- # Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Ben Kurtovic <ben.kurtovic@gmail.com>
- #
- # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
- # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
- # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
- # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
- # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
- # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
- #
- # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
- # all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
- #
- import re
- from datetime import datetime
- from os.path import expanduser
- from threading import RLock
- from time import mktime, sleep, time
- import oursql
- from mwparserfromhell import parse as mw_parse
- from earwigbot import exceptions
- from earwigbot.tasks import Task
- from earwigbot.wiki import constants
- class DRNClerkBot(Task):
- """A task to clerk for [[WP:DRN]]."""
- name = "drn_clerkbot"
- number = 19
- # Case status:
- STATUS_NEW: ("",),
- STATUS_OPEN: ("open", "active", "inprogress"),
- STATUS_STALE: ("stale",),
- STATUS_NEEDASSIST: ("needassist", "review", "relist", "relisted"),
- STATUS_RESOLVED: ("resolved", "resolve"),
- STATUS_CLOSED: ("closed", "close"),
- STATUS_FAILED: ("failed", "fail"),
- }
- def setup(self):
- """Hook called immediately after the task is loaded."""
- cfg = self.config.tasks.get(self.name, {})
- # Set some wiki-related attributes:
- self.title = cfg.get("title", "Wikipedia:Dispute resolution noticeboard")
- self.chart_title = cfg.get("chartTitle", "Template:DRN case status")
- self.volunteer_title = cfg.get(
- "volunteers", "Wikipedia:Dispute resolution noticeboard/Volunteering"
- )
- self.very_old_title = cfg.get("veryOldTitle", "User talk:Szhang (WMF)")
- self.notify_stale_cases = cfg.get("notifyStaleCases", False)
- clerk_summary = "Updating $3 case$4."
- notify_summary = (
- "Notifying user regarding [[WP:DRN|dispute resolution noticeboard]] case."
- )
- chart_summary = (
- "Updating statistics for the [[WP:DRN|dispute resolution noticeboard]]."
- )
- self.clerk_summary = self.make_summary(cfg.get("clerkSummary", clerk_summary))
- self.notify_summary = self.make_summary(
- cfg.get("notifySummary", notify_summary)
- )
- self.chart_summary = self.make_summary(cfg.get("chartSummary", chart_summary))
- # Templates used:
- templates = cfg.get("templates", {})
- self.tl_status = templates.get("status", "DR case status")
- self.tl_notify_party = templates.get("notifyParty", "DRN-notice")
- self.tl_notify_stale = templates.get("notifyStale", "DRN stale notice")
- self.tl_archive_top = templates.get("archiveTop", "DRN archive top")
- self.tl_archive_bottom = templates.get("archiveBottom", "DRN archive bottom")
- self.tl_chart_header = templates.get("chartHeader", "DRN case status/header")
- self.tl_chart_row = templates.get("chartRow", "DRN case status/row")
- self.tl_chart_footer = templates.get("chartFooter", "DRN case status/footer")
- # Connection data for our SQL database:
- kwargs = cfg.get("sql", {})
- kwargs["read_default_file"] = expanduser("~/.my.cnf")
- self.conn_data = kwargs
- self.db_access_lock = RLock()
- # Minimum size a MySQL TIMESTAMP field can hold:
- self.min_ts = datetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1)
- def run(self, **kwargs):
- """Entry point for a task event."""
- if not self.db_access_lock.acquire(False): # Non-blocking
- self.logger.info("A job is already ongoing; aborting")
- return
- action = kwargs.get("action", "all")
- try:
- start = time()
- conn = oursql.connect(**self.conn_data)
- site = self.bot.wiki.get_site()
- if action in ["all", "update_volunteers"]:
- self.update_volunteers(conn, site)
- if action in ["all", "clerk"]:
- log = f"Starting update to [[{self.title}]]"
- self.logger.info(log)
- cases = self.read_database(conn)
- page = site.get_page(self.title)
- text = page.get()
- self.read_page(conn, cases, text)
- notices = self.clerk(conn, cases)
- if self.shutoff_enabled():
- return
- if not self.save(page, cases, kwargs, start):
- return
- self.send_notices(site, notices)
- if action in ["all", "update_chart"]:
- if self.shutoff_enabled():
- return
- self.update_chart(conn, site)
- if action in ["all", "purge"]:
- self.purge_old_data(conn)
- finally:
- self.db_access_lock.release()
- def update_volunteers(self, conn, site):
- """Updates and stores the list of dispute resolution volunteers."""
