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Doc updates; .s -> .asm.

Ben Kurtovic před 9 roky
4 změnil soubory, kde provedl 29 přidání a 23 odebrání
  1. +21
  2. +3
  3. +1
  4. +4

+ 21
- 17 Zobrazit soubor

@@ -1,9 +1,11 @@

**crater** is an emulator for the [Sega Game Gear][game gear], written in C.
**crater** is an emulator for the [Sega Game Gear][game gear], with an included
[Z80][z80] assembler/disassembler, written in C.

[game gear]:

@@ -21,40 +23,42 @@ codename for the Game Gear during development.

Only OS X and Linux are tested. You'll need a decent compiler that supports C11
Only OS X and Linux are tested. You'll need a modern compiler that supports C11
(clang preferred) and SDL 2. Using Homebrew, you can `brew install sdl2`; using
apt, you can `apt-get install libsdl2-dev`.

Run `make` to create `./crater`. To build the development version with debug
symbols (they can exist simultaneously), run `make DEBUG=1`, which creates
`./crater-dev`. This also enables the printing of debugging info to stdout.


Running `./crater` without arguments will display a list of ROM images located
Running `./crater` without arguments will display a list of ROM images located
in the `roms/` directory, and then ask the user to pick one, or enter their own
ROM path. You can provide a path directly with `./crater path/to/rom`.

Add or symlink ROMs to `roms/` at your leisure. Note that they should end in
`.gg` or `.bin`.
Add or symlink ROMs to `roms/` at your leisure. Note that they must end in
`.gg` or `.bin` to be auto-detected.

Add `--fullscreen` (`-f`) to enable fullscreen mode, or `--scale <n>`
(`-s <n>`) to scale the game screen by an integer factor.

Add `--debug` (`-g`) to display detailed information about emulation state
while running, including register values and memory contents. You can also
pause emulation to set breakpoints and change state.

`./crater -h` gives (fairly basic) command-line usage, and `./crater -v` gives
the current version.

### Advanced options
### Assembler/Disassembler

crater supports several advanced features. Add `--debug` (`-g`) to display
detailed information about emulation state while running, including register
values and memory contents. You can also pause emulation to set breakpoints and
change state.
crater has built-in support for converting Z80 assembly into ROM images, as
well as attempting the reverse process (i.e., disassembling).

`--assemble <input> [<output>]` (`-a`) converts z80 assembly source code into a
`.gg` binary that can be run by crater. `--disassemble <input> [<output>]`
(`-d`) executes the opposite operation. If no output file is given, crater will
use the name of the input file, with the extension replaced with `.gg` for `-a`
and `.s` for `-d`. By default, this will never overwrite the original filename;
pass `--overwrite` (`-r`) to let crater do so.
`--assemble <input> [<output>]` (`-a`) converts source code into a `.gg` binary
that can be run by crater. `--disassemble <input> [<output>]` (`-d`) executes
the opposite operation. If no output file is given, crater will use the name of
the input file, with the extension replaced with `.gg` for `-a` and `.asm` for
`-d`. By default, this will never overwrite the original filename; pass
`--overwrite` (`-r`) to let crater do so.

+ 3
- 1
src/assembler.c Zobrazit soubor

@@ -69,7 +69,9 @@ static ErrorInfo* tokenize(AssemblerState *state)
origin = line;
else {
// TODO: first parse data item, then do same bounded check as
// with instructions below, then increment offset and
// ASMData list pointers appropriate
ei = error_info_create(line, ET_PREPROC, ED_PP_UNKNOWN);
goto cleanup;

+ 1
- 1
src/assembler/preprocessor.c Zobrazit soubor

@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ static char* read_include_path(const ASMLine *line)
if (line->data[i++] != ' ' || line->data[i++] != '"')
goto error;

// TODO: parse escaped characters properly
// TODO: parse escaped characters properly <-- use new parse_util func here
for (start = i, slashes = 0; i < line->length; i++) {
if (line->data[i] == '"' && (slashes % 2) == 0)

+ 4
- 4
src/config.c Zobrazit soubor

@@ -249,13 +249,13 @@ static int parse_args(Config *config, int argc, char *argv[])

If no output file is specified for the assembler, this function picks a
filename based on the input file, replacing its extension with '.gg' or
'.s' (or adding it, if none is present).
filename based on the input file, replacing its extension with ".gg" or
".asm" (or adding it, if none is present).
static void guess_assembler_output_file(Config* config)
char *src = config->src_path, *ptr = src + strlen(src) - 1,
*ext = config->assemble ? ".gg" : ".s";
*ext = config->assemble ? ".gg" : ".asm";
size_t until_ext = ptr - src + 1;

do {
@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ static void guess_assembler_output_file(Config* config)
} while (ptr-- >= src);

config->dst_path = malloc(sizeof(char) * (until_ext + 4));
config->dst_path = malloc(sizeof(char) * (until_ext + 5));
if (!config->dst_path)
strcpy(stpncpy(config->dst_path, src, until_ext), ext);

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