- /* Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Ben Kurtovic <ben.kurtovic@gmail.com>
- Released under the terms of the MIT License. See LICENSE for details. */
- #include <libgen.h>
- #include <limits.h>
- #include <stdbool.h>
- #include <stdint.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include "preprocessor.h"
- #include "directives.h"
- #include "errors.h"
- #include "io.h"
- #include "parse_util.h"
- #include "../logging.h"
- #include "../rom.h"
- #include "../util.h"
- #define MAX_INCLUDE_DEPTH 16
- /* Helper macros for preprocess() */
- #define FAIL_ON_COND_(cond, err_desc) \
- if ((cond)) { \
- ei = error_info_create(line, ET_PREPROC, err_desc); \
- goto cleanup; \
- }
- #define CALL_GENERIC_PARSER_(arg_type) \
- dparse_##arg_type((arg_type*) &arg, line, directive)
- #define CALL_SPECIFIC_PARSER_(arg_type, parser) \
- dparse_##parser((arg_type*) &arg, line, directive)
- #define DISPATCH_(first, second, target, ...) target
- #define CALL_PARSER_(...) \
- __VA_ARGS__)(__VA_ARGS__)
- #define VALIDATE(func) \
- FAIL_ON_COND_(!(func(arg)), ED_PP_BAD_ARG)
- #define CHECK_RANGE(bound) \
- FAIL_ON_COND_(arg > bound, ED_PP_ARG_RANGE)
- #define USE_PARSER(...) \
- #define PARSER_BRANCH(arg_type, true_part, false_part) \
- if (CALL_PARSER_(arg_type)) {true_part} else {false_part}
- #define SAVE_LINE(target) \
- if (!dir_is_auto) target = line;
- ssize_t first_ctr = -1; \
- if (0) {}
- #define BEGIN_DIRECTIVE(d, arg_type, dest_loc, auto_val) \
- else if (first_ctr++, IS_DIRECTIVE(line, d)) { \
- directive = d; \
- FAIL_ON_COND_(!DIRECTIVE_HAS_ARG(line, directive), ED_PP_NO_ARG) \
- arg_type arg = 0; \
- arg_type* dest = &(dest_loc); \
- bool dir_is_auto = DIRECTIVE_IS_AUTO(line, directive); \
- if (dir_is_auto) { \
- arg = auto_val; \
- } else {
- #define END_DIRECTIVE \
- } \
- if (firsts[first_ctr] && *dest != arg) { \
- ei = error_info_create(line, ET_PREPROC, ED_PP_DUPLICATE); \
- error_info_append(ei, firsts[first_ctr]); \
- goto cleanup; \
- } \
- *dest = arg; \
- firsts[first_ctr] = line; \
- }
- /*
- Functions similar memcpy, but lowercases the characters along the way.
- */
- static void memcpy_lc(char *restrict dst, const char *restrict src, size_t n)
- {
- while (n-- > 0) {
- char c = *(src++);
- if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')
- c += 'a' - 'A';
- *(dst++) = c;
- }
- }
- /*
- Preprocess a single source line for labels.
- Return the index of first non-whitespace non-label character. *head_ptr is
- updated to the first label in sequence, and *tail_ptr to the last. Both
- will be set to NULL if the line doesn't contain labels.
- */
- static size_t read_labels(
- const char *source, size_t length, ASMLine **head_ptr, ASMLine **tail_ptr)
- {
- size_t start = 0, i, nexti;
- while (start < length && (source[start] == ' ' || source[start] == '\t'))
- start++;
- i = start;
- while (i < length && is_valid_symbol_char(source[i], i == start))
- i++;
- if (i == start || i == length || source[i] != ':') {
- *head_ptr = NULL;
- *tail_ptr = NULL;
- return 0;
- }
- ASMLine *line = cr_malloc(sizeof(ASMLine));
- line->data = cr_malloc(sizeof(char) * (i - start + 1));
- memcpy_lc(line->data, source + start, i - start + 1);
- line->length = i - start + 1;
- line->is_label = true;
- nexti = read_labels(source + i + 1, length - i - 1, &line->next, tail_ptr);
- *head_ptr = line;
- if (!nexti)
- *tail_ptr = line;
- return i + 1 + nexti;
- }
- /*
- Preprocess a single source line (source, length) into one or more ASMLines.
- Only the data, length, is_label, and next fields of the ASMLine objects are
- populated. The normalization process strips comments, makes various
- adjustments outside of string literals (converts tabs to spaces, lowercases
- all alphabetical characters, and removes runs of multiple spaces), among
- other things.
- Return NULL if an ASM line was not generated from the source, i.e. if it is
- blank after being stripped.