- log = "Updating volunteer list from [[{0}]]"
- self.logger.info(log.format(self.volunteer_title))
- page = site.get_page(self.volunteer_title)
- try:
- text = page.get()
- except exceptions.PageNotFoundError:
- text = ""
- marker = "<!-- please don't remove this comment (used by EarwigBot) -->"
- if marker not in text:
- log = "The marker ({0}) wasn't found in the volunteer list at [[{1}]]!"
- self.logger.error(log.format(marker, page.title))
- return
- text = text.split(marker)[1]
- additions = set()
- for line in text.splitlines():
- user = re.search("\# \{\{User\|(.+?)\}\}", line)
- if user:
- uname = user.group(1).replace("_", " ").strip()
- additions.add((uname[0].upper() + uname[1:],))
- removals = set()
- query1 = "SELECT volunteer_username FROM volunteers"
- query2 = "DELETE FROM volunteers WHERE volunteer_username = ?"
- query3 = "INSERT INTO volunteers (volunteer_username) VALUES (?)"
- with conn.cursor() as cursor:
- cursor.execute(query1)
- for row in cursor:
- if row in additions:
- additions.remove(row)
- else:
- removals.add(row)
- if removals:
- cursor.executemany(query2, removals)
- if additions:
- cursor.executemany(query3, additions)
- def read_database(self, conn):
- """Return a list of _Cases from the database."""
- cases = []
- query = "SELECT * FROM cases"
- with conn.cursor() as cursor:
- cursor.execute(query)
- for row in cursor:
- case = _Case(*row)
- cases.append(case)
- log = "Read {0} cases from the database"
- self.logger.debug(log.format(len(cases)))
- return cases
- def read_page(self, conn, cases, text):
- """Read the noticeboard content and update the list of _Cases."""
- nextid = self.select_next_id(conn)
- tl_status_esc = re.escape(self.tl_status)
- split = re.split("(^==\s*[^=]+?\s*==$)", text, flags=re.M | re.U)
- for i in range(len(split)):
- if i + 1 == len(split):
- break
- if not split[i].startswith("=="):
- continue
- title = split[i][2:-2].strip()
- body = old = split[i + 1]
- if not re.search("\s*\{\{" + tl_status_esc, body, re.U):
- continue
- status = self.read_status(body)
- re_id = "<!-- Bot Case ID \(please don't modify\): (.*?) -->"
- try:
- id_ = int(re.search(re_id, body).group(1))
- case = [case for case in cases if case.id == id_][0]
- except (AttributeError, IndexError, ValueError):
- id_ = nextid
- nextid += 1
- re_id2 = "(\{\{" + tl_status_esc
- re_id2 += (
- r"(.*?)\}\})(<!-- Bot Case ID \(please don't modify\): .*? -->)?"
- )
- repl = r"\1 <!-- Bot Case ID (please don't modify): {0} -->"
- body = re.sub(re_id2, repl.format(id_), body)
- re_f = r"\{\{drn filing editor\|(.*?)\|"
- re_f += r"(\d{2}:\d{2},\s\d{1,2}\s\w+\s\d{4}\s\(UTC\))\}\}"
- match = re.search(re_f, body, re.U)
- if match:
- f_user = match.group(1).split("/", 1)[0].replace("_", " ")
- f_user = f_user[0].upper() + f_user[1:]
- strp = "%H:%M, %d %B %Y (UTC)"
- f_time = datetime.strptime(match.group(2), strp)
- else:
- f_user, f_time = None, datetime.utcnow()
- case = _Case(
- id_,
- title,
- status,
- f_user,
- f_time,
- f_user,
- f_time,
- "",
- self.min_ts,
- self.min_ts,
- False,
- False,
- False,
- len(body),
- new=True,
- )
- cases.append(case)
- log = "Added new case {0} ('{1}', status={2}, by {3})"
- self.logger.debug(log.format(id_, title, status, f_user))
- else:
- case.status = status
- log = f"Read active case {id_} ('{title}')"
- self.logger.debug(log)
- if case.title != title:
- self.update_case_title(conn, id_, title)
- case.title = title
- case.body, case.old = body, old
- for case in cases[:]:
- if case.body is None:
- if case.original_status == self.STATUS_UNKNOWN:
- cases.remove(case) # Ignore archived case
- else:
- case.status = self.STATUS_UNKNOWN
- log = "Dropped case {0} because it is no longer on the page ('{1}')"
- self.logger.debug(log.format(case.id, case.title))
- self.logger.debug("Done reading cases from the noticeboard page")
- def select_next_id(self, conn):
- """Return the next incremental ID for a case."""
