something cryptic.
  16. You can type raw HTML in here. Newlines are ignored, except for double
  17. linebreaks, which are treated as separate paragraphs.