- */
- static ASMLine* normalize_line(const char *source, size_t length)
- {
- ASMLine *head, *tail;
- size_t offset = read_labels(source, length, &head, &tail);
- source += offset;
- length -= offset;
- char *data = cr_malloc(sizeof(char) * length);
- size_t si, di, slashes = 0;
- bool has_content = false, space_pending = false, in_string = false;
- for (si = di = 0; si < length; si++) {
- char c = source[si];
- if (c == '\\')
- slashes++;
- else
- slashes = 0;
- if (in_string) {
- if (c == '"' && (slashes % 2) == 0)
- in_string = false;
- data[di++] = c;
- } else {
- if (c == ';')
- break;
- if (c == '"' && (slashes % 2) == 0)
- in_string = true;
- if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')
- c += 'a' - 'A';
- if (c == ' ' || c == '\t')
- space_pending = true;
- else {
- if (space_pending) {
- if (has_content)
- data[di++] = ' ';
- space_pending = false;
- }
- has_content = true;
- data[di++] = c;
- }
- }
- }
- if (!has_content) {
- free(data);
- return head;
- }
- ASMLine *line = cr_malloc(sizeof(ASMLine));
- data = cr_realloc(data, sizeof(char) * di);
- line->data = data;
- line->length = di;
- line->is_label = false;
- line->next = NULL;
- if (head) { // Line has labels, so link the main part up
- tail->next = line;
- return head;
- }
- return line;
- }
- /*
- Read and return the target path from an include directive.
- This function allocates a buffer to store the filename; it must be free()'d
- after calling read_source_file(). If a syntax error occurs while trying to
- read the path, it returns NULL.
- */
- static char* read_include_path(const ASMLine *line)
- {
- size_t maxlen = strlen(line->filename) + line->length, i, baselen;
- if (maxlen >= INT_MAX) // Allows us to safely downcast to int later
- return NULL;
- char *path = cr_malloc(sizeof(char) * maxlen), *base, *dup;
- goto error;
- if (line->length - i <= 3) // Not long enough to hold a non-zero argument
- goto error;
- if (line->data[i++] != ' ')
- goto error;
- if (!parse_string(&base, &baselen, line->data + i, line->length - i))
- goto error;
- dup = cr_strdup(line->filename);
- // TODO: should normalize filenames in some way to prevent accidental dupes
- snprintf(path, maxlen, "%s/%.*s", dirname(dup), (int) baselen, base);
- free(dup);
- free(base);
- return path;
- error:
- free(path);
- return NULL;
- }
- /*
- Build a LineBuffer into a ASMLines, normalizing them along the way.
- This function operates recursively to handle includes, but handles no other
- preprocessor directives.
- On success, NULL is returned; *head points to the head of the new ASMLine
- list, and *tail to its tail (assuming it is non-NULL). On error, an
- ErrorInfo object is returned, and *head and *tail are not modified.
- *includes may be updated in either case.
- */
- static ErrorInfo* build_asm_lines(
- const LineBuffer *source, ASMLine **head, ASMLine **tail,
- ASMInclude **includes, unsigned depth)
- {
- ErrorInfo *ei;
- ASMLine dummy = {.next = NULL};
- ASMLine *line, *prev = &dummy, *temp;
- const Line *orig, *next_orig = source->lines;
- while ((orig = next_orig)) {
- line = temp = normalize_line(orig->data, orig->length);
- next_orig = orig->next;
- if (!line)
- continue;
- // Populate ASMLine fields not set by normalize_line():
- while (temp) {
- temp->original = orig;
- temp->filename = source->filename;
- temp = temp->next;
- }
- // If there are multiple ASMLines, all but the last must be labels:
- if (line->next) {
- while (line->next) {
- prev->next = line;
- prev = line;
- line = line->next;
- }
- prev->next = NULL; // Disconnect in case the line is an .include
- }
- char *path = read_include_path(line);
- if (!path) {
- ei = error_info_create(line, ET_INCLUDE, ED_INC_BAD_ARG);
- goto error;
- }
- if (depth >= MAX_INCLUDE_DEPTH) {
- free(path);
- ei = error_info_create(line, ET_INCLUDE, ED_INC_DEPTH);
- goto error;
- }
- DEBUG("- reading included file: %s", path)
- LineBuffer *incbuffer = read_source_file(path, false);
- free(path);
- if (!incbuffer) {
- ei = error_info_create(line, ET_INCLUDE, ED_INC_FILE_READ);
- goto error;
- }
- ASMInclude *include = cr_malloc(sizeof(ASMInclude));
- include->lines = incbuffer;
- include->next = *includes;
- *includes = include;
- ASMLine *inchead, *inctail;
- if ((ei = build_asm_lines(incbuffer, &inchead, &inctail, includes,
- depth + 1))) {
- error_info_append(ei, line);
- goto error;
- }
- prev->next = inchead;
- prev = inctail;
- asm_lines_free(line); // Destroy only the .include line
- }
- else {
- prev->next = line;
- prev = line;
- }
- }
- *head = dummy.next;
- if (tail)
- *tail = prev;
- return NULL;
- error:
- asm_lines_free(line);
- asm_lines_free(dummy.next);
- return ei;
- }
- /*
- Return whether the given ROM size is valid.