- query = "SELECT MAX(case_id) FROM cases"
- with conn.cursor() as cursor:
- cursor.execute(query)
- current = cursor.fetchone()[0]
- if current:
- return int(current) + 1
- return 1
- def read_status(self, body):
- """Parse the current status from a case body."""
- templ = re.escape(self.tl_status)
- status = re.search("\{\{" + templ + "\|?(.*?)\}\}", body, re.S | re.U)
- if not status:
- return self.STATUS_NEW
- for option, names in self.ALIASES.iteritems():
- if status.group(1).lower() in names:
- return option
- return self.STATUS_NEW
- def update_case_title(self, conn, id_, title):
- """Update a case title in the database."""
- query = "UPDATE cases SET case_title = ? WHERE case_id = ?"
- with conn.cursor() as cursor:
- cursor.execute(query, (title, id_))
- log = f"Updated title of case {id_} to '{title}'"
- self.logger.debug(log)
- def clerk(self, conn, cases):
- """Actually go through cases and modify those to be updated."""
- query = "SELECT volunteer_username FROM volunteers"
- with conn.cursor() as cursor:
- cursor.execute(query)
- volunteers = [name for (name,) in cursor.fetchall()]
- notices = []
- for case in cases:
- log = f"Clerking case {case.id} ('{case.title}')"
- self.logger.debug(log)
- if case.status == self.STATUS_UNKNOWN:
- self.save_existing_case(conn, case)
- else:
- notices += self.clerk_case(conn, case, volunteers)
- self.logger.debug("Done clerking cases")
- return notices
- def clerk_case(self, conn, case, volunteers):
- """Clerk a particular case and return a list of any notices to send."""
- notices = []
- signatures = self.read_signatures(case.body)
- storedsigs = self.get_signatures_from_db(conn, case)
- newsigs = set(signatures) - set(storedsigs)
- if any([editor in volunteers for (editor, timestamp) in newsigs]):
- case.last_volunteer_size = len(case.body)
- if case.status == self.STATUS_NEW:
- notices = self.clerk_new_case(case, volunteers, signatures)
- elif case.status == self.STATUS_OPEN:
- notices = self.clerk_open_case(case, signatures)
- elif case.status == self.STATUS_NEEDASSIST:
- notices = self.clerk_needassist_case(case, volunteers, newsigs)
- elif case.status == self.STATUS_STALE:
- notices = self.clerk_stale_case(case, newsigs)
- if case.status in [
- ]:
- self.clerk_closed_case(case, signatures)
- else:
- self.add_missing_reflist(case)
- self.save_case_updates(conn, case, volunteers, signatures, storedsigs)
- return notices
- def clerk_new_case(self, case, volunteers, signatures):
- """Clerk a case in the "brand new" state.
- The case will be set to "open" if a volunteer edits it, or "needassist"
- if it increases by over 15,000 bytes or goes by without any volunteer
- edits for two days.
- """
- notices = self.notify_parties(case)
- if any([editor in volunteers for (editor, timestamp) in signatures]):
- self.update_status(case, self.STATUS_OPEN)
- else:
- age = (datetime.utcnow() - case.file_time).total_seconds()
- if age > 60 * 60 * 24 * 2:
- self.update_status(case, self.STATUS_NEEDASSIST)
- elif len(case.body) - case.last_volunteer_size > 15000:
- self.update_status(case, self.STATUS_NEEDASSIST)
- return notices
- def clerk_open_case(self, case, signatures):
- """Clerk an open case (has been edited by a reviewer).
- The case will be set to "needassist" if 15,000 bytes have been added
- since a volunteer last edited or if it has been open for over seven
- days, or "stale" if no edits at all have occurred in two days.
- """
- if self.check_for_needassist(case):
- return []
- if len(case.body) - case.last_volunteer_size > 15000:
- self.update_status(case, self.STATUS_NEEDASSIST)
- timestamps = [timestamp for (editor, timestamp) in signatures]
- if timestamps:
- age = (datetime.utcnow() - max(timestamps)).total_seconds()
- if age > 60 * 60 * 24 * 2:
- self.update_status(case, self.STATUS_STALE)
- return []
- def clerk_needassist_case(self, case, volunteers, newsigs):
- """Clerk a "needassist" case (no volunteers in 15kb or >= 7 days old).
