Quellcode durchsuchen

More Python 3 conversion and heavy refactoring

Ben Kurtovic vor 1 Monat
23 geänderte Dateien mit 936 neuen und 688 gelöschten Zeilen
  1. +2
  2. +24
  3. +7
  4. +56
  5. +0
  6. +2
  7. +103
  8. +7
  9. +120
  10. +70
  11. +171
  12. +54
  13. +40
  14. +38
  15. +87
  16. +33
  17. +54
  18. +44
  19. +0
  20. +6
  21. +9
  22. +1
  23. +8

+ 2
- 2
.pre-commit-config.yaml Datei anzeigen

@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
- repo: https://github.com/astral-sh/ruff-pre-commit
rev: v0.6.2
rev: v0.6.8
- id: ruff
args: [--fix]
- id: ruff-format
- repo: https://github.com/RobertCraigie/pyright-python
rev: v1.1.377
rev: v1.1.383
- id: pyright

+ 24
- 0
Makefile Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
MAKEJS := uglifyjs --compress
MAKECSS := postcss -u cssnano --no-map

.PHONY: all js css

.INTERMEDIATE: static/style.tmp.css

all: js css

js: static/script.min.js

css: static/style.min.css static/api.min.css

static/script.min.js: static/script.js
$(MAKEJS) -o $@ -- $^

static/style.tmp.css: static/css/*.css
cat $^ > $@

static/style.min.css: static/style.tmp.css
$(MAKECSS) -o $@ $^

static/api.min.css: static/api.css
$(MAKECSS) -o $@ $^

+ 7
- 7
README.md Datei anzeigen

@@ -18,13 +18,13 @@ Installation
this should be in `~/www/python/venv`, otherwise it can be in a subdirectory
of the git project named `venv`:

python3 -m venv venv
. venv/bin/activate
pip install -e .
python3 -m venv venv
. venv/bin/activate
pip install -e .

- If you intend to modify CSS or JS, install the frontend dependencies:

npm install -g uglify-js cssnano postcss postcss-cli
npm install -g uglify-js cssnano postcss postcss-cli

- Create an SQL database with the tables defined by `schema.sql`.

@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ Installation

- Run `./build.py` to minify JS and CSS files after making any frontend
- Run `make` to minify JS and CSS files after making any frontend changes.

- Start your WSGI server pointing to app:app.
- Start your WSGI server pointing to app:app. For production, uWSGI or
Gunicorn are likely good options. For development, use `flask run`.

+ 56
- 70
app.py Datei anzeigen

@@ -1,23 +1,26 @@
#! /usr/bin/env python

import functools
import hashlib
import json
import logging
from functools import wraps
from hashlib import md5
from json import dumps
import os
import time
import traceback
from collections.abc import Callable
from logging.handlers import TimedRotatingFileHandler
from os import path
from time import asctime
from traceback import format_exc
from typing import Any, ParamSpec

from earwigbot.bot import Bot
from earwigbot.wiki.copyvios import globalize
from flask import Flask, g, make_response, request
from flask import Flask, Response, make_response, request
from flask_mako import MakoTemplates, TemplateError, render_template

from copyvios.api import format_api_error, handle_api_request
from copyvios.checker import do_check
from copyvios.cookies import parse_cookies
from copyvios.misc import cache, get_notice
from copyvios.cache import cache
from copyvios.checker import CopyvioCheckError, do_check
from copyvios.cookies import get_new_cookies
from copyvios.misc import get_notice
from copyvios.query import CheckQuery
from copyvios.settings import process_settings
from copyvios.sites import update_sites

@@ -27,13 +30,17 @@ MakoTemplates(app)
hand = TimedRotatingFileHandler("logs/app.log", when="midnight", backupCount=7)
app.logger.info("Flask server started " + asctime())
app._hash_cache = {}
app.logger.info(f"Flask server started {time.asctime()}")


def catch_errors(func):
def inner(*args, **kwargs):
AnyResponse = Response | str | bytes
P = ParamSpec("P")

def catch_errors(func: Callable[P, AnyResponse]) -> Callable[P, AnyResponse]:
def inner(*args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs) -> AnyResponse:
return func(*args, **kwargs)
except TemplateError as exc:
@@ -41,69 +48,42 @@ def catch_errors(func):
return render_template("error.mako", traceback=exc.text)
except Exception:
app.logger.exception("Caught exception:")
return render_template("error.mako", traceback=format_exc())
return render_template("error.mako", traceback=traceback.format_exc())

return inner

def setup_app():
cache.bot = Bot(".earwigbot", 100)
cache.langs, cache.projects = [], []
cache.last_sites_update = 0
cache.background_data = {}
cache.last_background_updates = {}


def prepare_request():
g._db = None
g.cookies = parse_cookies(
request.script_root or "/", request.environ.get("HTTP_COOKIE")
g.new_cookies = []

def add_new_cookies(response):
for cookie in g.new_cookies:
def add_new_cookies(response: Response) -> Response:
for cookie in get_new_cookies():
response.headers.add("Set-Cookie", cookie)
return response

def write_access_log(response):
msg = "%s %s %s %s -> %s"
def write_access_log(response: Response) -> Response:
f"{time.asctime()} {request.method} {request.path} "
f"{request.values.to_dict()} -> {response.status_code}"
return response

def close_databases(error):
if g._db:
def _get_hash(path: str, mtime: float) -> str:
# mtime is used as part of the cache key
with open(path, "rb") as fp:
return hashlib.sha1(fp.read()).hexdigest()

def external_url_handler(error, endpoint, values):
def external_url_handler(
error: Exception, endpoint: str, values: dict[str, Any]
) -> str:
if endpoint == "static" and "file" in values:
fpath = path.join(app.static_folder, values["file"])
mtime = path.getmtime(fpath)
cache = app._hash_cache.get(fpath)
if cache and cache[0] == mtime:
hashstr = cache[1]
with open(fpath, "rb") as f:
hashstr = md5(f.read()).hexdigest()
app._hash_cache[fpath] = (mtime, hashstr)
assert app.static_folder is not None
path = os.path.join(app.static_folder, values["file"])
mtime = os.path.getmtime(path)
hashstr = _get_hash(path, mtime)
return f"/static/{values['file']}?v={hashstr}"
raise error

@@ -113,22 +93,28 @@ app.url_build_error_handlers.append(external_url_handler)

def index():
def index() -> AnyResponse:
notice = get_notice()
query = do_check()
query = CheckQuery.from_get_args()
result = do_check(query)
error = None
except CopyvioCheckError as exc:
result = None
error = exc
return render_template(

@app.route("/settings", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def settings():
def settings() -> AnyResponse:
status = process_settings() if request.method == "POST" else None
default = cache.bot.wiki.get_site()
@@ -142,13 +128,13 @@ def settings():

def api():
def api() -> AnyResponse:
return render_template("api.mako", help=True)

def api_json():
def api_json() -> AnyResponse:
if not request.args:
return render_template("api.mako", help=True)

@@ -160,12 +146,12 @@ def api_json():
except Exception as exc:
result = format_api_error("unhandled_exception", exc)
errmsg = f"Unknown format: '{format}'"
errmsg = f"Unknown format: {format!r}"
result = format_api_error("unknown_format", errmsg)

if format == "jsonfm":
return render_template("api.mako", help=False, result=result)
resp = make_response(dumps(result))
resp = make_response(json.dumps(result))
resp.mimetype = "application/json"
resp.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"] = "*"
return resp

+ 0
- 39
build.py Datei anzeigen

@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
#! /usr/bin/env python

import os
import subprocess

def process(*args):
subprocess.run(args, check=True)

def main():
root = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "static")
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(root):
for filename in filenames:
name = os.path.relpath(os.path.join(dirpath, filename))
if filename.endswith(".js") and ".min." not in filename:
name.replace(".js", ".min.js"),
if filename.endswith(".css") and ".min." not in filename:
name.replace(".css", ".min.css"),

if __name__ == "__main__":

+ 2
- 7
pyproject.toml Datei anzeigen

@@ -14,8 +14,9 @@ dependencies = [
"flask-mako >= 0.4",
"mako >= 1.3.5",
"requests >= 2.32.3",
"pydantic >= 2.9.2",
"SQLAlchemy >= 2.0.32",
"apsw >= 3.46.1",
"mwoauth >= 0.4.0",

@@ -28,11 +29,6 @@ build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"

pythonVersion = "3.11"
exclude = [
venvPath = "."
venv = "venv"

@@ -41,4 +37,3 @@ target-version = "py311"

select = ["E4", "E7", "E9", "F", "I", "UP"]
ignore = ["F403"]

