# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from time import time from urlparse import urlparse from earwigbot import exceptions from .misc import open_sql_connection def get_site(bot, lang, project, name, all_projects): if project not in [proj[0] for proj in all_projects]: return None if project == "wikimedia" and name: # Special sites: try: return bot.wiki.get_site(name=name) except exceptions.SiteNotFoundError: try: return bot.wiki.add_site(lang=lang, project=project) except (exceptions.APIError, exceptions.LoginError): return None try: return bot.wiki.get_site(lang=lang, project=project) except exceptions.SiteNotFoundError: try: return bot.wiki.add_site(lang=lang, project=project) except (exceptions.APIError, exceptions.LoginError): return None def get_sites(bot): max_staleness = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 conn = open_sql_connection(bot, "globals") query1 = "SELECT update_time FROM updates WHERE update_service = ?" query2 = "SELECT lang_code, lang_name FROM language" query3 = "SELECT project_code, project_name FROM project" with conn.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(query1, ("sites",)) try: time_since_update = int(time() - cursor.fetchall()[0][0]) except IndexError: time_since_update = time() if time_since_update > max_staleness: _update_sites(bot.wiki.get_site(), cursor) cursor.execute(query2) langs = [] for code, name in cursor.fetchall(): if "\U" in name: name = name.decode("unicode_escape") langs.append((code, name)) cursor.execute(query3) projects = cursor.fetchall() return langs, projects def _update_sites(site, cursor): matrix = site.api_query(action="sitematrix")["sitematrix"] del matrix["count"] languages, projects = set(), set() for site in matrix.itervalues(): if isinstance(site, list): # Special sites bad_sites = ["closed", "private", "fishbowl"] for special in site: if all([key not in special for key in bad_sites]): full = urlparse(special["url"]).netloc if full.count(".") == 1: # No subdomain, so use "www" lang, project = "www", full.split(".")[0] else: lang, project = full.rsplit(".", 2)[:2] code = u"{0}::{1}".format(lang, special["dbname"]) name = special["code"].capitalize() languages.add((code, u"{0} ({1})".format(lang, name))) projects.add((project, project.capitalize())) continue this = set() for web in site["site"]: if "closed" in web: continue project = "wikipedia" if web["code"] == u"wiki" else web["code"] this.add((project, project.capitalize())) if this: code = site["code"] if "\U" in site["name"].encode("unicode_escape"): name = site["name"].encode("unicode_escape") else: name = site["name"] languages.add((code, u"{0} ({1})".format(code, name))) projects |= this _save_site_updates(cursor, languages, projects) def _save_site_updates(cursor, languages, projects): query1 = "SELECT lang_code, lang_name FROM language" query2 = "DELETE FROM language WHERE lang_code = ? AND lang_name = ?" query3 = "INSERT INTO language VALUES (?, ?)" query4 = "SELECT project_code, project_name FROM project" query5 = "DELETE FROM project WHERE project_code = ? AND project_name = ?" query6 = "INSERT INTO project VALUES (?, ?)" query7 = "SELECT 1 FROM updates WHERE update_service = ?" query8 = "UPDATE updates SET update_time = ? WHERE update_service = ?" query9 = "INSERT INTO updates VALUES (?, ?)" _synchronize_sites_with_db(cursor, languages, query1, query2, query3) _synchronize_sites_with_db(cursor, projects, query4, query5, query6) cursor.execute(query7, ("sites",)) if cursor.fetchall(): cursor.execute(query8, (time(), "sites")) else: cursor.execute(query9, ("sites", time())) def _synchronize_sites_with_db(cursor, updates, q_list, q_rmv, q_update): removals = [] cursor.execute(q_list) for site in cursor: updates.remove(site) if site in updates else removals.append(site) cursor.executemany(q_rmv, removals) cursor.executemany(q_update, updates)