- The case will be set to "open" if a volunteer edits and the case is
- less than a week old. A message will be set to the "very old notifiee",
- which is generally [[User talk:Szhang (WMF)]], if the case has been
- open for more than ten days.
- """
- age = (datetime.utcnow() - case.file_time).total_seconds()
- if age <= 60 * 60 * 24 * 7:
- if any([editor in volunteers for (editor, timestamp) in newsigs]):
- self.update_status(case, self.STATUS_OPEN)
- elif age > 60 * 60 * 24 * 10:
- if not case.very_old_notified and self.notify_stale_cases:
- tmpl = self.tl_notify_stale
- title = case.title.replace("|", "|")
- template = "{{subst:" + tmpl + "|" + title + "}}"
- miss = f"<!-- Template:DRN stale notice | {title} -->"
- notice = _Notice(self.very_old_title, template, miss)
- case.very_old_notified = True
- msg = " {0}: will notify [[{1}]] with '{2}'"
- log = msg.format(case.id, self.very_old_title, template)
- self.logger.debug(log)
- return [notice]
- return []
- def clerk_stale_case(self, case, newsigs):
- """Clerk a stale case (no edits in two days).
- The case will be set to "open" if anyone edits, or "needassist" if it
- has been open for over seven days.
- """
- if self.check_for_needassist(case):
- return []
- if newsigs:
- self.update_status(case, self.STATUS_OPEN)
- return []
- def clerk_closed_case(self, case, signatures):
- """Clerk a closed or resolved case.
- The case will be archived if it has been closed/resolved for more than
- one day and no edits have been made in the meantime. "Archiving" is
- the process of adding {{DRN archive top}}, {{DRN archive bottom}}, and
- removing the [[User:DoNotArchiveUntil]] comment.
- """
- if case.close_time == self.min_ts:
- case.close_time = datetime.utcnow()
- if case.archived:
- return
- timestamps = [timestamp for (editor, timestamp) in signatures]
- closed_age = (datetime.utcnow() - case.close_time).total_seconds()
- if timestamps:
- modify_age = (datetime.utcnow() - max(timestamps)).total_seconds()
- else:
- modify_age = 0
- if closed_age > 60 * 60 * 24 and modify_age > 60 * 60 * 24:
- arch_top = self.tl_archive_top
- arch_bottom = self.tl_archive_bottom
- reg = r"<!-- \[\[User:DoNotArchiveUntil\]\] .*? -->(<!-- .*? -->)?"
- if re.search(r"\{\{\s*" + arch_top, case.body):
- if re.search(reg, case.body):
- case.body = re.sub(reg, "", case.body)
- else:
- if re.search(reg, case.body):
- case.body = re.sub(r"\{\{" + arch_top + r"\}\}", "", case.body)
- case.body = re.sub(reg, "{{" + arch_top + "}}", case.body)
- if not re.search(arch_bottom + r"\s*\}\}\s*\Z", case.body):
- case.body += "\n{{" + arch_bottom + "}}"
- case.archived = True
- self.logger.debug(f" {case.id}: archived case")
- def check_for_needassist(self, case):
- """Check whether a case is old enough to be set to "needassist"."""
- age = (datetime.utcnow() - case.file_time).total_seconds()
- if age > 60 * 60 * 24 * 7:
- self.update_status(case, self.STATUS_NEEDASSIST)
- return True
- return False
- def update_status(self, case, new):
- """Safely update the status of a case, so we don't edit war."""
- old_n = self.ALIASES[case.status][0].upper()
- new_n = self.ALIASES[new][0].upper()
- old_n = "NEW" if not old_n else old_n
- new_n = "NEW" if not new_n else new_n
- if case.last_action != new:
- case.status = new
- log = " {0}: {1} -> {2}"
- self.logger.debug(log.format(case.id, old_n, new_n))
- return
- log = "Avoiding {0} {1} -> {2} because we already did this ('{3}')"
- self.logger.info(log.format(case.id, old_n, new_n, case.title))
- def read_signatures(self, text):
- """Return a list of all parseable signatures in the body of a case.
- Signatures are returned as tuples of (editor, timestamp as datetime).
