A corporation manager and dashboard for EVE Online
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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  1. <%!
  2. from calefaction.format import format_isk
  3. %>
  4. <%inherit file="../_default.mako"/>
  5. <%namespace file="renderers.mako" import="render_summary"/>
  6. <%block name="title">
  7. ${self.support.maketitle(campaign["title"], "Campaigns")}
  8. </%block>
  9. <%block name="extracss">
  10. ${self.support.makecss("campaigns.css")}
  11. </%block>
  12. <%block name="extrajs">
  13. ${self.support.makejs("campaigns.js")}
  14. </%block>
  15. <h2>
  16. <span class="understate">Campaign:</span>
  17. <span${"" if enabled else ' class="disabled"'}>${campaign["title"] | h}</span>
  18. % if not enabled:
  19. <abbr class="disabled-info" title="Campaign inactive">&#10008;</abbr>
  20. % endif
  21. </h2>
  22. <% mod = g.config.modules.campaigns %>
  23. <div id="operations">
  24. % for section in campaign["layout"]:
  25. <section>
  26. % for opname in section:
  27. <%
  28. operation = campaign["operations"][opname]
  29. primary, secondary = mod.get_overview(name, opname)
  30. summary, renderer = mod.get_summary(name, opname, limit=5)
  31. klass = "big" if primary < 1000 else "medium" if primary < 1000000 else "small"
  32. punit = mod.get_unit(operation, primary)
  33. sunit = mod.get_unit(operation, secondary, primary=False)
  34. %>
  35. <div class="operation">
  36. <h3>
  37. <a href="${url_for('campaigns.operation', cname=name, opname=opname)}">${operation["title"] | h}</a>
  38. </h3>
  39. <div class="overview">
  40. <div class="primary">
  41. <span class="num ${klass}">${"{:,}".format(primary)}</span>
  42. <div class="unit">${punit}</div>
  43. </div>
  44. % if secondary is not None:
  45. <div class="secondary">
  46. <abbr title="${"{:,.2f}".format(secondary)} ${sunit}">
  47. <span class="num">${format_isk(secondary) | h}</span>
  48. <span class="unit">${sunit}</span>
  49. </abbr>
  50. </div>
  51. % endif
  52. </div>
  53. % if summary:
  54. <div class="summary">
  55. ${render_summary(renderer, summary)}
  56. </div>
  57. % endif
  58. </div>
  59. % endfor
  60. </section>
  61. % endfor
  62. </div>