<%! from json import dumps, loads from flask import g, request %>\ <%include file="/support/header.mako" args="title='Settings - Earwig\'s Copyvio Detector'"/> % if status:


% endif

This page contains some configurable options for the copyvio detector. Settings are saved as cookies. You can view and delete all cookies generated by this site at the bottom of this page.

<% background_options = [ ("list", 'Randomly select from a subset of previous Wikimedia CommonsPictures of the Day that work well as widescreen backgrounds, refreshed daily (default).'), ("potd", 'Use the current Commons Picture of the Day, unfiltered. Certain POTDs may be unsuitable as backgrounds due to their aspect ratio or subject matter.'), ("plain", "Use a plain background."), ] selected = g.cookies["CopyviosBackground"].value if "CopyviosBackground" in g.cookies else "list" %>\ % for i, (value, desc) in enumerate(background_options): % if i == 0: % else: % endif % endfor
Default site: https:// . .org
Background:  ${desc}


% if g.cookies: <% cookie_order = ["CopyviosDefaultProject", "CopyviosDefaultLang", "CopyviosBackground", "CopyviosScreenCache"] %>\ % for key in [key for key in cookie_order if key in g.cookies]: <% cookie = g.cookies[key] %>\ % try: <% lines = dumps(loads(cookie.value), indent=4).splitlines() %>\ % except ValueError: % endtry % endfor
${key | h} % for line in lines:
${line | h}
% endfor
${cookie.value | h}
% else:

No cookies!

% endif <%include file="/support/footer.mako"/>