- """
- regex = r"\[\[(?:User(?:\stalk)?\:|Special\:Contributions\/)"
- regex += r"([^\n\[\]|]{,256}?)(?:\||\]\])"
- regex += r"(?!.*?(?:User(?:\stalk)?\:|Special\:Contributions\/).*?)"
- regex += r".{,256}?(\d{2}:\d{2},\s\d{1,2}\s\w+\s\d{4}\s\(UTC\))"
- matches = re.findall(regex, text, re.U | re.I)
- signatures = []
- for userlink, stamp in matches:
- username = userlink.split("/", 1)[0].replace("_", " ").strip()
- username = username[0].upper() + username[1:]
- if username == "DoNotArchiveUntil":
- continue
- stamp = stamp.strip()
- timestamp = datetime.strptime(stamp, "%H:%M, %d %B %Y (UTC)")
- signatures.append((username, timestamp))
- return signatures
- def get_signatures_from_db(self, conn, case):
- """Return a list of signatures in a case from the database.
- The return type is the same as read_signatures().
- """
- query = "SELECT signature_username, signature_timestamp FROM signatures WHERE signature_case = ?"
- with conn.cursor() as cursor:
- cursor.execute(query, (case.id,))
- return cursor.fetchall()
- def notify_parties(self, case):
- """Schedule notices to be sent to all parties of a case."""
- if case.parties_notified:
- return []
- notices = []
- template = "{{subst:" + self.tl_notify_party
- template += "|thread=" + case.title + "}} ~~~~"
- too_late = "<!--Template:DRN-notice-->"
- re_parties = "<span.*?>'''Users involved'''</span>(.*?)<span.*?>"
- text = re.search(re_parties, case.body, re.S | re.U)
- for line in text.group(1).splitlines():
- user = re.search("[:*#]{,5} \{\{User\|(.*?)\}\}", line)
- if user:
- party = user.group(1).replace("_", " ").strip()
- if party.startswith("User:"):
- party = party[len("User:") :]
- if party:
- party = party[0].upper() + party[1:]
- if party == case.file_user:
- continue
- notice = _Notice("User talk:" + party, template, too_late)
- notices.append(notice)
- case.parties_notified = True
- log = " {0}: will try to notify {1} parties with '{2}'"
- self.logger.debug(log.format(case.id, len(notices), template))
- return notices
- def add_missing_reflist(self, case):
- """Add {{reflist-talk}} to a case if it has <ref>s and no reflist."""
- code = mw_parse(case.body)
- reflist = "\n\n===References===\n{{reflist-talk|close=1}}\n\n"
- if code.filter_tags(matches=lambda t: t.tag.lower() == "ref"):
- if any(s in case.body.lower() for s in ("reflist", "<references")):
- return
- case.body = case.body.rstrip() + reflist
- def save_case_updates(self, conn, case, volunteers, sigs, storedsigs):
- """Save any updates made to a case and signatures in the database."""
- if case.status != case.original_status:
- case.last_action = case.status
- new = self.ALIASES[case.status][0]
- tl_status_esc = re.escape(self.tl_status)
- search = "\{\{" + tl_status_esc + "(\|?.*?)\}\}"
- repl = "{{" + self.tl_status + "|" + new + "}}"
- case.body = re.sub(search, repl, case.body)
- if sigs:
- newest_ts = max([stamp for (user, stamp) in sigs])
- newest_user = [usr for (usr, stamp) in sigs if stamp == newest_ts][0]
- case.modify_time = newest_ts
- case.modify_user = newest_user
- if any([usr in volunteers for (usr, stamp) in sigs]):
- newest_vts = max([stamp for (usr, stamp) in sigs if usr in volunteers])
- newest_vuser = [usr for (usr, stamp) in sigs if stamp == newest_vts][0]
- case.volunteer_time = newest_vts
- case.volunteer_user = newest_vuser
- if case.new:
- self.save_new_case(conn, case)
- else:
- self.save_existing_case(conn, case)
- with conn.cursor() as cursor:
- query1 = "DELETE FROM signatures WHERE signature_case = ? AND signature_username = ? AND signature_timestamp = ?"
- query2 = "INSERT INTO signatures (signature_case, signature_username, signature_timestamp) VALUES (?, ?, ?)"
