- <%!
- from calefaction.format import (
- format_quantity, format_isk_compact, format_utctime_compact,
- format_security, get_security_class)
- %>
- <%def name="_killboard_kill(kill, detail, any_alliances, any_factions)">
- <%
- victim = kill["victim"]
- system = g.eve.universe.system(kill["system"])
- killed = g.eve.universe.killable(victim["ship_id"])
- %>
- <tr>
- <td class="fluid">
- <abbr title="${kill["date"].strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")}">${format_utctime_compact(kill["date"]) | h}</abbr><br/>
- <a href="https://zkillboard.com/kill/${kill['id']}/">
- <abbr title="${"{:,.2f}".format(kill["value"])} ISK">${format_isk_compact(kill["value"]) | h}</abbr>
- </a>
- </td>
- <td class="fluid extra">
- <a href="https://zkillboard.com/system/${system.id}/">${system.name | h}</a> <abbr title="${system.security}" class="${get_security_class(system.security)}">${format_security(system.security)}</abbr><br/>
- <a href="https://zkillboard.com/region/${system.region.id}/">${system.region.name | h}</a>
- </td>
- <td class="icon">
- <a href="https://zkillboard.com/kill/${kill['id']}/">
- <img title="Kill ${kill['id']}: ${killed.name | h}" alt="Kill ${kill['id']}: ${killed.name | h}" src="${g.eve.image.inventory(victim["ship_id"], 64)}"/>
- </a>
- </td>
- <td class="icon extra">
- <a href="https://zkillboard.com/character/${victim['char_id']}/">
- <img title="${victim['char_name'] | h}" alt="${victim['char_name'] | h}" src="${g.eve.image.character(victim["char_id"], 128)}"/>
- </a>
- </td>
- % if detail:
- <td class="detail-item">
- <a href="https://zkillboard.com/character/${victim['char_id']}/">${victim['char_name'] | h}</a>
- (${killed.name | h})
- </td>
- % endif
- <td class="icon${' extra' if victim["alliance_id"] and victim["faction_id"] else ''}">
- <a href="https://zkillboard.com/corporation/${victim['corp_id']}/">
- <img title="${victim['corp_name'] | h}" alt="${victim['corp_name'] | h}" src="${g.eve.image.corp(victim["corp_id"], 128)}"/>
- </a>
- </td>
- % if any_alliances:
- <td class="icon${'' if victim["alliance_id"] else ' extra'}">
- % if victim["alliance_id"]:
- <a href="https://zkillboard.com/alliance/${victim['alliance_id']}/">
- <img title="${victim['alliance_name'] | h}" alt="${victim['alliance_name'] | h}" src="${g.eve.image.alliance(victim["alliance_id"], 128)}"/>
- </a>
- % endif
- </td>
- % endif
- % if any_factions:
- <td class="icon${'' if victim["faction_id"] else ' extra'}">
- % if victim["faction_id"]:
- <a href="https://zkillboard.com/faction/${victim['faction_id']}/">
- <img title="${victim['faction_name'] | h}" alt="${victim['faction_name'] | h}" src="${g.eve.image.faction(victim["faction_id"], 128)}"/>
- </a>
- % endif
- </td>
- % endif
- % if not detail and (any_alliances or any_factions) and not victim["alliance_id"] and not victim["faction_id"]:
- <td class="icon spacer"></td>
- % endif
- % if detail:
- <td class="detail-item">
- <ul class="detail-list">
- <li><a href="https://zkillboard.com/corporation/${victim['corp_id']}/">${victim['corp_name'] | h}</a></li>
- % if victim['alliance_name']:
- <li><a href="https://zkillboard.com/alliance/${victim['alliance_id']}/">${victim['alliance_name'] | h}</a></li>
- % endif
- % if victim['faction_name']:
- <li><a href="https://zkillboard.com/faction/${victim['faction_id']}/">${victim['faction_name'] | h}</a></li>
- % endif
- </ul>
- </td>
- % endif
- </tr>
- </%def>
- <%def name="_itemboard_item(item)">
- <%
- type_id, count, value = item
- type = g.eve.universe.type(type_id)
- %>
- <tr>
- <td class="icon">
- <img title="${type.name | h}" alt="" src="${g.eve.image.inventory(type_id, 64)}"/>
- </td>
- <td>
- <a href="https://eve-central.com/home/quicklook.html?typeid=${type_id | u}">${type.name | h}</a>
- </td>
- <td>
- <span class="count">${format_quantity(count) | h}</span><br/>
- <abbr class="price" title="${"{:,.2f}".format(value)} ISK">${format_isk_compact(value) | h}</abbr>
- </td>
- </tr>
- </%def>
- <%def name="_build_sort_changer(keys, descriptors, sortby)">
- % if keys:
- <ul class="change-sort">
- % for key in keys:
- % if key == sortby:
- <li class="cur">${descriptors[key]}</li>
- % else:
- <li><a href="${url_for('.operation', cname=cname, opname=opname, sort=key)}">${descriptors[key]}</a></li>
- % endif
- % endfor
- </ul>
- % endif
- </%def>
- <%def name="_killboard_recent(summary, detail, sortby)">
- % if detail:
- <%
- descriptors = {
- "new": "most recent first",
- "old": "most recent last",
- "value": "most valuable first"
- }
- if sortby not in descriptors:
- sortby = "new"
- %>
- <h3 class="head">Kills:</h3>
- ${_build_sort_changer(["new", "old", "value"], descriptors, sortby)}
- % else:
- <div class="head">Most recent kills:</div>
- % endif
- <%
- any_alliances = any(kill["victim"]["alliance_id"] for kill in summary)
- any_factions = any(kill["victim"]["faction_id"] for kill in summary)
- %>
- <div class="contents">
- <table class="board killboard">
- % for kill in summary:
- ${_killboard_kill(kill, detail, any_alliances, any_factions)}
- % endfor
- </table>
- </div>
- </%def>
- <%def name="_collection_items(summary, detail, sortby)">
- % if detail:
- <%
- descriptors = {
- "value": "most valuable first",
- "quantity": "greatest quantity first",
- "price": "most expensive first"
- }
- if sortby not in descriptors:
- sortby = "value"
- %>
- <h3 class="head">Items:</h3>
- ${_build_sort_changer(["value", "quantity", "price"], descriptors, sortby)}
- % else:
- <div class="head">Top items:</div>
- % endif
- <div class="contents">
- <table class="board itemboard">
- % for item in summary:
- ${_itemboard_item(item)}
- % endfor
- </table>
- </div>
- </%def>
- <%def name="render_summary(renderer, summary, detail=False, sortby=None)"><%
- if renderer == "killboard_recent":
- return _killboard_recent(summary, detail, sortby)
- if renderer == "collection_items":
- return _collection_items(summary, detail, sortby)
- raise RuntimeError("Unknown renderer: %s" % renderer)
- %></%def>