+ 103
- 103
src/copyvios/api.py Datei anzeigen

@@ -1,135 +1,142 @@
from collections import OrderedDict
__all__ = ["format_api_error", "handle_api_request"]

from .checker import T_POSSIBLE, T_SUSPECT, do_check
from .highlighter import highlight_delta
from .misc import Query, cache
from .sites import update_sites
from typing import Any

__all__ = ["format_api_error", "handle_api_request"]
from earwigbot.wiki import Page
from earwigbot.wiki.copyvios.result import CopyvioCheckResult, CopyvioSource
from flask import g

from .cache import cache
from .checker import T_POSSIBLE, T_SUSPECT, CopyvioCheckError, ErrorCode, do_check
from .highlighter import highlight_delta
from .query import APIQuery
from .sites import get_site, update_sites

"no search method": "Either 'use_engine' or 'use_links' must be true",
"bad oldid": "The revision ID is invalid",
"no URL": "The parameter 'url' is required for URL comparisons",
"bad URI": "The given URI scheme is unsupported",
"no data": "No text could be found in the given URL (note that only HTML "
"and plain text pages are supported, and content generated by "
"JavaScript or found inside iframes is ignored)",
"timeout": "The given URL timed out before any data could be retrieved",
"search error": "An error occurred while using the search engine; try "
"reloading or setting 'use_engine' to 0",
ErrorCode.NO_SEARCH_METHOD: "Either 'use_engine' or 'use_links' must be true",
ErrorCode.BAD_OLDID: "The revision ID is invalid",
ErrorCode.NO_URL: "The parameter 'url' is required for URL comparisons",
ErrorCode.BAD_URI: "The given URI scheme is unsupported",
ErrorCode.NO_DATA: (
"No text could be found in the given URL (note that only HTML and plain text "
"pages are supported, and content generated by JavaScript or found inside "
"iframes is ignored)"
ErrorCode.TIMEOUT: "The given URL timed out before any data could be retrieved",
"An error occurred while using the search engine; try reloading or setting "
"'use_engine' to 0"

def _serialize_page(page):
return OrderedDict((("title", page.title), ("url", page.url)))
def _serialize_page(page: Page) -> dict[str, Any]:
return {"title": page.title, "url": page.url}

def _serialize_source(source, show_skip=True):
def _serialize_source(
source: CopyvioSource | None, show_skip: bool = True
) -> dict[str, Any]:
if not source:
return OrderedDict((("url", None), ("confidence", 0.0), ("violation", "none")))

conf = source.confidence
data = OrderedDict(
("url", source.url),
("confidence", conf),
if conf >= T_SUSPECT
else "possible"
if conf >= T_POSSIBLE
else "none"
return {"url": None, "confidence": 0.0, "violation": "none"}

if source.confidence >= T_SUSPECT:
violation = "suspected"
elif source.confidence >= T_POSSIBLE:
violation = "possible"
violation = "none"

data = {
"url": source.url,
"confidence": source.confidence,
"violation": violation,
if show_skip:
data["skipped"] = source.skipped
data["excluded"] = source.excluded
return data

def _serialize_detail(result):
def _serialize_detail(result: CopyvioCheckResult) -> dict[str, Any] | None:
if not result.best:
return None
source_chain, delta = result.best.chains
article = highlight_delta(None, result.article_chain, delta)
source = highlight_delta(None, source_chain, delta)
return OrderedDict((("article", article), ("source", source)))
return {"article": article, "source": source}

def format_api_error(code, info):
if isinstance(info, BaseException):
info = type(info).__name__ + ": " + str(info)
error_inner = OrderedDict((("code", code), ("info", info)))
return OrderedDict((("status", "error"), ("error", error_inner)))
def format_api_error(code: str, info: Exception | str) -> dict[str, Any]:
if isinstance(info, Exception):
info = f"{type(info).__name__}: {info}"
return {"status": "error", "error": {"code": code, "info": info}}

def _hook_default(query):
info = f"Unknown action: '{query.action.lower()}'"
return format_api_error("unknown_action", info)
def _hook_default(query: APIQuery) -> dict[str, Any]:
if query.action:
return format_api_error(
"unknown_action", f"Unknown action: {query.action.lower()!r}"
return format_api_error("missing_action", "Missing 'action' query parameter")

def _hook_check(query):
def _hook_check(query: APIQuery) -> dict[str, Any]:
result = do_check(query)
except CopyvioCheckError as exc:
info = _CHECK_ERRORS.get(exc.code, "An unknown error occurred")
return format_api_error(exc.code.name.lower(), info)

if not query.submitted:
info = (
"The query parameters 'project', 'lang', and either 'title' "
"or 'oldid' are required for checks"
"The query parameters 'project', 'lang', and either 'title' or 'oldid' "
"are required for checks"
return format_api_error("missing_params", info)
if query.error:
info = _CHECK_ERRORS.get(query.error, "An unknown error occurred")
return format_api_error(query.error.replace(" ", "_"), info)
elif not query.site:
if not get_site():
info = (
f"The given site (project={query.project}, lang={query.lang}) either doesn't exist,"
" is closed, or is private"
f"The given site (project={query.project}, lang={query.lang}) either "
"doesn't exist, is closed, or is private"
return format_api_error("bad_site", info)
elif not query.result:
if not result:
if query.oldid:
info = "The revision ID couldn't be found: {0}"
return format_api_error("bad_oldid", info.format(query.oldid))
return format_api_error(
"bad_oldid", f"The revision ID couldn't be found: {query.oldid}"
info = "The page couldn't be found: {0}"
return format_api_error("bad_title", info.format(query.page.title))

result = query.result
data = OrderedDict(
("status", "ok"),
("time", result.time),
("queries", result.queries),
("cached", result.cached),
("redirected", bool(query.redirected_from)),
("page", _serialize_page(query.page)),
if result.cached:
data["meta"]["cache_time"] = result.cache_time
if query.redirected_from:
data["original_page"] = _serialize_page(query.redirected_from)
assert isinstance(g.page, Page), g.page
return format_api_error(
"bad_title", f"The page couldn't be found: {g.page.title}"

assert isinstance(g.page, Page), g.page
data = {
"status": "ok",
"meta": {
"time": result.time,
"queries": result.queries,
"cached": result.metadata.cached,
"redirected": hasattr(result.metadata, "redirected_from"),
"page": _serialize_page(g.page),
if result.metadata.cached:
data["meta"]["cache_time"] = result.metadata.cache_time
if result.metadata.redirected_from:
data["original_page"] = _serialize_page(result.metadata.redirected_from)
data["best"] = _serialize_source(result.best, show_skip=False)
data["sources"] = [_serialize_source(source) for source in result.sources]
if query.detail in ("1", "true"):
if query.detail:
data["detail"] = _serialize_detail(result)
return data

def _hook_sites(query):
def _hook_sites(query: APIQuery) -> dict[str, Any]:
return OrderedDict(
(("status", "ok"), ("langs", cache.langs), ("projects", cache.projects))
return {"status": "ok", "langs": cache.langs, "projects": cache.projects}

_HOOKS = {
@@ -140,19 +147,12 @@ _HOOKS = {

def handle_api_request():
query = Query()
if query.version:
query.version = int(query.version)
except ValueError:
info = f"The version string is invalid: {query.version}"
return format_api_error("invalid_version", info)
query.version = 1
query = APIQuery.from_get_args()

if query.version == 1:
action = query.action.lower() if query.action else ""
return _HOOKS.get(action, _hook_default)(query)

info = f"The API version is unsupported: {query.version}"
return format_api_error("unsupported_version", info)
return format_api_error(
"unsupported_version", f"The API version is unsupported: {query.version}"

+ 7
- 6
src/copyvios/attribution.py Datei anzeigen

@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
from earwigbot.wiki import NS_TEMPLATE

__all__ = ["get_attribution_info"]

from earwigbot.wiki import NS_TEMPLATE, Page, Site

"enwiki": {
@@ -14,11 +14,11 @@ ATTRIB_TEMPLATES = {

def get_attribution_info(site, page):
"""Check to see if the given page has some kind of attribution info.
def get_attribution_info(site: Site, page: Page) -> tuple[str, str] | None:
Check to see if the given page has some kind of attribution info.

