- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- from ast import literal_eval
- import re
- import requests
- from .misc import parse_wiki_timestamp
- __all__ = ['search_turnitin', 'TURNITIN_API_ENDPOINT']
- TURNITIN_API_ENDPOINT = 'http://tools.wmflabs.org/eranbot/plagiabot/api.py'
- def search_turnitin(page_title, lang):
- """ Search the Plagiabot database for Turnitin reports for a page.
- Keyword arguments:
- page_title -- string containing the page title
- lang -- string containing the page's project language code
- Return a TurnitinResult (contains a list of TurnitinReports).
- """
- return TurnitinResult(_make_api_request(page_title, lang))
- def _make_api_request(page_title, lang):
- """ Query the plagiabot API for Turnitin reports for a given page.
- """
- stripped_page_title = page_title.replace(' ', '_')
- api_parameters = {'action': 'suspected_diffs',
- 'page_title': stripped_page_title,
- 'lang': lang,
- 'report': 1}
- result = requests.get(TURNITIN_API_ENDPOINT, params=api_parameters)
- # use literal_eval to *safely* parse the resulting dict-containing string
- try:
- parsed_api_result = literal_eval(result.text)
- except (SyntaxError, ValueError):
- parsed_api_result = []
- return parsed_api_result
- class TurnitinResult(object):
- """ Container class for TurnitinReports. Each page may have zero or
- more reports of plagiarism. The list will have multiple
- TurnitinReports if plagiarism has been detected for more than one
- revision.
- TurnitinResult.reports -- list containing >= 0 TurnitinReport items
- """
- def __init__(self, turnitin_data):
- """
- Keyword argument:
- turnitin_data -- plagiabot API result
- """
- self.reports = []
- for item in turnitin_data:
- report = TurnitinReport(
- item['diff_timestamp'], item['diff'], item['report'])
- self.reports.append(report)
- def __repr__(self):
- return str(self.__dict__)
- class TurnitinReport(object):
- """ Contains data for each Turnitin report (one on each potentially
- plagiarized revision).
- TurnitinReport.reportid -- Turnitin report ID, taken from plagiabot
- TurnitinReport.diffid -- diff ID from Wikipedia database
- TurnitinReport.time_posted -- datetime of the time the diff posted
- TurnitinReport.sources -- list of dicts with information on:
- percent -- percent of revision found in source as well
- words -- number of words found in both source and revision
- url -- url for the possibly-plagiarized source
- """
- def __init__(self, timestamp, diffid, report):
- """
- Keyword argument:
- timestamp -- diff timestamp from Wikipedia database
- diffid -- diff ID from Wikipedia database
- report -- Turnitin report from the plagiabot database
- """
- self.report_data = self._parse_report(report)
- self.reportid = self.report_data[0]
- self.diffid = diffid
- self.time_posted = parse_wiki_timestamp(timestamp)
- self.sources = []
- for item in self.report_data[1]:
- source = {'percent': item[0],
- 'words': item[1],
- 'url': item[2]}
- self.sources.append(source)
- def __repr__(self):
- return str(self.__dict__)
- def _parse_report(self, report_text):
- # extract report ID
- report_id_pattern = re.compile(r'\?rid=(\d*)')
- report_id = report_id_pattern.search(report_text).groups()[0]
- # extract percent match, words, and URL for each source in the report
- extract_info_pattern = re.compile(
- r'\n\* \w\s+(\d*)\% (\d*) words at \[(.*?) ')
- results = extract_info_pattern.findall(report_text)
- return (report_id, results)