Ver a proveniência

Dynamically load sites from the API and cache this information.

- Also removing some unused imports and cleaning up code.
Ben Kurtovic há 12 anos
3 ficheiros alterados com 78 adições e 17 eliminações
  1. +76
  2. +0
  3. +2

+ 76
- 13
pages/copyvios.mako Ver ficheiro

@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
from collections import defaultdict
from datetime import datetime
from hashlib import sha256
from itertools import count
@@ -12,8 +11,7 @@
from earwigbot import bot, exceptions
import oursql

def get_results(lang, project, title, url, query):
bot = bot.Bot(".earwigbot")
def get_results(bot, lang, project, title, url, query):
site =, project=project)
except exceptions.SiteNotFoundError:
@@ -26,7 +24,7 @@
# if url:
# result = get_url_specific_results(page, url)
# else:
# conn = open_sql_connection(bot)
# conn = open_sql_connection(bot, "copyvioCache")
# if not query.get("nocache"):
# result = get_cached_results(page, conn)
# if query.get("nocache") or not result:
@@ -44,8 +42,8 @@
result.tdiff = time() - t_start
return result

def open_sql_connection(bot):
conn_args =["_toolserverSQLCache"]
def open_sql_connection(bot, dbname):
conn_args =["_toolserverSQL"][dbname]
if "read_default_file" not in conn_args and "user" not in conn_args and "passwd" not in conn_args:
conn_args["read_default_file"] = expanduser("~/.my.cnf")
if "autoping" not in conn_args:
@@ -107,6 +105,75 @@
cursor.execute(query3, (pageid, hash, result.url, result.queries,

def get_sites(bot):
max_staleness = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7
site =
conn = open_sql_connection(site, "globals")
query1 = "SELECT update_time FROM updates WHERE update_service = ?"
query2 = "SELECT lang_code, lang_name FROM languages"
query3 = "SELECT project_name FROM projects"
tl_normal = '<option value="{0}">{1}</option>'
tl_select = '<option value="{0}" selected="selected">{1}</option>'

with conn.cursor() as cursor:
cursor.execute(query1, ("sites",))
time_since_update = int(time() - cursor.fetchall()[0][0])
if time_since_update > max_staleness:
update_sites(bot, cursor)

langs = []
for lang, lang_name in cursor.fetchall():
template = tl_select if lang == site.lang else tl_normal
fullname = "{0} ({1})".format(lang, lang_name)
langs.append(template.format(lang, fullname))

projects = []
for (project,) in cursor.fetchall():
template = tl_select if project == site.project else tl_normal
projects.append(template.format(project, project.capitalize()))

langs = "\n".join(langs)
projects = "\n".join(projects)
result = '<select name="lang">\n{0}\n</select>\n'.format(langs)
result += '<select name="project">\n{0}\n</select>'.format(projects)
return result

def update_sites(site, cursor):
matrix = site.api_query(action="sitematrix")["sitematrix"]
del matrix["count"]
languages, projects = set(), set()
for site in matrix.itervalues():
if isinstance(site, list): # Special sites
code = site["code"].encode("utf8")
name = site["name"].encode("utf8")
languages.add((code, name))
for web in site["site"]:
project = "wikipedia" if web["code"] == "wiki" else web["code"]
save_site_updates(cursor, languages, projects)

def save_site_updates(cursor, languages, projects):
query1 = "SELECT lang_code, lang_name FROM languages"
query2 = "DELETE FROM languages WHERE lang_code = ? AND lang_name = ?"
query3 = "INSERT INTO languages VALUES (?, ?)"
query4 = "SELECT project_name FROM projects"
query5 = "DELETE FROM projects WHERE project_name = ?"
query6 = "INSERT INTO projects VALUES (?)"
query7 = "UPDATE updates SET update_time = ? WHERE update_service = ?"
synchronize_sites_with_db(cursor, languages, query1, query2, query3)
synchronize_sites_with_db(cursor, projects, query4, query5, query6)
cursor.execute(query7, (time(), "sites"))

def synchronize_sites_with_db(cursor, updates, q_list, q_rmv, q_update):
removals = []
for site in cursor.execute(q_list):
updates.remove(site) if site in updates else removals.append(site)
cursor.executemany(q_rmv, removals)
cursor.executemany(q_update, updates)

def highlight_delta(chain, delta):
processed = []
prev_prev = prev = chain.START
@@ -187,6 +254,7 @@
return url
bot = bot.Bot(".earwigbot")
query = parse_qs(environ["QUERY_STRING"])
lang = query["lang"][0]
@@ -196,7 +264,7 @@
except (KeyError, IndexError):
page = None
page, result = get_results(lang, project, title, url, query)
page, result = get_results(bot, lang, project, title, url, query)
<%include file="/support/header.mako" args="environ=environ, title='Copyvio Detector', add_css=('copyvios.css',), add_js=('copyvios.js',)"/>
<h1>Copyvio Detector</h1>
@@ -206,12 +274,7 @@
<select name="lang">
<option value="en" selected="selected">en (English)</option>
<select name="project">
<option value="wikipedia" selected="selected">Wikipedia</option>

+ 0
- 1
pages/index.mako Ver ficheiro

@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
from os import path
import time

tools = [
("Home", "home", "index", True, None),

+ 2
- 3
pages/support/header.mako Ver ficheiro

@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
<%page args="environ, title, slug=None, add_css=(), add_js=()"/>\
<%namespace name="index" file="/index.mako" import="get_tools"/>\
from itertools import count
from os import path
@@ -31,8 +30,8 @@
<body onload="potd_set_background()">
<div id="header">
<p id="heading"><a class="dark" href="${pretty}">earwig</a><span class="light">@</span><a class="mid" href="">toolserver</a><span class="light">:</span><a class="dark" href="${this}">${slug}</a></p>
<p id="links"><span class="light">&gt;</span>
% for (name, tool, link, complete, desc), num in zip(tools, count(1)):
<p id="links"><span class="light">&gt;</span>
% for num, (name, tool, link, complete, desc) in enumerate(tools, 1):
<abbr title="${name}${' (incomplete)' if not complete else ''}"><a class="${'dark' if complete else 'mid'}" href="${pretty}/${link}">${tool}</a></abbr>
% if num < len(tools):
<span class="light">&#124;</span>
