# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Ben Kurtovic # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. from datetime import datetime from os.path import expanduser import re from threading import RLock from time import mktime, sleep, time from mwparserfromhell import parse as mw_parse import oursql from earwigbot import exceptions from earwigbot.tasks import Task from earwigbot.wiki import constants class DRNClerkBot(Task): """A task to clerk for [[WP:DRN]].""" name = "drn_clerkbot" number = 19 # Case status: STATUS_UNKNOWN = 0 STATUS_NEW = 1 STATUS_OPEN = 2 STATUS_STALE = 3 STATUS_NEEDASSIST = 4 STATUS_RESOLVED = 6 STATUS_CLOSED = 7 STATUS_FAILED = 8 ALIASES = { STATUS_NEW: ("",), STATUS_OPEN: ("open", "active", "inprogress"), STATUS_STALE: ("stale",), STATUS_NEEDASSIST: ("needassist", "review", "relist", "relisted"), STATUS_RESOLVED: ("resolved", "resolve"), STATUS_CLOSED: ("closed", "close"), STATUS_FAILED: ("failed", "fail"), } def setup(self): """Hook called immediately after the task is loaded.""" cfg = self.config.tasks.get(self.name, {}) # Set some wiki-related attributes: self.title = cfg.get("title", "Wikipedia:Dispute resolution noticeboard") self.chart_title = cfg.get("chartTitle", "Template:DRN case status") self.volunteer_title = cfg.get("volunteers", "Wikipedia:Dispute resolution noticeboard/Volunteering") self.very_old_title = cfg.get("veryOldTitle", "User talk:Szhang (WMF)") self.notify_stale_cases = cfg.get("notifyStaleCases", False) clerk_summary = "Updating case." notify_summary = "Notifying user regarding [[WP:DRN|dispute resolution noticeboard]] case." chart_summary = "Updating statistics for the [[WP:DRN|dispute resolution noticeboard]]." self.clerk_summary = self.make_summary(cfg.get("clerkSummary", clerk_summary)) self.notify_summary = self.make_summary(cfg.get("notifySummary", notify_summary)) self.chart_summary = self.make_summary(cfg.get("chartSummary", chart_summary)) # Templates used: templates = cfg.get("templates", {}) self.tl_status = templates.get("status", "DR case status") self.tl_notify_party = templates.get("notifyParty", "DRN-notice") self.tl_notify_stale = templates.get("notifyStale", "DRN stale notice") self.tl_archive_top = templates.get("archiveTop", "DRN archive top") self.tl_archive_bottom = templates.get("archiveBottom", "DRN archive bottom") self.tl_chart_header = templates.get("chartHeader", "DRN case status/header") self.tl_chart_row = templates.get("chartRow", "DRN case status/row") self.tl_chart_footer = templates.get("chartFooter", "DRN case status/footer") # Connection data for our SQL database: kwargs = cfg.get("sql", {}) kwargs["read_default_file"] = expanduser("~/.my.cnf") self.conn_data = kwargs self.db_access_lock = RLock() # Minimum size a MySQL TIMESTAMP field can hold: self.min_ts = datetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1) def run(self, **kwargs): """Entry point for a task event.""" if not self.db_access_lock.acquire(False): # Non-blocking self.logger.info("A job is already ongoing; aborting") return action = kwargs.get("action", "all") try: start = time() conn = oursql.connect(**self.conn_data) site = self.bot.wiki.get_site() if action in ["all", "update_volunteers"]: self.update_volunteers(conn, site) if action in ["all", "clerk"]: volunteers = self.get_volunteers(conn) log = u"Reading cases from [[{0}]]".format(self.title) self.logger.info(log) page = site.get_page(self.title) cases = self.read_database(conn) self.read_cases(conn, site, cases, page) if self.shutoff_enabled(): return notices = [] for case in cases: notices += self.clerk(conn, volunteers, case) if not self.save(case, kwargs, start): return self.send_notices(site, notices) if action in ["all", "update_chart"]: if self.shutoff_enabled(): return self.update_chart(conn, site) if action in ["all", "purge"]: self.purge_old_data(conn) finally: