
Underscores in the names of everything "private".

Ben Kurtovic 12 年前
共有 4 个文件被更改,包括 26 次插入25 次删除
  1. +1
  2. +10
  3. +8
  4. +7

+ 1
- 0
pages/support/__init__.py 查看文件

@@ -0,0 +1 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

+ 10
- 10
pages/support/copyvios/checker.py 查看文件

@@ -16,13 +16,13 @@ def get_results(context, bot, site, title, url, query):
return page, None

# if url:
# result = get_url_specific_results(page, url)
# result = _get_url_specific_results(page, url)
# else:
# conn = open_sql_connection(bot, "copyvioCache")
# if not query.get("nocache"):
# result = get_cached_results(page, conn)
# result = _get_cached_results(page, conn)
# if query.get("nocache") or not result:
# result = get_fresh_results(page, conn)
# result = _get_fresh_results(page, conn)
tstart = time()
mc1 = __import__("earwigbot").wiki.copyvios.MarkovChain(page.get())
mc2 = __import__("earwigbot").wiki.copyvios.MarkovChain(u"This is some random textual content for a page.")
@@ -34,14 +34,14 @@ def get_results(context, bot, site, title, url, query):
return page, result

def get_url_specific_results(page, url):
def _get_url_specific_results(page, url):
t_start = time()
result = page.copyvio_compare(url)
result.cached = False
result.tdiff = time() - t_start
return result

def get_cached_results(page, conn):
def _get_cached_results(page, conn):
query2 = "SELECT cache_url, cache_time, cache_queries, cache_process_time FROM cache WHERE cache_id = ? AND cache_hash = ?"
pageid = page.pageid()
@@ -62,10 +62,10 @@ def get_cached_results(page, conn):
result.tdiff = time() - t_start
result.original_tdiff = original_tdiff
result.cache_time = cache_time.strftime("%b %d, %Y %H:%M:%S UTC")
result.cache_age = format_date(cache_time)
result.cache_age = _format_date(cache_time)
return result

def format_date(cache_time):
def _format_date(cache_time):
diff = datetime.utcnow() - cache_time
if diff.seconds > 3600:
return "{0} hours".format(diff.seconds / 3600)
@@ -73,15 +73,15 @@ def format_date(cache_time):
return "{0} minutes".format(diff.seconds / 60)
return "{0} seconds".format(diff.seconds)

def get_fresh_results(page, conn):
def _get_fresh_results(page, conn):
t_start = time()
result = page.copyvio_check(max_queries=10)
result.cached = False
result.tdiff = time() - t_start
cache_result(page, result, conn)
_cache_result(page, result, conn)
return result

def cache_result(page, result, conn):
def _cache_result(page, result, conn):
pageid = page.pageid()
hash = sha256(page.get()).hexdigest()
query1 = "SELECT 1 FROM cache WHERE cache_id = ?"

+ 8
- 8
pages/support/copyvios/highlighter.py 查看文件

@@ -13,17 +13,17 @@ def highlight_delta(context, chain, delta):
words = paragraph.split(" ")
for i, word in enumerate(words, i):
next = strip_word(all_words[i+1])
next = _strip_word(all_words[i+1])
except IndexError:
next = chain.END
sword = strip_word(word)
sword = _strip_word(word)
block = (prev_prev, prev) # Block for before
alock = (prev, sword) # Block for after
before = [block in delta.chain and sword in delta.chain[block]]
after = [alock in delta.chain and next in delta.chain[alock]]
is_first = i == 0
is_last = i + 1 == len(all_words)
res = highlight_word(word, before, after, is_first, is_last)
res = _highlight_word(word, before, after, is_first, is_last)
prev_prev = prev
prev = sword
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ def highlight_delta(context, chain, delta):
i += 1
return u"<br /><br />".join(processed)

def highlight_word(word, before, after, is_first, is_last):
def _highlight_word(word, before, after, is_first, is_last):
if before and after:
# Word is in the middle of a highlighted block, so don't change
# anything unless this is the first word (force block to start) or
@@ -45,14 +45,14 @@ def highlight_word(word, before, after, is_first, is_last):
# Word is the last in a highlighted block, so fade it out and then
# end the block; force open a block before the word if this is the
# first word:
res = fade_word(word, u"out") + u"</span>"
res = _fade_word(word, u"out") + u"</span>"
if is_first:
res = u'<span class="cv-hl">' + res
elif after:
# Word is the first in a highlighted block, so start the block and
# then fade it in; force close the block after the word if this is
# the last word:
res = u'<span class="cv-hl">' + fade_word(word, u"in")
res = u'<span class="cv-hl">' + _fade_word(word, u"in")
if is_last:
res += u"</span>"
@@ -60,12 +60,12 @@ def highlight_word(word, before, after, is_first, is_last):
res = word
return res

def fade_word(word, dir):
def _fade_word(word, dir):
if len(word) <= 4:
return u'<span class="cv-hl-{0}">{1}</span>'.format(dir, word)
if dir == u"out":
return u'{0}<span class="cv-hl-out">{1}</span>'.format(word[:-4], word[-4:])
return u'<span class="cv-hl-in">{0}</span>{1}'.format(word[:4], word[4:])

def strip_word(word):
def _strip_word(word):
return sub("[^\w\s-]", "", word.lower(), flags=UNICODE)

+ 7
- 7
pages/support/sites.py 查看文件

@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ def get_sites(context, bot):
except IndexError:
time_since_update = time()
if time_since_update > max_staleness:
update_sites(bot.wiki.get_site(), cursor)
_update_sites(bot.wiki.get_site(), cursor)
langs = []
for code, name in cursor.fetchall():
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ def get_sites(context, bot):
projects = cursor.fetchall()
return langs, projects

def update_sites(site, cursor):
def _update_sites(site, cursor):
matrix = site.api_query(action="sitematrix")["sitematrix"]
del matrix["count"]
languages, projects = set(), set()
@@ -83,9 +83,9 @@ def update_sites(site, cursor):
name = site["name"]
languages.add((code, u"{0} ({1})".format(code, name)))
projects |= this
save_site_updates(cursor, languages, projects)
_save_site_updates(cursor, languages, projects)

def save_site_updates(cursor, languages, projects):
def _save_site_updates(cursor, languages, projects):
query1 = "SELECT lang_code, lang_name FROM language"
query2 = "DELETE FROM language WHERE lang_code = ? AND lang_name = ?"
query3 = "INSERT INTO language VALUES (?, ?)"
@@ -95,15 +95,15 @@ def save_site_updates(cursor, languages, projects):
query7 = "SELECT 1 FROM updates WHERE update_service = ?"
query8 = "UPDATE updates SET update_time = ? WHERE update_service = ?"
query9 = "INSERT INTO updates VALUES (?, ?)"
synchronize_sites_with_db(cursor, languages, query1, query2, query3)
synchronize_sites_with_db(cursor, projects, query4, query5, query6)
_synchronize_sites_with_db(cursor, languages, query1, query2, query3)
_synchronize_sites_with_db(cursor, projects, query4, query5, query6)
cursor.execute(query7, ("sites",))
if cursor.fetchall():
cursor.execute(query8, (time(), "sites"))
cursor.execute(query9, ("sites", time()))

def synchronize_sites_with_db(cursor, updates, q_list, q_rmv, q_update):
def _synchronize_sites_with_db(cursor, updates, q_list, q_rmv, q_update):
removals = []
for site in cursor:
