**crater** is an emulator for the [Sega Game Gear][game gear], with an included
[Z80][z80] assembler/disassembler, written in C.
[game gear]:
While the internet is full of emulators for retro game systems, writing one is
nevertheless a fun learning project.
crater is named after [31 Crateris][crateris], a star that was – for a short
time in 1974 – misidentified as [a moon of Mercury][moon]. Mercury was Sega's
codename for the Game Gear during development.
Only OS X and Linux are tested. You'll need a modern compiler that supports C11
([clang][clang] preferred) and [SDL 2][sdl2]. Using Homebrew, you can
`brew install sdl2`; using apt, you can `apt-get install libsdl2-dev`.
Run `make` to create `./crater`. To build the development version with debug
symbols and no optimizations, run `make DEBUG=1`, which creates `./crater-dev`.
crater has a number of test cases. Run the entire suite with `make test`;
individual components can be tested by doing `make test-{component}`, where
`{component}` is one of `cpu`, `vdp`, `psg`, `asm`, `dis`, or `integrate`.
Running `./crater` without arguments will display a list of ROM images located
in the `roms/` directory, and then ask the user to pick one, or enter their own
ROM path. You can provide a path directly with `./crater path/to/rom`.
Add or symlink ROMs to `roms/` at your leisure. Note that they must end in
`.gg` or `.bin` to be auto-detected.
Add `--fullscreen` (`-f`) to enable fullscreen mode, or `--scale `
(`-x `) to scale the game screen by an integer factor in windowed mode (this
only sets the starting configuration; the window should be resizeable).
By default, crater will save cartridge RAM ("battery saves"; these are distinct
from save states, which are not yet supported) to a file named `.sav`,
where `` is the path to the ROM file. You can set a custom save location
with `--save ` (`-s `) or disable saving entirely with `--no-save`.
Add `--debug` (`-g`) to show logging information while running. Pass it twice
(`-gg`) to show more detailed logs, including an emulator trace.
`./crater -h` gives (fairly basic) command-line usage, and `./crater -v` gives
the current version.
### Key mapping
Custom key mappings are not supported. There are two primary configurations I
- `Return`/`Esc` for `Start`; `WASD` for D-pad; `.` for `1`/left trigger;
`/` for `2`/right trigger
- `Return`/`Esc` for `Start`; arrow keys for D-pad; `Z` for `1`/left trigger;
`X` for `2`/right trigger
You can switch between them freely.
### Assembler/Disassembler
crater has built-in support for converting Z80 assembly into ROM images, as
well as attempting the reverse process (i.e., disassembling).
`--assemble [