self.db_access_lock.release() def update_volunteers(self, conn, site): """Updates and stores the list of dispute resolution volunteers.""" log = u"Updating volunteer list from [[{0}]]" self.logger.info(log.format(self.volunteer_title)) page = site.get_page(self.volunteer_title) try: text = page.get() except exceptions.PageNotFoundError: text = "" marker = "" if marker not in text: log = u"The marker ({0}) wasn't found in the volunteer list at [[{1}]]!" self.logger.error(log.format(marker, page.title)) return text = text.split(marker)[1] additions = set() for line in text.splitlines(): user = re.search("\# \{\{User\|(.+?)\}\}", line) if user: uname = user.group(1).replace("_", " ").strip() additions.add((uname[0].upper() + uname[1:],)) removals = set() query1 = "SELECT volunteer_username FROM volunteers" query2 = "DELETE FROM volunteers WHERE volunteer_username = ?" query3 = "INSERT INTO volunteers (volunteer_username) VALUES (?)" with conn.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(query1) for row in cursor: if row in additions: additions.remove(row) else: removals.add(row) if removals: cursor.executemany(query2, removals) if additions: cursor.executemany(query3, additions) def get_volunteers(self, conn): """Return a list of all DRN volunteers.""" query = "SELECT volunteer_username FROM volunteers" with conn.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(query) volunteers = [name for (name,) in cursor.fetchall()] return volunteers def read_database(self, conn): """Return a list of _Cases from the database.""" cases = [] query = "SELECT * FROM cases" with conn.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(query) for row in cursor: case = _Case(*row) cases.append(case) log = "Read {0} cases from the database" self.logger.debug(log.format(len(cases))) return cases def read_cases(self, conn, site, cases, page): """Read the noticeboard content and update the list of _Cases.""" text = page.get() code = mw_parse(text) nextid = self.select_next_id(conn) tl_status_esc = re.escape(self.tl_status) for template in code.filter_templates(recursive=True): title = template.name.lower().strip() if not title.startswith(self.title + "/"): continue if title == self.title + "/Header": continue subpage = site.get_page(title) body = old = subpage.get() casename = subpage.title.split("/", 1)[1] if not re.search(r"\s*\{\{" + tl_status_esc, body, re.U): continue status = self.read_status(body) re_id = r"" try: id_ = int(re.search(re_id, body).group(1)) case = [case for case in cases if case.id == id_][0] except (AttributeError, IndexError, ValueError): id_ = nextid nextid += 1 re_id2 = "(\{\{" + tl_status_esc re_id2 += r"(.*?)\}\})()?" repl = ur"\1 " body = re.sub(re_id2, repl.format(id_), body) re_f = r"\{\{drn filing editor\|(.*?)\|" re_f += r"(\d{2}:\d{2},\s\d{1,2}\s\w+\s\d{4}\s\(UTC\))\}\}" match = re.search(re_f, body, re.U) if match: f_user = match.group(1).split("/", 1)[0].replace("_", " ") f_user = f_user[0].upper() + f_user[1:] strp = "%H:%M, %d %B %Y (UTC)" f_time = datetime.strptime(match.group(2), strp) else: f_user, f_time = None, datetime.utcnow() case = _Case(id_, casename, status, self.STATUS_UNKNOWN, f_user, f_time, f_user, f_time, "", self.min_ts, self.min_ts, False, False, False, len(body), subpage, new=True) cases.append(case) log = u"Added new case {0} ('{1}', status={2}, by {3})" self.logger.debug(log.format(id_, casename, status, f_user)) else: case.status = status log = u"Read active case {0} ('{1}')".format(id_, casename) self.logger.debug(log) if case.title != casename: self.update_case_title(conn, id_, casename) case.title = casename case.body, case.old = body, old for case in cases[:]: if case.body is None: if case.original_status == self.STATUS_UNKNOWN: cases.remove(case) # Ignore archived case else: case.status = self.STATUS_UNKNOWN log = u"Dropped case {0} because it is no longer on the page ('{1}')" self.logger.debug(log.format(case.id, case.title)) self.logger.debug("Done reading cases from the noticeboard page") def select_next_id(self, conn): """Return the next incremental ID for a case.""" query = "SELECT MAX(case_id) FROM cases" with conn.