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Also print out reported size in ROM header info.

Ben Kurtovic 9 years ago
1 changed files with 24 additions and 4 deletions
  1. +24

+ 24
- 4
src/rom.c View File

@@ -57,6 +57,25 @@ static void print_header(const uint8_t *header)

Return a string indicating the ROM's size, according to its header.
static const char* parse_reported_size(uint8_t value)
switch (value) {
case 0x0: return "256 KB";
case 0x1: return "512 KB";
case 0x2: return "1 MB";
case 0xA: return "8 KB";
case 0xB: return "16 KB";
case 0xC: return "32 KB";
case 0xD: return "48 KB";
case 0xE: return "64 KB";
case 0xF: return "128 KB";
default: return "Unknown";

Parse a ROM image's header, and return whether or not it is valid.

The header is 16 bytes long, consisting of:
@@ -95,10 +114,11 @@ static bool parse_header(ROM *rom, const uint8_t *header)
const char* region = rom_region(rom);

DEBUG("- header info:")
DEBUG(" - checksum: 0x%04X", rom->checksum)
DEBUG(" - product code: %u", rom->product_code)
DEBUG(" - version: %u", rom->version)
DEBUG(" - region code: %u (%s)", rom->region_code, region ? region : "unknown")
DEBUG(" - checksum: 0x%04X", rom->checksum)
DEBUG(" - product code: %u", rom->product_code)
DEBUG(" - version: %u", rom->version)
DEBUG(" - region code: %u (%s)", rom->region_code, region ? region : "unknown")
DEBUG(" - reported size: %s", parse_reported_size(header[0xF] & 0xF))
return true;
