# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Public domain, 2013 Legoktm # from json import loads from urllib import quote from urllib2 import urlopen from earwigbot.commands import Command class UrbanDictionary(Command): """Get the definition of a word using Urban Dictionary.""" name = "urban" commands = ["urban", "urbandictionary", "dictt", "definee", "defne", "dct", "ud"] def process(self, data): if not data.args: self.reply(data, "What do you want to define?") return url = "http://api.urbandictionary.com/v0/define?term={0}" q = quote(' '.join(data.args), safe="") query = urlopen(url.format(q)).read() res = loads(query) if res['result_type'] == 'exact': definition = res['list'][0]['definition'].replace("\n", " ") example = res['list'][0]['example'].replace("\n", " ") msg = 'Definition: {0}; example: {1}'.format(definition, example) self.reply(data, msg) elif res['result_type'] == 'fulltext': L = [i['word'] for i in res['list']] msg = 'Here are some close matches: {0}.'.format(', '.join(L)) self.reply(data, msg) else: self.reply(data, 'Sorry, no results found.')