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(query) current = cursor.fetchone()[0] if current: return int(current) + 1 return 1 def read_status(self, body): """Parse the current status from a case body.""" templ = re.escape(self.tl_status) status = re.search("\{\{" + templ + "\|?(.*?)\}\}", body, re.S|re.U) if not status: return self.STATUS_NEW for option, names in self.ALIASES.iteritems(): if status.group(1).lower() in names: return option return self.STATUS_NEW def update_case_title(self, conn, id_, title): """Update a case title in the database.""" query = "UPDATE cases SET case_title = ? WHERE case_id = ?" with conn.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(query, (title, id_)) log = u"Updated title of case {0} to '{1}'".format(id_, title) self.logger.debug(log) def clerk(self, conn, volunteers, case): """Actually go through a case and modify it if it is to be updated. Return a list of any notices to send. """ notices = [] log = u"Clerking case {0} ('{1}')".format(case.id, case.title) self.logger.debug(log) if case.status == self.STATUS_UNKNOWN: self.save_existing_case(conn, case) else: notices += self.clerk_case(conn, case, volunteers) self.logger.debug("Done clerking case") return notices def clerk_case(self, conn, case, volunteers): """Clerk a particular case and return a list of any notices to send.""" notices = [] signatures = self.read_signatures(case.body) storedsigs = self.get_signatures_from_db(conn, case) newsigs = set(signatures) - set(storedsigs) if any([editor in volunteers for (editor, timestamp) in newsigs]): case.last_volunteer_size = len(case.body) if case.status == self.STATUS_NEW: notices = self.clerk_new_case(case, volunteers, signatures) elif case.status == self.STATUS_OPEN: notices = self.clerk_open_case(case, signatures) elif case.status == self.STATUS_NEEDASSIST: notices = self.clerk_needassist_case(case, volunteers, newsigs) elif case.status == self.STATUS_STALE: notices = self.clerk_stale_case(case, newsigs) elif case.status in [self.STATUS_RESOLVED, self.STATUS_CLOSED, self.STATUS_FAILED]: self.clerk_closed_case(case, signatures) self.save_case_updates(conn, case, volunteers, signatures, storedsigs) return notices def clerk_new_case(self, case, volunteers, signatures): """Clerk a case in the "brand new" state. The case will be set to "open" if a volunteer edits it, or "needassist" if it increases by over 15,000 bytes or goes by without any volunteer edits for two days. """ notices = self.notify_parties(case) if any([editor in volunteers for (editor, timestamp) in signatures]): self.update_status(case, self.STATUS_OPEN) else: age = (datetime.utcnow() - case.file_time).total_seconds() if age > 60 * 60 * 24 * 2: self.update_status(case, self.STATUS_NEEDASSIST) elif len(case.body) - case.last_volunteer_size > 15000: self.update_status(case, self.STATUS_NEEDASSIST) return notices def clerk_open_case(self, case, signatures): """Clerk an open case (has been edited by a reviewer). The case will be set to "needassist" if 15,000 bytes have been added since a volunteer last edited or if it has been open for over seven days, or "stale" if no edits at all have occurred in two days. """ if self.check_for_needassist(case): return [] if len(case.body) - case.last_volunteer_size > 15000: self.update_status(case, self.STATUS_NEEDASSIST) timestamps = [timestamp for (editor, timestamp) in signatures] if timestamps: age = (datetime.utcnow() - max(timestamps)).total_seconds() if age > 60 * 60 * 24 * 2: self.update_status(case, self.STATUS_STALE) return [] def