If yes, return a tuple of (attribution template name, template URL).
If no, return None.
Return a tuple of (attribution template name, template URL) or None if no template.
if site.name not in ATTRIB_TEMPLATES:
return None
@@ -32,4 +32,5 @@ def get_attribution_info(site, page):
name = str(template.name).strip()
title = name if ":" in name else prefix + ":" + name
return name, site.get_page(title).url

return None

+ 120
- 58
src/copyvios/background.py Datei anzeigen

@@ -1,100 +1,162 @@
__all__ = ["get_background"]

import json
import logging
import random
import re
import urllib.error
import urllib.parse
import urllib.request
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from json import loads
from dataclasses import dataclass
from datetime import UTC, date, datetime, timedelta
from typing import Self

from earwigbot import exceptions
from earwigbot.wiki import Site
from flask import g

from .misc import cache
from .cache import cache
from .cookies import get_cookies

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class BackgroundInfo:
filename: str
url: str
descurl: str
width: int
height: int

__all__ = ["set_background"]
class ScreenInfo:
width: int = 1024
height: int = 768

def from_cookie(cls, value: str) -> Self:
screen = json.loads(value)
screen = cls(width=int(screen["width"]), height=int(screen["height"]))
if screen.width <= 0 or screen.height <= 0:
raise ValueError()
except (ValueError, KeyError):
screen = cls()
return screen

def _get_commons_site():
def _get_commons_site() -> Site:
return cache.bot.wiki.get_site("commonswiki")
except exceptions.SiteNotFoundError:
return cache.bot.wiki.add_site(project="wikimedia", lang="commons")

def _load_file(site, filename):
data = site.api_query(
titles="File:" + filename,
def _load_file(site: Site, filename: str) -> BackgroundInfo | None:
prefix = "File:"
data = site.api_query(
titles=prefix + filename,
res = list(data["query"]["pages"].values())[0]["imageinfo"][0]
name = res["canonicaltitle"]
assert isinstance(name, str), name
except Exception:
logger.exception(f"Failed to get info for file {prefix + filename!r}")
return None
name = name.removeprefix(prefix).replace(" ", "_")
return BackgroundInfo(
name, res["url"], res["descriptionurl"], res["width"], res["height"]
res = list(data["query"]["pages"].values())[0]["imageinfo"][0]
name = res["canonicaltitle"][len("File:") :].replace(" ", "_")
return name, res["url"], res["descriptionurl"], res["width"], res["height"]

def _get_fresh_potd():
def _get_fresh_from_potd() -> BackgroundInfo | None:
site = _get_commons_site()
date = datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
page = site.get_page("Template:Potd/" + date)
date = datetime.now(UTC).strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
page = site.get_page(f"Template:Potd/{date}")
regex = r"\{\{Potd filename\|(?:1=)?(.*?)\|.*?\}\}"
filename = re.search(regex, page.get()).group(1)
match = re.search(regex, page.get())
except exceptions.EarwigBotError:
logger.exception(f"Failed to load today's POTD from {page.title!r}")
return None
if not match:
logger.exception(f"Failed to extract POTD from {page.title!r}")
return None
filename = match.group(1)
return _load_file(site, filename)

def _get_fresh_list():
def _get_fresh_from_list() -> BackgroundInfo | None:
site = _get_commons_site()
page = site.get_page("User:The Earwig/POTD")
regex = r"\*\*?\s*\[\[:File:(.*?)\]\]"
filenames = re.findall(regex, page.get())

# Ensure all workers share the same background each day:
filename = random.choice(filenames)
filenames = re.findall(regex, page.get())
except exceptions.EarwigBotError:
logger.exception(f"Failed to load images from {page.title!r}")
return None

# Ensure all workers share the same background each day
rand = random.Random()
filename = rand.choice(filenames)
except IndexError:
logger.exception(f"Failed to find any images on {page.title!r}")
return None
return _load_file(site, filename)

def _build_url(screen, filename, url, imgwidth, imgheight):
width = screen["width"]
if float(imgwidth) / imgheight > float(screen["width"]) / screen["height"]:
width = int(float(imgwidth) / imgheight * screen["height"])
if width >= imgwidth:
return url
url = url.replace("/commons/", "/commons/thumb/")
return "%s/%dpx-%s" % (url, width, urllib.parse.quote(filename.encode("utf8")))
def _build_url(screen: ScreenInfo, background: BackgroundInfo) -> str:
width = screen.width
if background.width / background.height > screen.width / screen.height:
width = int(background.width / background.height * screen.height)
if width >= background.width:
return background.url
url = background.url.replace("/commons/", "/commons/thumb/")
return f"{url}/{width}px-{urllib.parse.quote(background.filename)}"

_BACKGROUNDS = {"potd": _get_fresh_potd, "list": _get_fresh_list}
"potd": _get_fresh_from_potd,
"list": _get_fresh_from_list,

_BACKGROUND_CACHE: dict[str, BackgroundInfo | None] = {}
_LAST_BACKGROUND_UPDATES: dict[str, date] = {
key: datetime.min.date() for key in _BACKGROUNDS

def _get_background(selected):
if not cache.last_background_updates:
for key in _BACKGROUNDS:
cache.last_background_updates[key] = datetime.min

plus_one = cache.last_background_updates[selected] + timedelta(days=1)
max_age = datetime(plus_one.year, plus_one.month, plus_one.day)
if datetime.utcnow() > max_age:
update_func = _BACKGROUNDS.get(selected, _get_fresh_list)
cache.background_data[selected] = update_func()
cache.last_background_updates[selected] = datetime.utcnow().date()
return cache.background_data[selected]
def _get_background(selected: str) -> BackgroundInfo | None:
next_day = _LAST_BACKGROUND_UPDATES[selected] + timedelta(days=1)
max_age = datetime(next_day.year, next_day.month, next_day.day, tzinfo=UTC)
if datetime.now(UTC) > max_age:
update_func = _BACKGROUNDS.get(selected, _get_fresh_from_list)
_BACKGROUND_CACHE[selected] = update_func()
_LAST_BACKGROUND_UPDATES[selected] = datetime.now(UTC).date()
return _BACKGROUND_CACHE[selected]

def set_background(selected):
if "CopyviosScreenCache" in g.cookies:
screen_cache = g.cookies["CopyviosScreenCache"].value
screen = loads(screen_cache)
screen = {"width": int(screen["width"]), "height": int(screen["height"])}
if screen["width"] <= 0 or screen["height"] <= 0:
raise ValueError()
except (ValueError, KeyError):
screen = {"width": 1024, "height": 768}
def get_background(selected: str) -> str:
cookies = get_cookies()
if "CopyviosScreenCache" in cookies:
cookie = cookies["CopyviosScreenCache"].value
screen = ScreenInfo.from_cookie(cookie)
screen = {"width": 1024, "height": 768}
screen = ScreenInfo()

filename, url, descurl, width, height = _get_background(selected)
bg_url = _build_url(screen, filename, url, width, height)
g.descurl = descurl
background = _get_background(selected)
if background:
bg_url = _build_url(screen, background)
g.descurl = background.descurl
bg_url = ""
g.descurl = None
return bg_url

+ 70
- 0
src/copyvios/cache.py Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
__all__ = ["cache"]

import os.path
import sqlite3
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import Any

import sqlalchemy
from earwigbot.bot import Bot

@dataclass(frozen=True, order=True)
class Lang:
code: str
name: str

@dataclass(frozen=True, order=True)
class Project:
code: str
name: str

class AppCache:
bot: Bot
engine: sqlalchemy.Engine
langs: list[Lang] = field(default_factory=list)
projects: list[Project] = field(default_factory=list)

@sqlalchemy.event.listens_for(sqlalchemy.Engine, "connect")
def setup_connection(dbapi_connection: Any, connection_record: Any) -> None:
if isinstance(dbapi_connection, sqlite3.Connection):
cursor = dbapi_connection.cursor()
cursor.execute("PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON")

def _get_engine(bot: Bot) -> sqlalchemy.Engine:
args = bot.config.wiki["copyvios"].copy()
engine_name = args.pop("engine", "mysql").lower()

if engine_name == "mysql":
url_object = sqlalchemy.URL.create(
"charset": "utf8mb4",
"read_default_file": os.path.expanduser("~/.my.cnf"),
return sqlalchemy.create_engine(url_object, pool_pre_ping=True)

if engine_name == "sqlite":
dbpath = os.path.join(bot.config.root_dir, "copyvios.db")
return sqlalchemy.create_engine("sqlite:///" + dbpath)

raise ValueError(f"Unknown engine: {engine_name}")

def _make_cache() -> AppCache:
bot = Bot(".earwigbot", 100)
engine = _get_engine(bot)
return AppCache(bot=bot, engine=engine)

