- /* Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Ben Kurtovic <ben.kurtovic@gmail.com>
- Released under the terms of the MIT License. See LICENSE for details. */
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include "hash_table.h"
- #include "../util.h"
- #define INITIAL_BUCKETS 127
- #define GET_FIELD_(obj, offset, type) (*((type*) (((char*) obj) + offset)))
- #define NODE_KEY(tab, node) GET_FIELD_(node, tab->key_offset, char*)
- #define NEXT_NODE(tab, node) GET_FIELD_(node, tab->next_offset, HashNode*)
- /* Internal structs */
- struct HashNode {
- char *key;
- HashNode *next;
- };
- /*
- Hash a string key into a hash table bucket index.
- This uses the djb2 algorithm: http://www.cse.yorku.ca/~oz/hash.html
- */
- static inline size_t hash_key(
- const HashTable *table, const char *key, ssize_t size)
- {
- size_t hash = 5381;
- while ((size < 0 || size-- > 0) && *key)
- hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) + *(key++);
- return hash % table->buckets;
- }
- /*
- Return true if the two key strings are equal, or false if they aren't.
- */
- static inline bool keyeq(const char *s1, const char *s2, ssize_t size)
- {
- return !(size >= 0 ? strncmp(s1, s2, size) : strcmp(s1, s2));
- }
- /*
- Create and return a new HashTable.
- These HashTables are designed to be generic, a sort of poor-man's C++
- template. They can store any kind of node data as long as they are structs
- with a char* field (for the node key), and a pointer to its own type (to
- implement separate chaining).
- key_offset is the (byte) offset of the key field, and next_offset is the
- offset of the self-pointer. The callback function is called on a node when
- it is removed from the table. Typically, it should free() the node's
- members and then free() the node itself.
- The hash_table_NEW macro can be used to call this function more easily.
- */
- HashTable* hash_table_new(
- size_t key_offset, size_t next_offset, HashFreeCallback callback)
- {
- HashTable *table = cr_malloc(sizeof(HashTable));
- table->nodes = cr_calloc(INITIAL_BUCKETS, sizeof(HashNode*));
- table->buckets = INITIAL_BUCKETS;
- table->key_offset = key_offset;
- table->next_offset = next_offset;
- table->free = callback;
- return table;
- }
- /*
- Deallocate a HashTable. This function does nothing if the table is NULL.
- */
- void hash_table_free(HashTable *table)
- {
- if (!table)
- return;
- for (size_t bucket = 0; bucket < table->buckets; bucket++) {
- HashNode *node = table->nodes[bucket];
- while (node) {
- HashNode *temp = NEXT_NODE(table, node);
- table->free(node);
- node = temp;
- }
- }
- free(table);
- }
- /*
- Search for a key in the hash table.
- Return the corresponding node on success and NULL on failure.
- If the key is null-terminated, pass size as -1.
- */
- const HashNode* hash_table_find(
- const HashTable *table, const char *key, ssize_t size)
- {
- HashNode *node = table->nodes[hash_key(table, key, size)];
- while (node) {
- if (keyeq(key, NODE_KEY(table, node), size))
- return node;
- node = NEXT_NODE(table, node);
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- /*
- Insert a node into the table.
- This doesn't prevent inserting duplicate keys. If a duplicate key is
- inserted, the table acts like a stack; the new one will shadow the old one,
- and hash_table_remove() will remove the most-recently inserted key to
- reveal the second-most recent.
- */
- void hash_table_insert(HashTable *table, HashNode *node)
- {
- size_t index = hash_key(table, NODE_KEY(table, node), -1);
- NEXT_NODE(table, node) = table->nodes[index];
- table->nodes[index] = node;
- }
- /*
- (Try to) remove a node with the given key from the table.
- Return true if the node was removed, or false if it was not found.
- If the key is null-terminated, pass size as -1.
- */
- bool hash_table_remove(HashTable *table, const char *key, ssize_t size)
- {
- size_t index = hash_key(table, key, size);
- HashNode *node = table->nodes[index], *prev = NULL, *next;
- while (node) {
- next = NEXT_NODE(table, node);
- if (keyeq(key, NODE_KEY(table, node), size)) {
- if (prev)
- NEXT_NODE(table, prev) = next;
- else
- table->nodes[index] = next;
- table->free(node);
- return true;
- }
- prev = node;
- node = next;
- }
- return false;
- }