clerk_needassist_case(self, case, volunteers, newsigs): """Clerk a "needassist" case (no volunteers in 15kb or >= 7 days old). The case will be set to "open" if a volunteer edits and the case is less than a week old. A message will be set to the "very old notifiee", which is generally [[User talk:Szhang (WMF)]], if the case has been open for more than ten days. """ age = (datetime.utcnow() - case.file_time).total_seconds() if age <= 60 * 60 * 24 * 7: if any([editor in volunteers for (editor, timestamp) in newsigs]): self.update_status(case, self.STATUS_OPEN) elif age > 60 * 60 * 24 * 10: if not case.very_old_notified and self.notify_stale_cases: tmpl = self.tl_notify_stale title = case.title.replace("|", "|") template = "{{subst:" + tmpl + "|" + title + "}}" miss = "".format(title) too_late = lambda text: miss in text notice = _Notice(self.very_old_title, template, too_late) case.very_old_notified = True msg = u" {0}: will notify [[{1}]] with '{2}'" log = msg.format(case.id, self.very_old_title, template) self.logger.debug(log) return [notice] return [] def clerk_stale_case(self, case, newsigs): """Clerk a stale case (no edits in two days). The case will be set to "open" if anyone edits, or "needassist" if it has been open for over seven days. """ if self.check_for_needassist(case): return [] if newsigs: self.update_status(case, self.STATUS_OPEN) return [] def clerk_closed_case(self, case, signatures): """Clerk a closed or resolved case. The case will be archived if it has been closed/resolved for more than one day and no edits have been made in the meantime. "Archiving" is the process of adding {{DRN archive top}}, {{DRN archive bottom}}, and removing the [[User:DoNotArchiveUntil]] comment. """ if case.close_time == self.min_ts: case.close_time = datetime.utcnow() if case.archived: return timestamps = [timestamp for (editor, timestamp) in signatures] closed_age = (datetime.utcnow() - case.close_time).total_seconds() if timestamps: modify_age = (datetime.utcnow() - max(timestamps)).total_seconds() else: modify_age = 0 if closed_age > 60 * 60 * 24 and modify_age > 60 * 60 * 24: arch_top = self.tl_archive_top arch_bottom = self.tl_archive_bottom reg = r"()?" if re.search(r"\{\{\s*" + arch_top, case.body): if re.search(reg, case.body): case.body = re.sub(reg, "", case.body) else: if re.search(reg, case.body): case.body = re.sub(r"\{\{" + arch_top + r"\}\}", "", case.body) case.body = re.sub(reg, "{{" + arch_top + "}}", case.body) if not re.search(arch_bottom + r"\s*\}\}\s*\Z", case.body): case.body += "\n{{" + arch_bottom + "}}" case.archived = True self.logger.debug(u" {0}: archived case".format(case.id)) def check_for_needassist(self, case): """Check whether a case is old enough to be set to "needassist".""" age = (datetime.utcnow() - case.file_time).total_seconds() if age > 60 * 60 * 24 * 7: self.update_status(case, self.STATUS_NEEDASSIST) return True return False def update_status(self, case, new): """Safely update the status of a case, so we don't edit war.""" old_n = self.ALIASES[case.status][0].upper() new_n = self.ALIASES[new][0].upper() old_n = "NEW" if not old_n else old_n new_n = "NEW" if not new_n else new_n if case.last_action != new: case.status = new log = u" {0}: {1} -> {2}" self.logger.debug(log.format(case.id, old_n, new_n)) return log = u"Avoiding {0} {1} -> {2} because we already did this ('{3}')" self.logger.info(log.format(case.id, old_n, new_n, case.title)) def read_signatures(self, text): """Return a list of all parseable signatures in the body of a case. Signatures are returned as tuples of (editor, timestamp as datetime). """ regex = r"\[\[(?:User(?:\stalk)?\:|Special\:Contributions\/)" regex += r"([^\n\[\]|]{,256}?)(?:\||\]\])" regex += r"(?!.*?(?:User(?:\stalk)?\:|Special\:Contributions\/).*?)" regex += r".{,256}?