# Singleton
cache = _make_cache()

+ 171
- 126
src/copyvios/checker.py Datei anzeigen

@@ -1,119 +1,136 @@
__all__ = ["T_POSSIBLE", "T_SUSPECT", "do_check"]

import hashlib
import logging
import re
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from hashlib import sha256
from logging import getLogger
from urllib.parse import urlparse
import typing
import urllib.parse
from datetime import UTC, datetime, timedelta
from enum import Enum

from earwigbot import exceptions
from earwigbot.wiki.copyvios.markov import EMPTY, MarkovChain
from earwigbot.wiki.copyvios.parsers import ArticleTextParser
from earwigbot.wiki import Page, Site
from earwigbot.wiki.copyvios import CopyvioChecker
from earwigbot.wiki.copyvios.markov import DEFAULT_DEGREE, EMPTY
from earwigbot.wiki.copyvios.result import CopyvioCheckResult, CopyvioSource
from earwigbot.wiki.copyvios.workers import CopyvioWorkspace
from flask import g
from sqlalchemy import PoolProxiedConnection

from .misc import Query, get_cursor, get_db, get_sql_error, sql_dialect
from .cache import cache
from .misc import get_sql_error, sql_dialect
from .query import CheckQuery
from .sites import get_site
from .turnitin import search_turnitin

__all__ = ["do_check", "T_POSSIBLE", "T_SUSPECT"]

T_SUSPECT = 0.75

_LOGGER = getLogger("copyvios.checker")
_LOGGER = logging.getLogger("copyvios.checker")

def _coerce_bool(val):
return val and val not in ("0", "false")
class ErrorCode(Enum):
BAD_ACTION = "bad action"
BAD_OLDID = "bad oldid"
BAD_URI = "bad URI"
NO_DATA = "no data"
NO_SEARCH_METHOD = "no search method"
NO_URL = "no URL"
SEARCH_ERROR = "search error"
TIMEOUT = "timeout"

def do_check(query=None):
if not query:
query = Query()
if query.lang:
query.lang = query.orig_lang = query.lang.strip().lower()
if "::" in query.lang:
query.lang, query.name = query.lang.split("::", 1)
if query.project:
query.project = query.project.strip().lower()
if query.oldid:
query.oldid = query.oldid.strip().lstrip("0")
class CopyvioCheckError(Exception):
def __init__(self, code: ErrorCode):
self.code = code

query.submitted = query.project and query.lang and (query.title or query.oldid)
def do_check(query: CheckQuery) -> CopyvioCheckResult | None:
if query.submitted:
query.site = get_site(query)
if query.site:
_get_results(query, follow=not _coerce_bool(query.noredirect))
return query
site = get_site(query)
if site:
return _get_results(query, site, follow=not query.noredirect)
return None

def _get_results(query, follow=True):
def _get_results(
query: CheckQuery, site: Site, follow: bool = True
) -> CopyvioCheckResult | None:
if query.oldid:
if not re.match(r"^\d+$", query.oldid):
query.error = "bad oldid"
page = query.page = _get_page_by_revid(query.site, query.oldid)
raise CopyvioCheckError(ErrorCode.BAD_OLDID)
page = _get_page_by_revid(site, query.oldid)
if not page:
return None
g.page = page
page = query.page = query.site.get_page(query.title)
assert query.title
g.page = page = site.get_page(query.title)
page.get() # Make sure that the page exists before we check it!
page.get() # Make sure that the page exists before we check it
except (exceptions.PageNotFoundError, exceptions.InvalidPageError):
return None
if page.is_redirect and follow:
query.title = page.get_redirect_target()
except exceptions.RedirectError:
pass # Something's wrong. Continue checking the original page.
pass # Something's wrong; continue checking the original page
query.redirected_from = page
_get_results(query, follow=False)
result = _get_results(query, site, follow=False)
if result:
result.metadata.redirected_from = page
return result

if not query.action:
query.action = "compare" if query.url else "search"

if query.action == "search":
use_engine = 0 if query.use_engine in ("0", "false") else 1
use_links = 0 if query.use_links in ("0", "false") else 1
use_turnitin = 1 if query.turnitin in ("1", "true") else 0
if not use_engine and not use_links and not use_turnitin:
query.error = "no search method"
if not query.use_engine and not query.use_links and not query.turnitin:
raise CopyvioCheckError(ErrorCode.NO_SEARCH_METHOD)

# Handle the turnitin check
if use_turnitin:
query.turnitin_result = search_turnitin(page.title, query.lang)
# Handle the Turnitin check
turnitin_result = None
if query.turnitin:
assert query.lang
turnitin_result = search_turnitin(page.title, query.lang)

# Handle the copyvio check
_perform_check(query, page, use_engine, use_links)
conn = cache.engine.raw_connection()
result = _perform_check(query, page, conn)
if turnitin_result:
result.metadata.turnitin_result = turnitin_result

elif query.action == "compare":
if not query.url:
query.error = "no URL"
scheme = urlparse(query.url).scheme
raise CopyvioCheckError(ErrorCode.NO_URL)
scheme = urllib.parse.urlparse(query.url).scheme
if not scheme and query.url[0] not in ":/":
query.url = "http://" + query.url
elif scheme not in ["http", "https"]:
query.error = "bad URI"
degree = 5
if query.degree:
degree = int(query.degree)
except ValueError:
raise CopyvioCheckError(ErrorCode.BAD_URI)

degree = query.degree or DEFAULT_DEGREE
result = page.copyvio_compare(
query.url, min_confidence=T_SUSPECT, max_time=10, degree=degree
if result.best.chains[0] is EMPTY:
query.error = "timeout" if result.time > 10 else "no data"
query.result = result
query.result.cached = False
result.metadata.cached = False

if not result.best or result.best.chains[0] is EMPTY:
if result.time > 10:
raise CopyvioCheckError(ErrorCode.TIMEOUT)
raise CopyvioCheckError(ErrorCode.NO_DATA)
return result

query.error = "bad action"
raise CopyvioCheckError(ErrorCode.BAD_ACTION)

def _get_page_by_revid(site, revid):
def _get_page_by_revid(site: Site, revid: str) -> Page | None:
res = site.api_query(
@@ -140,104 +157,118 @@ def _get_page_by_revid(site, revid):
return page

def _perform_check(query, page, use_engine, use_links):
conn = get_db()
def _perform_check(
query: CheckQuery, page: Page, conn: PoolProxiedConnection
) -> CopyvioCheckResult:
sql_error = get_sql_error()
mode = f"{use_engine}:{use_links}:"
mode = f"{query.use_engine}:{query.use_links}:"
result: CopyvioCheckResult | None = None

if not _coerce_bool(query.nocache):
if not query.nocache:
query.result = _get_cached_results(
page, conn, mode, _coerce_bool(query.noskip)
result = _get_cached_results(page, conn, mode, query.noskip)
except sql_error:
_LOGGER.exception("Failed to retrieve cached results")

if not query.result:
if not result:
query.result = page.copyvio_check(
result = page.copyvio_check(
no_searches=not use_engine,
no_links=not use_links,
no_searches=not query.use_engine,
no_links=not query.use_links,
short_circuit=not query.noskip,
except exceptions.SearchQueryError as exc:
query.error = "search error"
query.exception = exc
query.result.cached = False
raise CopyvioCheckError(ErrorCode.SEARCH_ERROR) from exc
result.metadata.cached = False
_cache_result(page, query.result, conn, mode)
_cache_result(page, result, conn, mode)
except sql_error:
_LOGGER.exception("Failed to cache results")

return result

def _get_cache_id(page: Page, mode: str) -> bytes:
return hashlib.sha256((mode + page.get()).encode("utf8")).digest()

def _get_cached_results(page, conn, mode, noskip):
query1 = """SELECT cache_time, cache_queries, cache_process_time,
FROM cache
WHERE cache_id = ?"""
query2 = """SELECT cdata_url, cdata_confidence, cdata_skipped, cdata_excluded
FROM cache_data
WHERE cdata_cache_id = ?"""
cache_id = sha256(mode + page.get().encode("utf8")).digest()

def _get_cached_results(
page: Page, conn: PoolProxiedConnection, mode: str, noskip: bool
) -> CopyvioCheckResult | None:
cache_id = _get_cache_id(page, mode)
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute(query1, (cache_id,))
"""SELECT cache_time, cache_queries, cache_process_time, cache_possible_miss
FROM cache
WHERE cache_id = ?""",
results = cursor.fetchall()

if not results:
return None
cache_time, queries, check_time, possible_miss = results[0]
if possible_miss and noskip:
return None

if not isinstance(cache_time, datetime):
cache_time = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(cache_time)
if datetime.utcnow() - cache_time > timedelta(days=3):
cache_time = datetime.fromtimestamp(cache_time, tz=UTC)
elif cache_time.tzinfo is None:
cache_time = cache_time.replace(tzinfo=UTC)
if datetime.now(UTC) - cache_time > timedelta(days=3):
return None
cursor.execute(query2, (cache_id,))

