/* Copyright (C) 2014-2016 Ben Kurtovic Released under the terms of the MIT License. See LICENSE for details. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "config.h" #include "logging.h" #include "util.h" #include "version.h" typedef struct { int argc; char **argv; int i, j; int paths_read; } Arguments; /* Print command-line help/usage. */ static void print_help(const char *arg1) { printf("%s [-h] [-v] [-f] [-s ] [] ...\n" "\n" "basic options:\n" " -h, --help show this help message and exit\n" " -v, --version show crater's version number and exit\n" " -f, --fullscreen enable fullscreen mode\n" " path to the rom file to execute; if not given, will look\n" " in the roms/ directory and prompt the user\n" "\n" "advanced options:\n" " -g, --debug show logging information while running; add twice (-gg)\n" " to show more detailed logs, including an emulator trace\n" " -s, --scale scale the game screen by an integer factor\n" " (applies to windowed mode only)\n" " -a, --assemble [] convert z80 assembly source code into a\n" " binary file that can be run by crater\n" " -d, --disassemble [] convert a binary file into z80 assembly\n" " source code\n" " -r, --overwrite allow crater to write assembler output to the same\n" " filename as the input\n", arg1); } /* Print crater's version. */ static void print_version() { printf("crater %s\n", CRATER_VERSION); } /* Return whether the given string ends with the given suffix. */ static bool ends_with(const char *input, const char *suffix) { size_t ilen = strlen(input), slen = strlen(suffix); if (ilen < slen) return false; return strcmp(input + (ilen - slen), suffix) == 0; } /* Load all potential ROM files in roms/ into a data structure. */ static int get_rom_paths(char ***path_ptr) { DIR *dirp; struct dirent *entry; char **paths = NULL, *path; int psize = 8, npaths = 0; dirp = opendir(ROMS_DIR); if (dirp) { paths = cr_malloc(sizeof(char*) * psize); while ((entry = readdir(dirp))) { path = entry->d_name; if (ends_with(path, ".gg") || ends_with(path, ".bin")) { if (npaths >= psize) { paths = cr_realloc(paths, sizeof(char*) * (psize *= 2)); } paths[npaths] = cr_malloc(sizeof(char*) * (strlen(path) + strlen(ROMS_DIR) + 1)); strcpy(paths[npaths], ROMS_DIR "/"); strcat(paths[npaths], path); npaths++; } } closedir(dirp); } else { WARN_ERRNO("couldn't open '" ROMS_DIR "/'") } *path_ptr = paths; return npaths; } /* Find all potential ROM files in the roms/ directory, then ask the user which one they want to run. */ static char* get_rom_path_from_user() { char **paths, *path, *input = NULL; int npaths, i; long int index; size_t size = 0; ssize_t len; npaths = get_rom_paths(&paths); for (i = 0; i < npaths; i++) printf("[%2d] %s\n", i + 1, paths[i]); if (npaths) printf("Enter a ROM number from above, or the path to a ROM image: "); else printf("Enter the path to a ROM image: "); len = getline(&input, &size, stdin); if (!input) OUT_OF_MEMORY() if (len > 0 && input[len - 1] == '\n') input[len - 1] = '\0'; index = strtol(input, NULL, 10); if (index < 1 || index > npaths) path = input; else path = paths[index - 1]; for (i = 0; i < npaths; i++) { if (paths[i] != path) free(paths[i]); } free(paths); return path; } /* Consume and return the next argument, or NULL if it is at the end. */ static const char* consume_next(Arguments *args) { static char partial[3] = {'-', '\0', '\0'}; char *curr = args->argv[args->i]; if (!curr) return NULL; if (curr[0] == '-' && curr[1] != '-' && curr[1] != '\0') { // Need to handle single dash arg clusters like -asdf <=> -a -s -d -f if (curr[args->j]) { partial[1] = curr[args->j]; args->j++; return partial; } args->i++; args->j = 1; return consume_next(args); } args->i++; return curr; } /* Parse a single positional (typically a path) command-line argument. */ static int parse_pos_arg(Config *config, Arguments *args, const char *arg) { if (args->paths_read >= 2) { ERROR("too many arguments given: emulator mode accepts one ROM file,\n" "and assembler mode accepts one input file and one output file") return CONFIG_EXIT_FAILURE; } char *path = cr_malloc(sizeof(char) * (strlen(arg) + 1)); strcpy(path, arg); if (args->paths_read == 1) { /* If this is the second path given, it can only be an output file for the assembler. If the assembler is not enabled by subsequent arguments, we'll throw an error. */ config->dst_path = path; } else { /* Otherwise, put the argument in the expected place. If we put it in rom_path and the assembler is enabled by later arguments, we'll move it. */ if (config->assemble || config->disassemble) config->src_path = path; else config->rom_path = path; } args->paths_read++; return CONFIG_OK; } /* Check if the given argument matches the given short or long form. */ static bool arg_check(const char *arg, const char *t1, const char *t2) { return !strcmp(arg, t1) || !strcmp(arg, t2); } /* Parse a single optional ("flag") command-line argument. */ static int parse_opt_arg(Config *config, Arguments *args, const char *arg) { do arg++; while (*arg == '-'); if (arg_check(arg, "h", "help")) { print_help(args->argv[0]); return CONFIG_EXIT_SUCCESS; } else if (arg_check(arg, "v", "version")) { print_version(); return CONFIG_EXIT_SUCCESS; } else if (arg_check(arg, "f", "fullscreen")) { config->fullscreen = true; } else if (arg_check(arg, "s", "scale")) { const char *next = consume_next(args); if (!next) { ERROR("the scale option requires an argument") return CONFIG_EXIT_FAILURE; } long scale = strtol(next, NULL, 10); if (scale <= 0 || scale > SCALE_MAX) { ERROR("scale factor of %s is not an integer or is out of range", next) return CONFIG_EXIT_FAILURE; } config->scale = scale; } else if (arg_check(arg, "g", "debug")) { config->debug++; } else if (arg_check(arg, "a", "assemble")) { if (args->paths_read >= 1) { config->src_path = config->rom_path; config->rom_path = NULL; } config->assemble = true; } else if (arg_check(arg, "d", "disassemble")) { if (args->paths_read >= 1) { config->src_path = config->rom_path; config->rom_path = NULL; } config->disassemble = true; } else if (arg_check(arg, "r", "overwrite")) { config->overwrite = true; } else { ERROR("unknown argument: %s", arg) return CONFIG_EXIT_FAILURE; } return CONFIG_OK; } /* Parse the command-line arguments for any special flags. */ static int parse_args(Config *config, int argc, char *argv[]) { Arguments args = {argc, argv, 1, 1, 0}; const char *arg; int retval; while ((arg = consume_next(&args))) { if (arg[0] != '-') retval = parse_pos_arg(config, &args, arg); else retval = parse_opt_arg(config, &args, arg); if (retval != CONFIG_OK) return retval; } if (!config->assemble && !config->disassemble && args.paths_read >= 2) { ERROR("too many arguments given - emulator mode accepts one ROM file") return CONFIG_EXIT_FAILURE; } if (!config->assemble && !config->disassemble && args.paths_read == 0) { char *path = get_rom_path_from_user(); if (path[0] == '\0') { ERROR("no ROM image given") return CONFIG_EXIT_FAILURE; } config->rom_path = path; } return CONFIG_OK; } /* If no output file is specified for the assembler, this function picks a filename based on the input file, replacing its extension with ".gg" or ".asm" (or adding it, if none is present). */ static void guess_assembler_output_file(Config* config) { char *src = config->src_path, *ptr = src + strlen(src) - 1, *ext = config->assemble ? ".gg" : ".asm"; size_t until_ext = ptr - src + 1; do { if (*ptr == '.') { until_ext = ptr - src; break; } } while (ptr-- >= src); config->dst_path = cr_malloc(sizeof(char) * (until_ext + 5)); strcpy(stpncpy(config->dst_path, src, until_ext), ext); } /* Ensure that the combination of arguments in a config object are valid. Some modifications are made in the case of missing arguments, like guessing the filenames for assembler output files. */ static bool sanity_check(Config* config) { bool assembler = config->assemble || config->disassemble; if (config->fullscreen && config->scale > 1) { ERROR("cannot specify a scale in fullscreen mode") return false; } else if (config->assemble && config->disassemble) { ERROR("cannot assemble and disassemble at the same time") return false; } else if (assembler && (config->fullscreen || config->scale > 1)) { ERROR("cannot specify emulator options in assembler mode") return false; } else if (assembler && !config->src_path) { ERROR("assembler mode requires an input file") return false; } if (assembler && !config->dst_path) { guess_assembler_output_file(config); } if (assembler && !config->overwrite && !strcmp(config->src_path, config->dst_path)) { ERROR("refusing to overwrite the assembler input file; pass -r to override") return false; } return true; } /* Create a new config object and load default values into it. Return value is one of CONFIG_OK, CONFIG_EXIT_SUCCESS, CONFIG_EXIT_FAILURE and indicates how the caller should proceed. If the caller should exit, then the config object should *not* be freed; otherwise it should be freed with config_destroy() when the caller is ready. */ int config_create(Config** config_ptr, int argc, char* argv[]) { Config *config = cr_malloc(sizeof(Config)); int retval; config->debug = 0; config->assemble = false; config->disassemble = false; config->fullscreen = false; config->scale = 1; config->rom_path = NULL; config->src_path = NULL; config->dst_path = NULL; config->overwrite = false; retval = parse_args(config, argc, argv); if (retval == CONFIG_OK && !sanity_check(config)) retval = CONFIG_EXIT_FAILURE; if (retval != CONFIG_OK) { config_destroy(config); return retval; } *config_ptr = config; return CONFIG_OK; } /* Destroy a config object previously created with config_create(). */ void config_destroy(Config *config) { free(config->rom_path); free(config->src_path); free(config->dst_path); free(config); } /* @DEBUG_LEVEL Print out all config arguments to stdout. */ void config_dump_args(const Config* config) { DEBUG("Dumping arguments:") DEBUG("- debug: %d", config->debug) DEBUG("- assemble: %s", config->assemble ? "true" : "false") DEBUG("- disassemble: %s", config->disassemble ? "true" : "false") DEBUG("- fullscreen: %s", config->fullscreen ? "true" : "false") DEBUG("- scale: %d", config->scale) DEBUG("- rom_path: %s", config->rom_path ? config->rom_path : "(null)") DEBUG("- src_path: %s", config->src_path ? config->src_path : "(null)") DEBUG("- dst_path: %s", config->dst_path ? config->dst_path : "(null)") DEBUG("- overwrite: %s", config->overwrite ? "true" : "false") }