- removals = set(storedsigs) - set(sigs)
- additions = set(sigs) - set(storedsigs)
- if removals:
- args = [(case.id, name, stamp) for (name, stamp) in removals]
- cursor.executemany(query1, args)
- if additions:
- args = []
- for name, stamp in additions:
- args.append((case.id, name, stamp))
- cursor.executemany(query2, args)
- msg = " {0}: added {1} signatures and removed {2}"
- log = msg.format(case.id, len(additions), len(removals))
- self.logger.debug(log)
- def save_new_case(self, conn, case):
- """Save a brand new case to the database."""
- args = (
- case.id,
- case.title,
- case.status,
- case.last_action,
- case.file_user,
- case.file_time,
- case.modify_user,
- case.modify_time,
- case.volunteer_user,
- case.volunteer_time,
- case.close_time,
- case.parties_notified,
- case.very_old_notified,
- case.archived,
- case.last_volunteer_size,
- )
- with conn.cursor() as cursor:
- query = (
- "INSERT INTO cases VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
- )
- cursor.execute(query, args)
- log = f" {case.id}: inserted new case into database"
- self.logger.debug(log)
- def save_existing_case(self, conn, case):
- """Save an existing case to the database, updating as necessary."""
- with conn.cursor(oursql.DictCursor) as cursor:
- query = "SELECT * FROM cases WHERE case_id = ?"
- cursor.execute(query, (case.id,))
- stored = cursor.fetchone()
- with conn.cursor() as cursor:
- changes, args = [], []
- fields_to_check = [
- ("case_status", case.status),
- ("case_last_action", case.last_action),
- ("case_file_user", case.file_user),
- ("case_file_time", case.file_time),
- ("case_modify_user", case.modify_user),
- ("case_modify_time", case.modify_time),
- ("case_volunteer_user", case.volunteer_user),
- ("case_volunteer_time", case.volunteer_time),
- ("case_close_time", case.close_time),
- ("case_parties_notified", case.parties_notified),
- ("case_very_old_notified", case.very_old_notified),
- ("case_archived", case.archived),
- ("case_last_volunteer_size", case.last_volunteer_size),
- ]
- for column, data in fields_to_check:
- if data != stored[column]:
- changes.append(column + " = ?")
- args.append(data)
- msg = " {0}: will alter {1} ('{2}' -> '{3}')"
- log = msg.format(case.id, column, stored[column], data)
- self.logger.debug(log)
- if changes:
- changes = ", ".join(changes)
- args.append(case.id)
- query = f"UPDATE cases SET {changes} WHERE case_id = ?"
- cursor.execute(query, args)
- else:
- log = f" {case.id}: no changes to commit"
- self.logger.debug(log)
- def save(self, page, cases, kwargs, start):
- """Save any changes to the noticeboard."""
- newtext = text = page.get()
- counter = 0
- for case in cases:
- if case.old != case.body:
- newtext = newtext.replace(case.old, case.body)
- counter += 1
- if newtext == text:
- self.logger.info(f"Nothing to edit on [[{page.title}]]")
- return True
- worktime = time() - start
- if worktime < 60:
- log = "Waiting {0} seconds to avoid edit conflicts"
- self.logger.debug(log.format(int(60 - worktime)))
- sleep(60 - worktime)
- page.reload()
- if page.get() != text:
- log = "Someone has edited the page while we were working; restarting"
- self.logger.warn(log)
- self.run(**kwargs)
- return False
- summary = self.clerk_summary.replace("$3", str(counter))
- summary = summary.replace("$4", "" if counter == 1 else "s")
- page.edit(newtext, summary, minor=True, bot=True)
- log = "Saved page [[{0}]] ({1} updates)"
- self.logger.info(log.format(page.title, counter))
- return True
- def send_notices(self, site, notices):
- """Send out any templated notices to users or pages."""
- if not notices:
- self.logger.info("No notices to send")
- return
- for notice in notices:
- target, template = notice.target, notice.template
- log = "Trying to notify [[{0}]] with '{1}'"
- self.logger.debug(log.format(target, template))
- page = site.get_page(target, follow_redirects=True)
- if page.namespace == constants.NS_USER_TALK:
- user = site.get_user(target.split(":", 1)[1])
- if not user.exists and not user.is_ip:
- log = "Skipping [[{0}]]; user does not exist and is not an IP"
- self.logger.info(log.format(target))
- continue
- try:
- text = page.get()
- except exceptions.PageNotFoundError:
- text = ""
- if notice.too_late and notice.too_late in text:
- log = "Skipping [[{0}]]; was already notified with '{1}'"
- self.logger.info(log.format(page.title, template))
- continue
- text += ("\n" if text else "") + template
- try:
- page.edit(text, self.notify_summary, minor=False, bot=True)
- except exceptions.EditError as error:
- name, msg = type(error).name, error.message
- log = "Couldn't leave notice on [[{0}]] because of {1}: {2}"
- self.logger.error(log.format(page.title, name, msg))
- else:
- log = "Notified [[{0}]] with '{1}'"
- self.logger.info(log.format(page.title, template))
- self.logger.debug("Done sending notices")
- def update_chart(self, conn, site):
- """Update the chart of open or recently closed cases."""