"""SELECT cdata_url, cdata_confidence, cdata_skipped, cdata_excluded
FROM cache_data
WHERE cdata_cache_id = ?""",
data = cursor.fetchall()

if not data: # TODO: do something less hacky for this edge case
article_chain = MarkovChain(ArticleTextParser(page.get()).strip())
article_chain = CopyvioChecker(page).article_chain
result = CopyvioCheckResult(
False, [], queries, check_time, article_chain, possible_miss
result.cached = True
result.cache_time = cache_time.strftime("%b %d, %Y %H:%M:%S UTC")
result.cache_age = _format_date(cache_time)
result.metadata.cached = True
result.metadata.cache_time = cache_time.strftime("%b %d, %Y %H:%M:%S UTC")
result.metadata.cache_age = _format_date(cache_time)
return result

url, confidence, skipped, excluded = data.pop(0)
url, confidence, skipped, excluded = data[0]
if skipped: # Should be impossible: data must be bad; run a new check
return None
result = page.copyvio_compare(url, min_confidence=T_SUSPECT, max_time=10)
if abs(result.confidence - confidence) >= 0.0001:
return None

for url, confidence, skipped, excluded in data:
for url, confidence, skipped, excluded in data[1:]:
if noskip and skipped:
return None
source = CopyvioSource(None, url)
source = CopyvioSource(typing.cast(CopyvioWorkspace, None), url)
source.confidence = confidence
source.skipped = bool(skipped)
source.excluded = bool(excluded)

result.queries = queries
result.time = check_time
result.possible_miss = possible_miss
result.cached = True
result.cache_time = cache_time.strftime("%b %d, %Y %H:%M:%S UTC")
result.cache_age = _format_date(cache_time)
result.metadata.cached = True
result.metadata.cache_time = cache_time.strftime("%b %d, %Y %H:%M:%S UTC")
result.metadata.cache_age = _format_date(cache_time)
return result

def _format_date(cache_time):
def formatter(n, w):
return "{} {}{}".format(n, w, "" if n == 1 else "s")
def _format_date(cache_time: datetime) -> str:
def formatter(val: float, unit: str):
return f"{int(val)} {unit}{'' if val == 1 else 's'}"

diff = datetime.utcnow() - cache_time
diff = datetime.now(UTC) - cache_time
total_seconds = diff.days * 86400 + diff.seconds
if total_seconds > 3600:
return formatter(total_seconds / 3600, "hour")
@@ -246,19 +277,14 @@ def _format_date(cache_time):
return formatter(total_seconds, "second")

def _cache_result(page, result, conn, mode):
def _cache_result(
page: Page, result: CopyvioCheckResult, conn: PoolProxiedConnection, mode: str
) -> None:
expiry = sql_dialect(
sqlite="STRFTIME('%s', 'now', '-3 days')",
query1 = "DELETE FROM cache WHERE cache_id = ?"
query2 = f"DELETE FROM cache WHERE cache_time < {expiry}"
query3 = """INSERT INTO cache (cache_id, cache_queries, cache_process_time,
cache_possible_miss) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)"""
query4 = """INSERT INTO cache_data (cdata_cache_id, cdata_url,
cdata_confidence, cdata_skipped,
cdata_excluded) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"""
cache_id = sha256(mode + page.get().encode("utf8")).digest()
cache_id = _get_cache_id(page, mode)
data = [
@@ -269,10 +295,29 @@ def _cache_result(page, result, conn, mode):
for source in result.sources
with get_cursor(conn) as cursor:
cursor.execute(query1, (cache_id,))
query3, (cache_id, result.queries, result.time, result.possible_miss)

# TODO: Switch to proper SQLAlchemy
cur = conn.cursor()
cur.execute("DELETE FROM cache WHERE cache_id = ?", (cache_id,))
cur.execute(f"DELETE FROM cache WHERE cache_time < {expiry}")
"""INSERT INTO cache (
cache_id, cache_queries, cache_process_time, cache_possible_miss
) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)""",
(cache_id, result.queries, result.time, result.possible_miss),
"""INSERT INTO cache_data (
cdata_cache_id, cdata_url, cdata_confidence, cdata_skipped,
) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)""",
cursor.executemany(query4, data)
except Exception:

+ 54
- 28
src/copyvios/cookies.py Datei anzeigen

@@ -1,59 +1,85 @@
__all__ = [

import base64
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from datetime import UTC, datetime, timedelta
from http.cookies import CookieError, SimpleCookie

from flask import g

__all__ = ["parse_cookies", "set_cookie", "delete_cookie"]
from flask import g, request

class _CookieManager(SimpleCookie):
class CookieManager(SimpleCookie):
MAGIC = "--cpv2"

def __init__(self, path, cookies):
def __init__(self, path: str, cookies: str | None) -> None:
self._path = path
except CookieError:
for cookie in list(self.keys()):
if self[cookie].value is False:
if not self[cookie].value:
del self[cookie]

def value_decode(self, value):
unquoted = super().value_decode(value)[0]
def value_decode(self, val: str) -> tuple[str, str]:
unquoted = super().value_decode(val)[0]
decoded = base64.b64decode(unquoted).decode("utf8")
except (TypeError, UnicodeDecodeError):
return False, "False"
decoded = base64.b64decode(unquoted).decode()
except (TypeError, ValueError):
return "", ""
if decoded.startswith(self.MAGIC):
return decoded[len(self.MAGIC) :], value
return False, "False"
return decoded[len(self.MAGIC) :], val
return "", ""

def value_encode(self, value):
encoded = base64.b64encode(self.MAGIC + value.encode("utf8"))
def value_encode(self, val: str) -> tuple[str, str]:
encoded = base64.b64encode((self.MAGIC + val).encode()).decode()
quoted = super().value_encode(encoded)[1]
return value, quoted
return val, quoted

def path(self):
def path(self) -> str:
return self._path

def parse_cookies(path, cookies):
return _CookieManager(path, cookies)
def parse_cookies(path: str, cookies: str | None) -> CookieManager:
return CookieManager(path, cookies)

def get_cookies() -> CookieManager:
if "cookies" not in g:
g.cookies = parse_cookies(
request.script_root or "/", request.environ.get("HTTP_COOKIE")
assert isinstance(g.cookies, CookieManager), g.cookies
return g.cookies

def set_cookie(key, value, days=0):
g.cookies[key] = value
def get_new_cookies() -> list[str]:
if "new_cookies" not in g:
g.new_cookies = []
assert isinstance(g.new_cookies, list), g.new_cookies
return g.new_cookies

def set_cookie(key: str, value: str, days: float = 0) -> None:
cookies = get_cookies()
cookies[key] = value
if days:
expire_dt = datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(days=days)
expire_dt = datetime.now(UTC) + timedelta(days=days)
expires = expire_dt.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT")
g.cookies[key]["expires"] = expires
g.cookies[key]["path"] = g.cookies.path
cookies[key]["expires"] = expires
cookies[key]["path"] = cookies.path

new_cookies = get_new_cookies()

def delete_cookie(key):
def delete_cookie(key: str) -> None:
cookies = get_cookies()
set_cookie(key, "", days=-1)
del g.cookies[key]
del cookies[key]

+ 40
- 30
src/copyvios/highlighter.py Datei anzeigen

@@ -1,20 +1,28 @@
from collections import deque
from re import UNICODE, sub
__all__ = ["highlight_delta"]

from earwigbot.wiki.copyvios.markov import EMPTY_INTERSECTION
from markupsafe import escape
import re
from collections import deque
from typing import Literal

__all__ = ["highlight_delta"]
import markupsafe
from earwigbot.wiki.copyvios.markov import (

def highlight_delta(context, chain, delta):
def highlight_delta(
context, chain: MarkovChain, delta: MarkovChainIntersection | None
) -> str:
degree = chain.degree - 1
highlights = [False] * degree
block = deque([chain.START] * degree)
block: deque[str | Sentinel] = deque([Sentinel.START] * degree)
if not delta:
for word in chain.text.split() + ([chain.END] * degree):
word = _strip_word(chain, word)
for word in chain.text.split() + ([Sentinel.END] * degree):
word = _strip_word(word)
if tuple(block) in delta.chain:
highlights[-1 * degree :] = [True] * degree
@@ -25,7 +33,7 @@ def highlight_delta(context, chain, delta):

i = degree
numwords = len(chain.text.split())
result = []
result: list[str] = []
paragraphs = deque(chain.text.split("\n"))
while paragraphs:
words = []
@@ -37,15 +45,15 @@ def highlight_delta(context, chain, delta):
last = i - degree + 1 == numwords
words.append(_highlight_word(word, before, after, first, last))
result.append(" ".join(words))
i += 1

return "<br /><br />".join(result)

def _get_next(paragraphs):
body = []
def _get_next(paragraphs: deque[str]) -> list[str]:
body: list[str] = []
while paragraphs and not body:
body = paragraphs.popleft().split()
if body and len(body) <= 3:
@@ -59,44 +67,46 @@ def _get_next(paragraphs):
return body

