This is a [copyright violation]( detector running on [Wikimedia Labs]( It works by searching the web for page content, or comparing an article to a specific URL. Dependencies ============ * [earwigbot]( >= 0.1 * [flask]( >= 0.10.1 * [flask-mako]( >= 0.3 * [flup]( >= 1.0.3 * [mako]( >= 0.7.2 * [mwparserfromhell]( >= 0.3 * [oursql]( >= * [SQLAlchemy]( >= 0.9.6 * [uglifycss]( * [uglifyjs]( >= 1.3.3 Running ======= - Install all dependencies. - Copy `.lighttpd.conf` to the relevant location. - Run `./` to minify JS and CSS files. - Start lighttpd.