- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- from collections import OrderedDict
- from .highlighter import highlight_delta
- from .checker import do_check, T_POSSIBLE, T_SUSPECT
- from .misc import Query, cache
- from .sites import update_sites
- __all__ = ["format_api_error", "handle_api_request"]
- "no search method": "Either 'use_engine' or 'use_links' must be true",
- "bad oldid": "The revision ID is invalid",
- "no URL": "The parameter 'url' is required for URL comparisons",
- "bad URI": "The given URI scheme is unsupported",
- "no data": "No text could be found in the given URL (note that only HTML "
- "and plain text pages are supported, and content generated by "
- "JavaScript or found inside iframes is ignored)",
- "timeout": "The given URL timed out before any data could be retrieved",
- "search error": "An error occurred while using the search engine; try "
- "reloading or setting 'use_engine' to 0",
- }
- def _serialize_page(page):
- return OrderedDict((("title", page.title), ("url", page.url)))
- def _serialize_source(source, show_skip=True):
- if not source:
- return OrderedDict((
- ("url", None), ("confidence", 0.0), ("violation", "none")))
- conf = source.confidence
- data = OrderedDict((
- ("url", source.url),
- ("confidence", conf),
- ("violation", "suspected" if conf >= T_SUSPECT else
- "possible" if conf >= T_POSSIBLE else "none")
- ))
- if show_skip:
- data["skipped"] = source.skipped
- data["excluded"] = source.excluded
- return data
- def _serialize_detail(result):
- source_chain, delta = result.best.chains
- article = highlight_delta(None, result.article_chain, delta)
- source = highlight_delta(None, source_chain, delta)
- return OrderedDict((("article", article), ("source", source)))
- def format_api_error(code, info):
- if isinstance(info, BaseException):
- info = type(info).__name__ + ": " + str(info)
- elif isinstance(info, unicode):
- info = info.encode("utf8")
- error_inner = OrderedDict((("code", code), ("info", info)))
- return OrderedDict((("status", "error"), ("error", error_inner)))
- def _hook_default(query):
- info = u"Unknown action: '{0}'".format(query.action.lower())
- return format_api_error("unknown_action", info)
- def _hook_check(query):
- do_check(query)
- if not query.submitted:
- info = ("The query parameters 'project', 'lang', and either 'title' "
- "or 'oldid' are required for checks")
- return format_api_error("missing_params", info)
- if query.error:
- info = _CHECK_ERRORS.get(query.error, "An unknown error occurred")
- return format_api_error(query.error.replace(" ", "_"), info)
- elif not query.site:
- info = (u"The given site (project={0}, lang={1}) either doesn't exist,"
- u" is closed, or is private").format(query.project, query.lang)
- return format_api_error("bad_site", info)
- elif not query.result:
- if query.oldid:
- info = u"The given revision ID doesn't seem to exist: {0}"
- return format_api_error("bad_oldid", info.format(query.oldid))
- else:
- info = u"The given page doesn't seem to exist: {0}"
- return format_api_error("bad_title", info.format(query.page.title))
- result = query.result
- data = OrderedDict((
- ("status", "ok"),
- ("meta", OrderedDict((
- ("time", result.time),
- ("queries", result.queries),
- ("cached", result.cached),
- ("redirected", bool(query.redirected_from))
- ))),
- ("page", _serialize_page(query.page))
- ))
- if result.cached:
- data["meta"]["cache_time"] = result.cache_time
- if query.redirected_from:
- data["original_page"] = _serialize_page(query.redirected_from)
- data["best"] = _serialize_source(result.best, show_skip=False)
- data["sources"] = [_serialize_source(source) for source in result.sources]
- if query.detail in ("1", "true"):
- data["detail"] = _serialize_detail(result)
- return data
- def _hook_sites(query):
- update_sites()
- return OrderedDict((
- ("status", "ok"), ("langs", cache.langs), ("projects", cache.projects)
- ))
- _HOOKS = {
- "compare": _hook_check,
- "search": _hook_check,
- "sites": _hook_sites,
- }
- def handle_api_request():
- query = Query()
- if query.version:
- try:
- query.version = int(query.version)
- except ValueError:
- info = "The version string is invalid: {0}".format(query.version)
- return format_api_error("invalid_version", info)
- else:
- query.version = 1
- if query.version == 1:
- action = query.action.lower() if query.action else ""
- return _HOOKS.get(action, _hook_default)(query)
- info = "The API version is unsupported: {0}".format(query.version)
- return format_api_error("unsupported_version", info)