/* Copyright (C) 2014-2016 Ben Kurtovic Released under the terms of the MIT License. See LICENSE for details. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "../src/logging.h" #include "../src/util.h" #define ASM_PREFIX "asm/" #define ASM_OUTFILE ASM_PREFIX ".output.gg" /* Helper macros for reporting test passings/failures */ #define PASS_TEST() \ do { \ printf("."); \ fflush(stdout); \ passed_tests++; \ pending_nl = true; \ } while(0); #define FAIL_MSG "***** FAILURE *****" #define FAIL_TEST(format, ...) \ do { \ printf("F\n"); \ fprintf(stderr, FAIL_MSG "\n" format "\n", __VA_ARGS__); \ failed_tests++; \ pending_nl = false; \ } while(0); #define READY_STDOUT() \ do { \ if (pending_nl) { \ printf("\n"); \ pending_nl = false; \ } \ } while(0); static int passed_tests = 0, failed_tests = 0; static bool pending_nl = false; /* Prints out the test report. Called before exiting using atexit(). */ static void finalize() { READY_STDOUT() if (failed_tests) printf("fail (%d/%d)\n", passed_tests, passed_tests + failed_tests); else printf("pass (%d/%d)\n", passed_tests, passed_tests); } /* Compare two files. If they are identical, then return true. Otherwise, return false and print an error message showing the difference. */ static bool diff_files(const char *expected_path, const char *actual_path) { bool same = false; FILE *expected = NULL, *actual = NULL; if (!(actual = fopen(actual_path, "rb"))) { FAIL_TEST("missing output file: %s", actual_path) goto cleanup; } if (!(expected = fopen(expected_path, "rb"))) { FAIL_TEST("missing reference file: %s", expected_path) goto cleanup; } size_t len = 0; int e, a; while ((e = fgetc(expected)) != EOF) { a = fgetc(actual); if (a == EOF) { FAIL_TEST("files differ: output file too short (index %zu)", len) goto cleanup; } if (e != a) { FAIL_TEST("files differ: 0x%02X != 0x%02X (expected vs. actual at " "index %zu)", e, a, len) goto cleanup; } len++; } if (fgetc(actual) != EOF) { FAIL_TEST("files differ: junk at end of output file (index %zu)", len) goto cleanup; } same = true; cleanup: if (expected) fclose(expected); if (actual) fclose(actual); return same; } /* Return whether the given character is valid within a filename. */ static bool is_valid_filename_char(char c) { return (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= '0' && c <= '9') || c == '.' || c == '_' || c == '-'; } /* Run a single ASM->ROM test, converting the given source file to a temporary output file, compared against the reference file. */ static bool run_asm_test(const char *src_file, const char *ref_file) { char *cmd_prefix = "../crater --assemble " ASM_PREFIX; char *cmd = cr_malloc(sizeof(char) * (strlen(cmd_prefix) + strlen(ASM_OUTFILE) + strlen(src_file)) + 2); // Construct the command by concatenating: // ../crater --assemble asm/ asm/.output.gg stpcpy(stpcpy(stpcpy(cmd, cmd_prefix), src_file), " " ASM_OUTFILE); unlink(ASM_OUTFILE); system(cmd); free(cmd); // Construct the full reference file path in a temporary variable and diff // it with the output file: char *ref_path = malloc(sizeof(char) * (strlen(ASM_PREFIX) + strlen(ref_file) + 1)); stpcpy(stpcpy(ref_path, ASM_PREFIX), ref_file); bool diff = diff_files(ref_path, ASM_OUTFILE); free(ref_path); return diff; } /* --------------------------- Main test runners --------------------------- */ /* Run tests for the Z80 CPU. */ static bool test_cpu() { // TODO return true; } /* Run tests for the VDP. */ static bool test_vdp() { // TODO return true; } /* Run tests for the SN76489 PSG. */ static bool test_psg() { // TODO return true; } /* Run tests for the assembler. */ static bool test_asm() { FILE *fp = fopen(ASM_PREFIX "manifest", "r"); if (!fp) { ERROR_ERRNO("couldn't open manifest file") return false; } char *line = NULL, *split, c; size_t cap = 0, lineno = 0, i; ssize_t len; while ((len = getline(&line, &cap, fp)) > 0) { lineno++; line[--len] = '\0'; if (!len) continue; i = 0; while ((c = line[i++])) { if (!is_valid_filename_char(c) && c != ' ') { READY_STDOUT() ERROR("bad character in manifest file on line %zu", lineno) return false; } } split = strchr(line, ' '); if (!split || strchr(split + 1, ' ')) { READY_STDOUT() ERROR("bad format in manifest file on line %zu", lineno) return false; } *(split++) = '\0'; if (!run_asm_test(line, split)) { fprintf(stderr, "in test: %s -> %s\n", line, split); return false; } PASS_TEST() } unlink(ASM_OUTFILE); free(line); return true; } /* Run tests for the disassembler. */ static bool test_dis() { // TODO return true; } /* Run integration tests (i.e., multiple components working together). */ static bool test_integrate() { // TODO return true; } /* Main function. */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc != 2) FATAL("a single component name is required") const char *component = argv[1], *name; bool (*func)(); if (!strcmp(component, "cpu")) { name = "Z80 CPU"; func = test_cpu; } else if (!strcmp(component, "vdp")) { name = "VDP"; func = test_vdp; } else if (!strcmp(component, "psg")) { name = "SN76489 PSG"; func = test_psg; } else if (!strcmp(component, "asm")) { name = "assembler"; func = test_asm; } else if (!strcmp(component, "dis")) { name = "disassembler"; func = test_dis; } else if (!strcmp(component, "integrate")) { name = "integration"; func = test_integrate; } else { FATAL("unknown component: %s", component) } printf("crater: running %s tests\n", name); atexit(finalize); return func() ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE; }