(\d{2}:\d{2},\s\d{1,2}\s\w+\s\d{4}\s\(UTC\))" matches = re.findall(regex, text, re.U|re.I) signatures = [] for userlink, stamp in matches: username = userlink.split("/", 1)[0].replace("_", " ").strip() username = username[0].upper() + username[1:] if username == "DoNotArchiveUntil": continue stamp = stamp.strip() timestamp = datetime.strptime(stamp, "%H:%M, %d %B %Y (UTC)") signatures.append((username, timestamp)) return signatures def get_signatures_from_db(self, conn, case): """Return a list of signatures in a case from the database. The return type is the same as read_signatures(). """ query = "SELECT signature_username, signature_timestamp FROM signatures WHERE signature_case = ?" with conn.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(query, (case.id,)) return cursor.fetchall() def notify_parties(self, case): """Schedule notices to be sent to all parties of a case.""" if case.parties_notified: return [] def too_late(text): code = mw_parse(text) for link in code.filter_links(recursive=True): title = link.title.strip_code().lower().strip() title = re.sub(r"^wp:", "wikipedia:", title.replace("_", " ")) if title == case.page.title.lower(): return True return False notices = [] template = "{{subst:" + self.tl_notify_party template += "|thread=" + case.title + "}} ~~~~" re_parties = r"'''Users involved'''(.*?)" text = re.search(re_parties, case.body, re.S|re.U) for line in text.group(1).splitlines(): user = re.search("[:*#]{,5} \{\{User\|(.*?)\}\}", line) if user: party = user.group(1).replace("_", " ").strip() if party: party = party[0].upper() + party[1:] if party == case.file_user: continue notice = _Notice("User talk:" + party, template, too_late) notices.append(notice) case.parties_notified = True log = u" {0}: will try to notify {1} parties with '{2}'" self.logger.debug(log.format(case.id, len(notices), template)) return notices def save_case_updates(self, conn, case, volunteers, sigs, storedsigs): """Save any updates made to a case and signatures in the database.""" if case.status != case.original_status: case.last_action = case.status new = self.ALIASES[case.status][0] tl_status_esc = re.escape(self.tl_status) search = "\{\{" + tl_status_esc + "(\|?.*?)\}\}" repl = "{{" + self.tl_status + "|" + new + "}}" case.body = re.sub(search, repl, case.body) if sigs: newest_ts = max([stamp for (user, stamp) in sigs]) newest_user = [usr for (usr, stamp) in sigs if stamp == newest_ts][0] case.modify_time = newest_ts case.modify_user = newest_user if any([usr in volunteers for (usr, stamp) in sigs]): newest_vts = max([stamp for (usr, stamp) in sigs if usr in volunteers]) newest_vuser = [usr for (usr, stamp) in sigs if stamp == newest_vts][0] case.volunteer_time = newest_vts case.volunteer_user = newest_vuser if case.new: self.save_new_case(conn, case) else: self.save_existing_case(conn, case) with conn.cursor() as cursor: query1 = "DELETE FROM signatures WHERE signature_case = ? AND signature_username = ? AND signature_timestamp = ?" query2 = "INSERT INTO signatures (signature_case, signature_username, signature_timestamp) VALUES (?, ?, ?)" removals = set(storedsigs) - set(sigs) additions = set(sigs) - set(storedsigs) if removals: args = [(case.id, name, stamp) for (name, stamp) in removals] cursor.executemany(query1, args) if additions: args = [] for name, stamp in additions: args.append((case.id, name, stamp)) cursor.executemany(query2, args) msg = u" {0}: added {1} signatures and removed {2}" log = msg.format(case.id, len(additions), len(removals)) self.logger.debug(log) def save_new_case(self, conn, case): """Save a brand new case to the database.""" args = (case.id, case.title, case.status, case.last_action, case.file_user, case.file_time, case.modify_user, case.modify_time, case.volunteer_user, case.volunteer_time, case.close_time, case.parties_notified, case.very_old_notified, case.archived, case.last_volunteer_size) with conn.cursor() as cursor: query = "INSERT INTO cases VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" cursor.execute(query, args) log = u" {0}: inserted new case into database".format(case.id) self.logger.debug(log) def save_existing_case(self, conn, case): """Save an existing case to the database, updating as necessary.""" with conn.cursor(oursql.DictCursor) as cursor: query = "SELECT * FROM cases WHERE case_id = ?" cursor.execute(query, (case.id,)) stored = cursor.fetchone() with conn.cursor() as cursor: changes, args = [], [] fields_to_check = [ ("case_status", case.status), ("case_last_action", case.last_action), ("case_file_user", case.file_user), ("case_file_time", case.file_time), ("case_modify_user", case.modify_user), ("case_modify_time", case.modify_time), ("case_volunteer_user", case.volunteer_user), ("case_volunteer_time", case.volunteer_time), ("case_close_time", case.close_time), ("case_parties_notified", case.parties_notified), ("case_very_old_notified", case.very_old_notified), ("case_archived", case.archived), ("case_last_volunteer_size", case.last_volunteer_size) ] for column, data in fields_to_check: if data != stored[column]: changes.append(column + " = ?") args.append(data) msg = u" {0}: will alter {1} ('{2}' -> '{3}')" log = msg.format(case.id, column, stored[column], data) self.logger.debug(log) if changes: changes = ", ".join(changes) args.append(case.id) query = "UPDATE cases SET {0} WHERE case_id = ?".format(changes) cursor.execute(query, args) else: log = u" {0}: no changes to commit".format(case.id) self.logger.debug(log) def save(self, case, kwargs, start): """Save any changes to a specific case subpage.""" page, text, newtext = case.page, case.old, case.body if text == newtext: self.logger.debug(u"Nothing to edit on [[{0}]]".format(page.title)) return True worktime = time() - start if worktime < 60: log = "Waiting {0} seconds to avoid edit conflicts" self.logger.debug(log.format(int(60 - worktime))) sleep(60 - worktime) page.reload() if page.get() != text: log = "Someone has edited the page while we were working; restarting" self.logger.warn(log) self.run(**kwargs) return False page.edit(newtext, self.clerk_summary, minor=True, bot=True) log = u"Saved page [[{0}]]" self.logger.info(log.format(page.title)) return True def send_notices(self, site, notices): """Send out any templated notices to users or pages.""" if not notices: self.logger.info("No notices to send") return for notice in notices: target, template = notice.target, notice.template log = u"Trying to notify [[{0}]] with '{1}'" self.logger.debug(log.format(target, template)) page = site.get_page(target, follow_redirects=True) if page.namespace == constants.NS_USER_TALK: user = site.get_user(target.split(":", 1)[1]) if not user.exists and not user.is_ip: log = u"Skipping [[{0}]]; user does not exist and is not an IP" self.logger.info(log.format(target)) continue try: text = page.get() except exceptions.PageNotFoundError: text = "" if notice.too_late(text): log = u"Skipping [[{0}]]; was already notified with '{1}'" self.logger.info(log.format(page.title, template)) continue text += ("\n" if text else "") + template try: page.edit(text, self.notify_summary, minor=False, bot=True) except exceptions.EditError as error: name, msg = type(error).name, error.message log = u"Couldn't leave notice on [[{0}]] because of {1}: {2}" self.logger.error(log.format(page.title, name, msg)) else: log = u"Notified [[{0}]] with '{1}'" self.logger.info(log.format(page.title, template)) self.logger.debug("Done sending notices") def update_chart(self, conn, site): """Update the chart of open or recently closed cases.""" page = site.get_page(self.chart_title) self.logger.info(u"Updating case status at [[{0}]]".format(page.title)) statuses = self.compile_chart(conn) text = page.get() newtext = re.sub(u"(.*?)", "\n" + statuses + "\n", text, flags=re.DOTALL) if newtext == text: self.logger.info("Chart unchanged; not saving") return newtext = re.sub("(.