<%include file="/support/header.mako" args="environ=environ, cookies=cookies, title='Copyvio Detector', add_css=('copyvios.css',), add_js=('copyvios.js',)"/>\ <%namespace module="toolserver.copyvios" import="main, highlight_delta"/>\ <%namespace module="toolserver.misc" import="urlstrip"/>\ <% query, bot, all_langs, all_projects, page, result = main(environ) %>\ % if query.project and query.lang and query.title and not page:

The given site (project=${query.project | h}, language=${query.lang | h}) doesn't seem to exist. It may also be closed or private. Confirm its URL.

% elif query.project and query.lang and query.title and page and not result:

The given page doesn't seem to exist: ${page.title | h}.

% endif

Copyvio Detector

This tool attempts to detect copyright violations in articles. Simply give the title of the page you want to check and hit Submit. The tool will then search for its content elsewhere on the web and display a report if a similar webpage is found. If you also provide a URL, it will not query any search engines and instead display a report comparing the article to that particular webpage, like the Duplication Detector. Check out the FAQ for more information and technical details.

% if page: % elif query.title: % else: % endif % if query.url: % else: % endif % if query.nocache or (result and result.cached): % if query.nocache: % else: % endif % endif
Site: http:// . .org
Page title:
URL (optional):
Bypass cache:
% if page and result:
% if result.violation:

${page.title | h} is a suspected violation of ${result.url | urlstrip, h}.

% else:

No violations detected in ${page.title | h}.

% endif % if "EarwigCVShowDetails" in cookies and cookies["EarwigCVShowDetails"].value == "True":
% else:
% endif <%include file="/support/footer.mako" args="environ=environ, cookies=cookies"/>