def _highlight_word(word, before, after, first, last):
def _highlight_word(
word: str, before: bool, after: bool, first: bool, last: bool
) -> str:
if before and after:
# Word is in the middle of a highlighted block:
res = str(escape(word))
# Word is in the middle of a highlighted block
res = str(markupsafe.escape(word))
if first:
res = '<span class="cv-hl">' + res
if last:
res += "</span>"
elif after:
# Word is the first in a highlighted block:
# Word is the first in a highlighted block
res = '<span class="cv-hl">' + _fade_word(word, "in")
if last:
res += "</span>"
elif before:
# Word is the last in a highlighted block:
# Word is the last in a highlighted block
res = _fade_word(word, "out") + "</span>"
if first:
res = '<span class="cv-hl">' + res
res = str(escape(word))
res = str(markupsafe.escape(word))
return res

def _fade_word(word, dir):
def _fade_word(word: str, dir: Literal["in", "out"]) -> str:
if len(word) <= 4:
word = str(escape(word))
word = str(markupsafe.escape(word))
return f'<span class="cv-hl-{dir}">{word}</span>'
if dir == "out":
before, after = str(escape(word[:-4])), str(escape(word[-4:]))
base = '{0}<span class="cv-hl-out">{1}</span>'
return base.format(before, after)
before = str(markupsafe.escape(word[:-4]))
after = str(markupsafe.escape(word[-4:]))
return f'{before}<span class="cv-hl-out">{after}</span>'
before, after = str(escape(word[:4])), str(escape(word[4:]))
base = '<span class="cv-hl-in">{0}</span>{1}'
return base.format(before, after)
before = str(markupsafe.escape(word[:4]))
after = str(markupsafe.escape(word[4:]))
return f'<span class="cv-hl-in">{before}</span>{after}'

def _strip_word(chain, word):
if word == chain.START or word == chain.END:
def _strip_word(word: str | Sentinel) -> str | Sentinel:
if word == Sentinel.START or word == Sentinel.END:
return word
return sub("[^\w\s-]", "", word.lower(), flags=UNICODE)
return re.sub(r"[^\w\s-]", "", word.lower())

+ 38
- 92
src/copyvios/misc.py Datei anzeigen

@@ -1,120 +1,66 @@
import datetime
from contextlib import contextmanager
from os.path import expanduser, join

import apsw
import oursql
from flask import g, request
from sqlalchemy.pool import manage

oursql = manage(oursql)

__all__ = ["Query", "cache", "get_db", "get_notice", "httpsfix", "urlstrip"]

class Query:
def __init__(self, method="GET"):
self.query = {}
data = request.form if method == "POST" else request.args
for key in data:
self.query[key] = data.getlist(key)[-1]

def __getattr__(self, key):
return self.query.get(key)

def __setattr__(self, key, value):
if key == "query":
super().__setattr__(key, value)
self.query[key] = value

class _AppCache:
def __init__(self):
super().__setattr__("_data", {})

def __getattr__(self, key):
return self._data[key]

def __setattr__(self, key, value):
self._data[key] = value

cache = _AppCache()

def _connect_to_db(engine, args):
if engine == "mysql":
args["read_default_file"] = expanduser("~/.my.cnf")
args["autoping"] = True
args["autoreconnect"] = True
return oursql.connect(**args)
if engine == "sqlite":
dbpath = join(cache.bot.config.root_dir, "copyvios.db")
conn = apsw.Connection(dbpath)
conn.cursor().execute("PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON")
return conn
raise ValueError(f"Unknown engine: {engine}")
__all__ = [

import datetime
import os
import sqlite3
from typing import TypeVar

def get_db():
if not g._db:
args = cache.bot.config.wiki["copyvios"].copy()
g._engine = engine = args.pop("engine", "mysql").lower()
g._db = _connect_to_db(engine, args)
return g._db
import pymysql

from .cache import cache

def get_cursor(conn):
if g._engine == "mysql":
with conn.cursor() as cursor:
yield cursor
elif g._engine == "sqlite":
with conn:
yield conn.cursor()
raise ValueError(f"Unknown engine: {g._engine}")
T = TypeVar("T")

def get_sql_error():
if g._engine == "mysql":
return oursql.Error
if g._engine == "sqlite":
return apsw.Error
raise ValueError(f"Unknown engine: {g._engine}")
def get_sql_error() -> type[Exception]:
match cache.engine.dialect.name:
case "mysql":
return pymysql.Error
case "sqlite":
return sqlite3.Error
case dialect:
raise ValueError(f"Unknown engine: {dialect}")

def sql_dialect(mysql, sqlite):
if g._engine == "mysql":
return mysql
if g._engine == "sqlite":
return sqlite
raise ValueError(f"Unknown engine: {g._engine}")
def sql_dialect(mysql: T, sqlite: T) -> T:
match cache.engine.dialect.name:
case "mysql":
return mysql
case "sqlite":
return sqlite
case dialect:
raise ValueError(f"Unknown engine: {dialect}")

def get_notice():
def get_notice() -> str | None:
with open(expanduser("~/copyvios_notice.html")) as fp:
lines = fp.read().decode("utf8").strip().splitlines()
if lines[0] == "<!-- active -->":
with open(os.path.expanduser("~/copyvios_notice.html")) as fp:
lines = fp.read().strip().splitlines()
if lines and lines[0] == "<!-- active -->":
return "\n".join(lines[1:])
return None
except OSError:
return None

def httpsfix(context, url):
def httpsfix(context, url: str) -> str:
if url.startswith("http://"):
url = url[len("http:") :]
return url

def parse_wiki_timestamp(timestamp):
def parse_wiki_timestamp(timestamp: str) -> datetime.datetime:
return datetime.datetime.strptime(timestamp, "%Y%m%d%H%M%S")

def urlstrip(context, url):
def urlstrip(context, url: str) -> str:
if url.startswith("http://"):
url = url[7:]
if url.startswith("https://"):

+ 87
- 0
src/copyvios/query.py Datei anzeigen

@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
__all__ = ["APIQuery", "CheckQuery", "SettingsQuery"]

from typing import Any, Literal, Self

from flask import request
from pydantic import BaseModel, field_validator, model_validator
from werkzeug.datastructures import MultiDict

class BaseQuery(BaseModel):
def from_multidict(cls, args: MultiDict[str, str]) -> Self:
query = {key: args.getlist(key)[-1] for key in args}
return cls.model_validate(query)

def from_get_args(cls) -> Self:
return cls.from_multidict(request.args)

def from_post_data(cls) -> Self:
return cls.from_multidict(request.form)

class CheckQuery(BaseQuery):
action: str | None = None
lang: str | None = None
project: str | None = None
title: str | None = None
oldid: str | None = None
url: str | None = None
use_engine: bool = True
use_links: bool = True
turnitin: bool = False
nocache: bool = False
noredirect: bool = False
noskip: bool = False
degree: int | None = None

# Derived parameters
orig_lang: str | None = None
name: str | None = None

def validate_project(cls, project: Any) -> str | None:
if not isinstance(project, str):
return project
return project.strip().lower()

def validate_oldid(cls, oldid: Any) -> str | None:
if not isinstance(oldid, str):
return oldid
return oldid.strip().lstrip("0")

def validate_lang(self) -> Self:
self.orig_lang = self.name = None
if self.lang:
self.lang = self.orig_lang = self.lang.strip().lower()
if "::" in self.lang:
self.lang, self.name = self.lang.split("::", 1)
return self

def submitted(self) -> bool:
return bool(self.project and self.lang and (self.title or self.oldid))

class APIQuery(CheckQuery):
version: int = 1
detail: bool = False

class SettingsQuery(BaseQuery):
action: Literal["set", "delete"] | None = None

# With action=set:
lang: str | None = None
project: str | None = None
background: Literal["list", "potd", "plain"] | None = None

# With action=delete:
cookie: str | None = None
all: bool | None = None

+ 33
- 29
src/copyvios/settings.py Datei anzeigen

@@ -1,54 +1,58 @@
from flask import g
from markupsafe import escape
__all__ = ["process_settings"]

from .cookies import delete_cookie, set_cookie
from .misc import Query
import typing

__all__ = ["process_settings"]
import markupsafe

from .cookies import delete_cookie, get_cookies, set_cookie
from .query import SettingsQuery

