/* Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Ben Kurtovic Released under the terms of the MIT License. See LICENSE for details. */ #include "instructions.h" #include "../logging.h" /* TEMP SYNTAX NOTES: - http://clrhome.org/table/ - http://www.z80.info/z80undoc.htm - http://www.z80.info/z80code.txt - http://www.z80.info/z80href.txt instruction := mnemonic [arg[, arg[, arg]]] mnemonic := [a-z0-9]{2-4} arg := register | immediate | label | indirect | indexed | condition | page0 register := A | B | C | D | E | AF | BC | DE | HL | F | I | IX | IY | PC | R | SP immediate := 8-bit integer | 16-bit integer label := string indirect := \( (register | immediate) \) indexed := \( (IX | IY) + immediate \) condition := NZ | N | NC | C | PO | PE | P | M page0 := $0 | $8 | $10 | $18 | $20 | $28 | $30 | $38 */ /* ... */ ASMInstParser get_inst_parser(char mnemonic[MAX_MNEMONIC_SIZE + 1]) { // TODO DEBUG("get_inst_parser(): -->%s<--", mnemonic) return NULL; }