*?)", "~~~ at ~~~~~", newtext) page.edit(newtext, self.chart_summary, minor=True, bot=True) self.logger.info(u"Chart saved to [[{0}]]".format(page.title)) def compile_chart(self, conn): """Actually generate the chart from the database.""" chart = "{{" + self.tl_chart_header + "|small={{{small|}}}|collapsed={{{collapsed|}}}}}\n" query = "SELECT * FROM cases WHERE case_status != ?" with conn.cursor(oursql.DictCursor) as cursor: cursor.execute(query, (self.STATUS_UNKNOWN,)) for case in cursor: chart += self.compile_row(case) chart += "{{" + self.tl_chart_footer + "|small={{{small|}}}}}" return chart def compile_row(self, case): """Generate a single row of the chart from a dict via the database.""" data = u"|t={case_title}|d={title}|s={case_status}" data += "|cu={case_file_user}|cs={file_sortkey}|ct={file_time}" if case["case_volunteer_user"]: data += "|vu={case_volunteer_user}|vs={volunteer_sortkey}|vt={volunteer_time}" case["volunteer_time"] = self.format_time(case["case_volunteer_time"]) case["volunteer_sortkey"] = int(mktime(case["case_volunteer_time"].timetuple())) data += "|mu={case_modify_user}|ms={modify_sortkey}|mt={modify_time}" case["case_title"] = mw_parse(case["case_title"]).strip_code() title = case["case_title"].replace("_", " ") case["title"] = title[:47] + "..." if len(title) > 50 else title case["file_time"] = self.format_time(case["case_file_time"]) case["file_sortkey"] = int(mktime(case["case_file_time"].timetuple())) case["modify_time"] = self.format_time(case["case_modify_time"]) case["modify_sortkey"] = int(mktime(case["case_modify_time"].timetuple())) row = "{{" + self.tl_chart_row + data.format(**case) return row + "|sm={{{small|}}}}}\n" def format_time(self, dt): """Return a string telling the time since datetime occurred.""" parts = [("year", 31536000), ("day", 86400), ("hour", 3600)] seconds = int((datetime.utcnow() - dt).total_seconds()) msg = [] for name, size in parts: num = seconds // size seconds -= num * size if num: chunk = "{0} {1}".format(num, name if num == 1 else name + "s") msg.append(chunk) return ", ".join(msg) + " ago" if msg else "0 hours ago" def purge_old_data(self, conn): """Delete old cases (> six months) from the database.""" log = "Purging closed cases older than six months from the database" self.logger.info(log) query = """DELETE cases, signatures FROM cases JOIN signatures ON case_id = signature_case WHERE case_status = ? AND case_file_time < DATE_SUB(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, INTERVAL 180 DAY) AND case_modify_time < DATE_SUB(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, INTERVAL 180 DAY) """ with conn.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(query, (self.STATUS_UNKNOWN,)) class _Case(object): """A object representing a dispute resolution case.""" def __init__(self, id_, title, status, last_action, file_user, file_time, modify_user, modify_time, volunteer_user, volunteer_time, close_time, parties_notified, archived, very_old_notified, last_volunteer_size, page=None, new=False): self.id = id_ self.title = title self.status = status self.last_action = last_action self.file_user = file_user self.file_time = file_time self.modify_user = modify_user self.modify_time = modify_time self.volunteer_user = volunteer_user self.volunteer_time = volunteer_time self.close_time = close_time self.parties_notified = parties_notified self.very_old_notified = very_old_notified self.archived = archived self.last_volunteer_size = last_volunteer_size self.page = page self.new = new self.original_status = status self.body = None self.old = None class _Notice(object): """An object representing a notice to be sent to a user or a page.""" def __init__(self, target, template, too_late=None): self.target = target self.template = template self.too_late = too_late