COOKIE_EXPIRY = 3 * 365 # Days

def process_settings():
query = Query(method="POST")
if query.action == "set":
status = _do_set(query)
elif query.action == "delete":
status = _do_delete(query)
status = None
return status
def process_settings() -> str | None:
query = SettingsQuery.from_post_data()
match query.action:
case "set":
return _do_set(query)
case "delete":
return _do_delete(query)
case None:
return None
case _:

def _do_set(query):
cookies = g.cookies
changes = set()
def _do_set(query: SettingsQuery) -> str | None:
cookies = get_cookies()
changes: set[str] = set()
if query.lang:
key = "CopyviosDefaultLang"
if key not in cookies or cookies[key].value != query.lang:
set_cookie(key, query.lang, 1095)
set_cookie(key, query.lang, COOKIE_EXPIRY)
if query.project:
key = "CopyviosDefaultProject"
if key not in cookies or cookies[key].value != query.project:
set_cookie(key, query.project, 1095)
set_cookie(key, query.project, COOKIE_EXPIRY)
if query.background:
key = "CopyviosBackground"
if key not in cookies or cookies[key].value != query.background:
set_cookie(key, query.background, 1095)
set_cookie(key, query.background, COOKIE_EXPIRY)
delete_cookie("EarwigBackgroundCache") # Old name
if changes:
changes = ", ".join(sorted(list(changes)))
return f"Updated {changes}."
return f"Updated {', '.join(sorted(changes))}."
return None

def _do_delete(query):
cookies = g.cookies
if query.cookie in cookies:
template = 'Deleted cookie <b><span class="mono">{0}</span></b>.'
return template.format(escape(query.cookie))
def _do_delete(query: SettingsQuery) -> str | None:
cookies = get_cookies()
cookie = query.cookie
if cookie and cookie in cookies:
return f'Deleted cookie <b><span class="mono">{markupsafe.escape(cookie)}</span></b>.'
elif query.all:
number = len(cookies)
for cookie in list(cookies.values()):

+ 54
- 37
src/copyvios/sites.py Datei anzeigen

@@ -1,40 +1,53 @@
from time import time
from urllib.parse import urlparse
__all__ = ["get_site", "update_sites"]

import urllib.parse
from datetime import UTC, datetime, timedelta

from earwigbot import exceptions
from earwigbot.wiki import Site
from flask import g

from .misc import cache
from .cache import Lang, Project, cache
from .query import CheckQuery

__all__ = ["get_site", "update_sites"]
_LAST_SITES_UPDATE = datetime.min.replace(tzinfo=UTC)

def get_site(query):
lang, project, name = query.lang, query.project, query.name
wiki = cache.bot.wiki
if project not in [proj[0] for proj in cache.projects]:
def _get_site(query: CheckQuery) -> Site | None:
if not any(proj.code == query.project for proj in cache.projects):
return None
if project == "wikimedia" and name: # Special sites:
return wiki.get_site(name=name)
except exceptions.SiteNotFoundError:
return _add_site(lang, project)
return wiki.get_site(lang=lang, project=project)
if query.project == "wikimedia" and query.name: # Special sites
return cache.bot.wiki.get_site(name=query.name)
return cache.bot.wiki.get_site(lang=query.lang, project=query.project)
except exceptions.SiteNotFoundError:
return _add_site(lang, project)
assert query.lang and query.project, (query.lang, query.project)
return _add_site(query.lang, query.project)

def get_site(query: CheckQuery | None = None) -> Site | None:
if "site" not in g:
assert query is not None, "get_site() called with no cached site nor query"
g.site = _get_site(query)
assert g.site is None or isinstance(g.site, Site), g.site
return g.site

def update_sites():
if time() - cache.last_sites_update > 60 * 60 * 24 * 7:

def update_sites() -> None:

now = datetime.now(UTC)
if now - _LAST_SITES_UPDATE > timedelta(days=1):
cache.langs, cache.projects = _load_sites()
cache.last_sites_update = time()

def _add_site(lang, project):
def _add_site(lang: str, project: str) -> Site | None:
if not any(project == item[0] for item in cache.projects):
if not any(project == proj.code for proj in cache.projects):
return None
if lang != "www" and not any(lang == item[0] for item in cache.langs):
if lang != "www" and not any(lang == item.code for item in cache.langs):
return None
return cache.bot.wiki.add_site(lang=lang, project=project)
@@ -42,34 +55,38 @@ def _add_site(lang, project):
return None

def _load_sites():
def _load_sites() -> tuple[list[Lang], list[Project]]:
site = cache.bot.wiki.get_site()
matrix = site.api_query(action="sitematrix")["sitematrix"]
del matrix["count"]
langs, projects = set(), set()
langs: set[Lang] = set()
projects: set[Project] = set()

for site in matrix.values():
if isinstance(site, list): # Special sites
bad_sites = ["closed", "private", "fishbowl"]
for special in site:
if all([key not in special for key in bad_sites]):
full = urlparse(special["url"]).netloc
if full.count(".") == 1: # No subdomain, so use "www"
lang, project = "www", full.split(".")[0]
lang, project = full.rsplit(".", 2)[:2]
code = "{}::{}".format(lang, special["dbname"])
name = special["code"].capitalize()
langs.add((code, f"{lang} ({name})"))
projects.add((project, project.capitalize()))
if any(key in special for key in bad_sites):
full = urllib.parse.urlparse(special["url"]).netloc
if full.count(".") == 1: # No subdomain, so use "www"
lang, project = "www", full.split(".")[0]
lang, project = full.rsplit(".", 2)[:2]
langcode = f"{lang}::{special['dbname']}"
langname = special["code"].capitalize()
langs.add(Lang(langcode, f"{lang} ({langname})"))
projects.add(Project(project, project.capitalize()))
this = set()
this: set[Project] = set()
for web in site["site"]:
if "closed" in web:
proj = "wikipedia" if web["code"] == "wiki" else web["code"]
this.add((proj, proj.capitalize()))
this.add(Project(proj, proj.capitalize()))
if this:
code = site["code"]
langs.add((code, "{} ({})".format(code, site["name"])))
langs.add(Lang(code, f"{code} ({site['name']})"))
projects |= this
return list(sorted(langs)), list(sorted(projects))

return sorted(langs), sorted(projects)

+ 44
- 40
src/copyvios/turnitin.py Datei anzeigen

@@ -1,29 +1,30 @@
from __future__ import annotations

__all__ = ["search_turnitin", "TURNITIN_API_ENDPOINT"]

import ast
import re
from ast import literal_eval
from dataclasses import dataclass
from datetime import datetime

import requests

from .misc import parse_wiki_timestamp

__all__ = ["search_turnitin", "TURNITIN_API_ENDPOINT"]

TURNITIN_API_ENDPOINT = "https://eranbot.toolforge.org/plagiabot/api.py"

def search_turnitin(page_title, lang):
"""Search the Plagiabot database for Turnitin reports for a page.

Keyword arguments:
page_title -- string containing the page title
lang -- string containing the page's project language code

Return a TurnitinResult (contains a list of TurnitinReports).
def search_turnitin(page_title: str, lang: str) -> TurnitinResult:
Search the Plagiabot database for Turnitin reports for a page.
return TurnitinResult(_make_api_request(page_title, lang))

def _make_api_request(page_title, lang):
"""Query the plagiabot API for Turnitin reports for a given page."""
def _make_api_request(page_title: str, lang: str) -> list[dict]:
Query the plagiabot API for Turnitin reports for a given page.
stripped_page_title = page_title.replace(" ", "_")
api_parameters = {
"action": "suspected_diffs",
@@ -35,40 +36,40 @@ def _make_api_request(page_title, lang):
result = requests.get(TURNITIN_API_ENDPOINT, params=api_parameters, verify=False)
# use literal_eval to *safely* parse the resulting dict-containing string
parsed_api_result = literal_eval(result.text)
parsed_api_result = ast.literal_eval(result.text)
except (SyntaxError, ValueError):
parsed_api_result = []
return parsed_api_result

class TurnitinResult:
"""Container class for TurnitinReports. Each page may have zero or
more reports of plagiarism. The list will have multiple
TurnitinReports if plagiarism has been detected for more than one
Container class for TurnitinReports.

TurnitinResult.reports -- list containing >= 0 TurnitinReport items
Each page may have zero or more reports of plagiarism. The list will have multiple
TurnitinReports if plagiarism has been detected for more than one revision.

def __init__(self, turnitin_data):
reports: list[TurnitinReport]

def __init__(self, turnitin_data: list[dict]) -> None:
Keyword argument:
turnitin_data -- plagiabot API result
self.reports = []
for item in turnitin_data:
report = TurnitinReport(
item["diff_timestamp"], item["diff"], item["report"]

def __repr__(self):
return str(self.__dict__)
self.reports = [
TurnitinReport(item["diff_timestamp"], item["diff"], item["report"])
for item in turnitin_data

class TurnitinReport:
"""Contains data for each Turnitin report (one on each potentially
plagiarized revision).
Contains data for each Turnitin report.

There is one report for each potentially plagiarized revision.