- */
- static inline bool is_rom_size_valid(size_t size)
- {
- return size_bytes_to_code(size) != INVALID_SIZE_CODE;
- }
- /*
- Return whether the given header offset is a valid location.
- */
- static inline bool is_header_offset_valid(uint16_t offset)
- {
- return offset == 0x7FF0 || offset == 0x3FF0 || offset == 0x1FF0;
- }
- /*
- Preprocess the LineBuffer into ASMLines. Change some state along the way.
- This function processes include directives, so read_source_file() may be
- called multiple times (along with the implications that has), and
- state->includes may be modified.
- On success, NULL is returned. On error, an ErrorInfo object is returned.
- state->lines and state->includes may still be modified.
- */
- ErrorInfo* preprocess(AssemblerState *state, const LineBuffer *source)
- {
- ErrorInfo* ei = NULL;
- DEBUG("Running preprocessor:")
- if ((ei = build_asm_lines(source, &state->lines, NULL, &state->includes, 0)))
- return ei;
- const ASMLine *firsts[NUM_DIRECTIVES];
- for (size_t i = 0; i < NUM_DIRECTIVES; i++)
- firsts[i] = NULL;
- ASMLine dummy = {.next = state->lines};
- ASMLine *prev, *line = &dummy, *next = state->lines, *condemned = NULL;
- const ASMLine *rom_size_line = NULL, *rom_declsize_line = NULL;
- const char *directive;
- while ((prev = line, line = next)) {
- next = line->next;
- if (line->is_label || line->data[0] != DIRECTIVE_MARKER)
- continue;
- continue; // "Local" directives are handled by the tokenizer
- DEBUG("- handling directive: %.*s", (int) line->length, line->data)
- BEGIN_DIRECTIVE(DIR_ROM_SIZE, size_t, state->rom_size, 0)
- PARSER_BRANCH(uint32_t, {}, {
- USE_PARSER(uint32_t, rom_size)
- })
- VALIDATE(is_rom_size_valid)
- SAVE_LINE(rom_size_line)
- USE_PARSER(uint16_t)
- VALIDATE(is_header_offset_valid)
- BEGIN_DIRECTIVE(DIR_ROM_CHECKSUM, bool, state->header.checksum, true)
- USE_PARSER(bool)
- BEGIN_DIRECTIVE(DIR_ROM_PRODUCT, uint32_t, state->header.product_code, 0)
- USE_PARSER(uint32_t)
- CHECK_RANGE(160000)
- BEGIN_DIRECTIVE(DIR_ROM_VERSION, uint8_t, state->header.version, 0)
- USE_PARSER(uint8_t)
- BEGIN_DIRECTIVE(DIR_ROM_REGION, uint8_t, state->header.region, DEFAULT_REGION)
- PARSER_BRANCH(uint8_t, {
- VALIDATE(region_code_to_string)
- }, {
- USE_PARSER(uint8_t, region_string)
- })
- BEGIN_DIRECTIVE(DIR_ROM_DECLSIZE, uint8_t, state->header.rom_size, DEFAULT_DECLSIZE)
- PARSER_BRANCH(uint8_t, {
- VALIDATE(size_code_to_bytes)
- }, {
- USE_PARSER(uint8_t, size_code)
- })
- SAVE_LINE(rom_declsize_line)
- BEGIN_DIRECTIVE(DIR_CROSS_BLOCKS, bool, state->cross_blocks, false)
- USE_PARSER(bool)
- // Remove directive from lines, and schedule it for deletion:
- line->next = condemned;
- condemned = line;
- prev->next = next;
- line = prev;
- }
- if (rom_size_line && state->header.offset + HEADER_SIZE > state->rom_size) {
- // TODO: maybe should force offset to be explicit, otherwise autofix
- ei = error_info_create(rom_size_line, ET_LAYOUT, ED_LYT_HEADER_RANGE);
- goto cleanup;
- }
- if (rom_size_line && rom_declsize_line &&
- size_code_to_bytes(state->header.rom_size) > state->rom_size) {
- ei = error_info_create(rom_size_line, ET_LAYOUT, ED_LYT_DECL_RANGE);
- error_info_append(ei, rom_declsize_line);
- goto cleanup;
- }
- if (!rom_declsize_line) // Mark as undefined, for resolve_defaults()
- state->header.rom_size = INVALID_SIZE_CODE;
- cleanup:
- asm_lines_free(condemned);
- state->lines = dummy.next; // Fix list head if first line was a directive
- return ei;
- }