- /* Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Ben Kurtovic <ben.kurtovic@gmail.com>
- Released under the terms of the MIT License. See LICENSE for details. */
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include "errors.h"
- #include "state.h"
- #include "../assembler.h"
- #include "../util.h"
- /* Error strings */
- static const char *error_types[] = {
- [ET_INCLUDE] = "include directive",
- [ET_PREPROC] = "preprocessor",
- [ET_LAYOUT] = "memory layout",
- [ET_SYMBOL] = "symbol table",
- [ET_PARSER] = "instruction parser"
- };
- static const char *error_descs[] = {
- [ED_NONE] = "undefined error",
- [ED_INC_BAD_ARG] = "missing or invalid argument",
- [ED_INC_DEPTH] = "maximum include depth exceeded",
- [ED_INC_FILE_READ] = "couldn't read included file",
- [ED_PP_UNKNOWN] = "unknown directive",
- [ED_PP_DUPLICATE] = "multiple values for directive",
- [ED_PP_NO_ARG] = "missing argument for directive",
- [ED_PP_BAD_ARG] = "invalid argument for directive",
- [ED_PP_ARG_RANGE] = "directive argument out of range",
- [ED_LYT_HEADER_RANGE] = "header offset exceeds given ROM size",
- [ED_LYT_DECL_RANGE] = "declared ROM size in header exceeds actual size",
- [ED_LYT_BOUNDS] = "location is out of bounds for the ROM size",
- [ED_LYT_BLOCK0] = "block zero cannot be mapped into a nonzero slot",
- [ED_LYT_SLOTS] = "multiple slot declarations for block directive",
- [ED_LYT_BLOCK_CROSS] = "instruction or data extends past block boundary",
- [ED_LYT_OVERLAP] = "multiple instructions/data occupy same location",
- [ED_LYT_OVERLAP_HEAD] = "location overlaps with ROM header",
- [ED_SYM_DUPE_LABELS] = "duplicate definitions for label",
- [ED_SYM_NO_LABEL] = "undefined reference to label",
- [ED_SYM_TOO_LONG] = "label name is too long",
- [ED_SYM_IS_REGISTER] = "labels cannot share names with registers",
- [ED_SYM_IS_CONDITION] = "labels cannot share names with condition codes",
- [ED_PS_OP_TOO_LONG] = "opcode mnemonic is too long (2-4 characters)",
- [ED_PS_OP_TOO_SHORT] = "opcode mnemonic is too short (2-4 characters)",
- [ED_PS_OP_INVALID] = "invalid characters in opcode mnemonic",
- [ED_PS_OP_UNKNOWN] = "unknown opcode mnemonic",
- [ED_PS_TOO_FEW_ARGS] = "too few arguments for opcode",
- [ED_PS_TOO_MANY_ARGS] = "too many arguments for opcode",
- [ED_PS_ARG_SYNTAX] = "invalid syntax in argument(s)",
- [ED_PS_ARG_TYPE] = "invalid argument type",
- [ED_PS_ARG_VALUE] = "invalid value for argument"
- };
- /* Internal structs */
- struct ASMErrorLine {
- char *data;
- size_t length;
- size_t lineno;
- char *filename;
- struct ASMErrorLine *next;
- };
- typedef struct ASMErrorLine ASMErrorLine;
- struct ErrorInfo {
- ASMErrorType type;
- ASMErrorDesc desc;
- ASMErrorLine *line;
- };
- /*
- Create an ASMErrorLine object from an ASMLine.
- */
- static ASMErrorLine* create_error_line(const ASMLine *line)
- {
- ASMErrorLine *el = cr_malloc(sizeof(ASMErrorLine));
- const char *source = line->original->data;
- size_t length = line->original->length;
- // Ignore spaces at beginning:
- while (length > 0 && (*source == ' ' || *source == '\t'))
- source++, length--;
- el->data = cr_malloc(sizeof(char) * length);
- memcpy(el->data, source, length);
- el->length = length;
- el->lineno = line->original->lineno;
- el->filename = cr_strdup(line->filename);
- el->next = NULL;
- return el;
- }
- /*
- Create an ErrorInfo object describing a particular error.
- The ErrorInfo object can be printed with error_info_print(), and must be
- freed when done with error_info_destroy().
- This function never fails (OOM triggers an exit()); the caller can be
- confident the returned object is valid.
- */
- ErrorInfo* error_info_create(
- const ASMLine *line, ASMErrorType err_type, ASMErrorDesc err_desc)
- {
- ErrorInfo *einfo = cr_malloc(sizeof(ErrorInfo));
- einfo->type = err_type;
- einfo->desc = err_desc;
- einfo->line = line ? create_error_line(line) : NULL;
- return einfo;
- }
- /*
- Add an ASMLine to an ErrorInfo object, as part of a file trace.
- */
- void error_info_append(ErrorInfo *einfo, const ASMLine *line)
- {
- ASMErrorLine* el = create_error_line(line);
- el->next = einfo->line;
- einfo->line = el;
- }
- /*
- Print an ErrorInfo object returned by assemble() to the given stream.
- */
- void error_info_print(const ErrorInfo *einfo, FILE *file)
- {
- ASMErrorLine *line = einfo->line;
- fprintf(file, "error: %s: %s\n", error_types[einfo->type],
- error_descs[einfo->desc]);
- while (line) {
- fprintf(file, "%s:%zu:\n", line->filename, line->lineno);
- fprintf(file, " %.*s\n", (int) line->length, line->data);
- line = line->next;
- }
- }
- /*
- Destroy an ErrorInfo object created by assemble().
- */
- void error_info_destroy(ErrorInfo *error_info)
- {
- if (!error_info)
- return;
- ASMErrorLine *line = error_info->line, *temp;
- while (line) {
- temp = line->next;
- free(line->data);
- free(line->filename);
- free(line);
- line = temp;
- }
- free(error_info);
- }