TurnitinReport.reportid -- Turnitin report ID, taken from plagiabot
TurnitinReport.diffid -- diff ID from Wikipedia database
@@ -79,30 +80,33 @@ class TurnitinReport:
url -- url for the possibly-plagiarized source

def __init__(self, timestamp, diffid, report):
reportid: str
diffid: str
time_posted: datetime
sources: list[dict]

def __init__(self, timestamp: str, diffid: str, report: str) -> None:
Keyword argument:
timestamp -- diff timestamp from Wikipedia database
diffid -- diff ID from Wikipedia database
report -- Turnitin report from the plagiabot database
self.report_data = self._parse_report(report)
self.reportid = self.report_data[0]
self.reportid, results = self._parse_report(report)
self.diffid = diffid
self.time_posted = parse_wiki_timestamp(timestamp)

self.sources = []
for item in self.report_data[1]:
for item in results:
source = {"percent": item[0], "words": item[1], "url": item[2]}

def __repr__(self):
return str(self.__dict__)

def _parse_report(self, report_text):
def _parse_report(self, report_text: str) -> tuple[str, list[str]]:
# extract report ID
report_id_pattern = re.compile(r"\?rid=(\d*)")
report_id = report_id_pattern.search(report_text).groups()[0]
report_id_match = report_id_pattern.search(report_text)
assert report_id_match, report_text
report_id = report_id_match.group(1)

# extract percent match, words, and URL for each source in the report
extract_info_pattern = re.compile(r"\n\* \w\s+(\d*)\% (\d*) words at \[(.*?) ")

static/style.css → static/css/style.css Datei anzeigen

+ 6
- 4
templates/index.mako Datei anzeigen

@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
from flask import g, request
from flask import request
from copyvios.attribution import get_attribution_info
from copyvios.checker import T_POSSIBLE, T_SUSPECT
from copyvios.cookies import get_cookies
from copyvios.misc import cache
@@ -10,6 +11,7 @@
titleparts.append("Earwig's Copyvio Detector")
title = " | ".join(titleparts)
cookies = get_cookies()
<%include file="/support/header.mako" args="title=title, splash=not result"/>
<%namespace module="copyvios.highlighter" import="highlight_delta"/>\
@@ -37,7 +39,7 @@
% elif query.error == "timeout":
The URL <a href="${query.url | h}">${query.url | h}</a> timed out before any data could be retrieved.
% elif query.error == "search error":
An error occurred while using the search engine (${query.exception}). <i>Note:</i> there is a daily limit on the number of search queries the tool is allowed to make. You may <a href="${request.url | httpsfix, h}&amp;use_engine=0">repeat the check without using the search engine</a>.
An error occurred while using the search engine (${query.error.__cause__}). <i>Note:</i> there is a daily limit on the number of search queries the tool is allowed to make. You may <a href="${request.url | httpsfix, h}&amp;use_engine=0">repeat the check without using the search engine</a>.
% else:
An unknown error occurred.
% endif
@@ -64,7 +66,7 @@
<label class="site oo-ui-widget oo-ui-widget-enabled oo-ui-labelElement-label oo-ui-labelElement oo-ui-labelWidget">Site</label>
<div class="oo-ui-widget oo-ui-widget-enabled oo-ui-inputWidget oo-ui-dropdownInputWidget oo-ui-dropdownInputWidget-php">
<select name="lang" required="" class="oo-ui-inputWidget-input oo-ui-indicator-down" title="Language">
<% selected_lang = query.orig_lang if query.orig_lang else g.cookies["CopyviosDefaultLang"].value if "CopyviosDefaultLang" in g.cookies else cache.bot.wiki.get_site().lang %>\
<% selected_lang = query.orig_lang if query.orig_lang else cookies["CopyviosDefaultLang"].value if "CopyviosDefaultLang" in cookies else cache.bot.wiki.get_site().lang %>\
% for code, name in cache.langs:
% if code == selected_lang:
<option value="${code | h}" selected="selected">${name}</option>
@@ -76,7 +78,7 @@
<div class="oo-ui-widget oo-ui-widget-enabled oo-ui-inputWidget oo-ui-dropdownInputWidget oo-ui-dropdownInputWidget-php">
<select name="project" required="" class="oo-ui-inputWidget-input oo-ui-indicator-down" title="Project">
<% selected_project = query.project if query.project else g.cookies["CopyviosDefaultProject"].value if "CopyviosDefaultProject" in g.cookies else cache.bot.wiki.get_site().project %>\
<% selected_project = query.project if query.project else cookies["CopyviosDefaultProject"].value if "CopyviosDefaultProject" in cookies else cache.bot.wiki.get_site().project %>\
% for code, name in cache.projects:
% if code == selected_project:
<option value="${code | h}" selected="selected">${name}</option>

+ 9
- 5
templates/settings.mako Datei anzeigen

@@ -1,7 +1,11 @@
from json import dumps, loads
from flask import g, request
from copyvios.misc import cache
from flask import request
from copyvios.cookies import get_cookies
from copyvios.cache import cache
cookies = get_cookies()
<%include file="/support/header.mako" args="title='Settings | Earwig\'s Copyvio Detector', splash=True"/>
% if status:
@@ -20,7 +24,7 @@
<div class="oo-ui-layout oo-ui-horizontalLayout">
<div class="oo-ui-widget oo-ui-widget-enabled oo-ui-inputWidget oo-ui-dropdownInputWidget oo-ui-dropdownInputWidget-php">
<select name="lang" required="" class="oo-ui-inputWidget-input oo-ui-indicator-down">
<% selected_lang = g.cookies["CopyviosDefaultLang"].value if "CopyviosDefaultLang" in g.cookies else default_lang %>\
<% selected_lang = cookies["CopyviosDefaultLang"].value if "CopyviosDefaultLang" in cookies else default_lang %>\
% for code, name in cache.langs:
% if code == selected_lang:
<option value="${code | h}" selected="selected">${name}</option>
@@ -32,7 +36,7 @@
<div class="oo-ui-widget oo-ui-widget-enabled oo-ui-inputWidget oo-ui-dropdownInputWidget oo-ui-dropdownInputWidget-php">
<select name="project" required="" class="oo-ui-inputWidget-input oo-ui-indicator-down">
<% selected_project = g.cookies["CopyviosDefaultProject"].value if "CopyviosDefaultProject" in g.cookies else default_project %>\
<% selected_project = cookies["CopyviosDefaultProject"].value if "CopyviosDefaultProject" in cookies else default_project %>\
% for code, name in cache.projects:
% if code == selected_project:
<option value="${code | h}" selected="selected">${name}</option>
@@ -55,7 +59,7 @@
("potd", 'Use the current Commons Picture of the Day, unfiltered. Certain POTDs may be unsuitable as backgrounds due to their aspect ratio or subject matter.'),
("plain", "Use a plain background."),
selected = g.cookies["CopyviosBackground"].value if "CopyviosBackground" in g.cookies else "list"
selected = cookies["CopyviosBackground"].value if "CopyviosBackground" in cookies else "list"
<div class="oo-ui-layout oo-ui-labelElement oo-ui-fieldLayout oo-ui-fieldLayout-align-top">
<div class="oo-ui-fieldLayout-body">

+ 1
- 1
templates/support/footer.mako Datei anzeigen

@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
<li>Maintained by <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:The_Earwig">Ben Kurtovic</a></li>
<li><a href="${request.script_root}/api">API</a></li>
<li><a href="https://github.com/earwig/copyvios">Source code</a></li>
% if ("CopyviosBackground" in g.cookies and g.cookies["CopyviosBackground"].value in ["potd", "list"]) or "CopyviosBackground" not in g.cookies:
% if g.descurl:
<li><a href="${g.descurl | h}">Background image</a></li>
% endif

+ 8
- 4
templates/support/header.mako Datei anzeigen

@@ -1,7 +1,11 @@
<%page args="title, splash=False"/>\
from flask import g, request, url_for
from copyvios.background import set_background
from flask import request, url_for
from copyvios.background import get_background
from copyvios.cookies import get_cookies
cookies = get_cookies()
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
@@ -15,11 +19,11 @@
<script src="https://tools-static.wmflabs.org/cdnjs/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="${request.script_root}${url_for('static', file='script.min.js')}"></script>
<% selected = g.cookies["CopyviosBackground"].value if "CopyviosBackground" in g.cookies else "list" %>\
<% selected = cookies["CopyviosBackground"].value if "CopyviosBackground" in cookies else "list" %>\
% if selected == "plain":
% else:
<body onload="update_screen_size()" style="background-image: url('${set_background(selected) | h}');">
<body onload="update_screen_size()" style="background-image: url('${get_background(selected) | h}');">
% endif
<div id="container"${' class="splash"' if splash else ''}>
<div id="content">