- page = site.get_page(self.chart_title)
- self.logger.info(f"Updating case status at [[{page.title}]]")
- statuses = self.compile_chart(conn)
- text = page.get()
- newtext = re.sub(
- "<!-- status begin -->(.*?)<!-- status end -->",
- "<!-- status begin -->\n" + statuses + "\n<!-- status end -->",
- text,
- flags=re.DOTALL,
- )
- if newtext == text:
- self.logger.info("Chart unchanged; not saving")
- return
- newtext = re.sub(
- "<!-- sig begin -->(.*?)<!-- sig end -->",
- "<!-- sig begin -->~~~ at ~~~~~<!-- sig end -->",
- newtext,
- )
- page.edit(newtext, self.chart_summary, minor=True, bot=True)
- self.logger.info(f"Chart saved to [[{page.title}]]")
- def compile_chart(self, conn):
- """Actually generate the chart from the database."""
- chart = (
- "{{"
- + self.tl_chart_header
- + "|small={{{small|}}}|collapsed={{{collapsed|}}}}}\n"
- )
- query = "SELECT * FROM cases WHERE case_status != ?"
- with conn.cursor(oursql.DictCursor) as cursor:
- cursor.execute(query, (self.STATUS_UNKNOWN,))
- for case in cursor:
- chart += self.compile_row(case)
- chart += "{{" + self.tl_chart_footer + "|small={{{small|}}}}}"
- return chart
- def compile_row(self, case):
- """Generate a single row of the chart from a dict via the database."""
- data = "|t={case_title}|d={title}|s={case_status}"
- data += "|cu={case_file_user}|cs={file_sortkey}|ct={file_time}"
- if case["case_volunteer_user"]:
- data += (
- "|vu={case_volunteer_user}|vs={volunteer_sortkey}|vt={volunteer_time}"
- )
- case["volunteer_time"] = self.format_time(case["case_volunteer_time"])
- case["volunteer_sortkey"] = int(
- mktime(case["case_volunteer_time"].timetuple())
- )
- data += "|mu={case_modify_user}|ms={modify_sortkey}|mt={modify_time}"
- case["case_title"] = mw_parse(case["case_title"]).strip_code()
- title = case["case_title"].replace("_", " ").replace("|", "|")
- case["title"] = title[:47] + "..." if len(title) > 50 else title
- case["file_time"] = self.format_time(case["case_file_time"])
- case["file_sortkey"] = int(mktime(case["case_file_time"].timetuple()))
- case["modify_time"] = self.format_time(case["case_modify_time"])
- case["modify_sortkey"] = int(mktime(case["case_modify_time"].timetuple()))
- row = "{{" + self.tl_chart_row + data.format(**case)
- return row + "|sm={{{small|}}}}}\n"
- def format_time(self, dt):
- """Return a string telling the time since *dt* occurred."""
- parts = [("year", 31536000), ("day", 86400), ("hour", 3600)]
- seconds = int((datetime.utcnow() - dt).total_seconds())
- if seconds < 0:
- return "Invalid future time"
- msg = []
- for name, size in parts:
- num = seconds // size
- seconds -= num * size
- if num:
- chunk = "{} {}".format(num, name if num == 1 else name + "s")
- msg.append(chunk)
- return ", ".join(msg) + " ago" if msg else "0 hours ago"
- def purge_old_data(self, conn):
- """Delete old cases (> six months) from the database."""
- log = "Purging closed cases older than six months from the database"
- self.logger.info(log)
- query = """DELETE cases, signatures
- FROM cases JOIN signatures ON case_id = signature_case
- WHERE case_status = ?
- """
- with conn.cursor() as cursor:
- cursor.execute(query, (self.STATUS_UNKNOWN,))
- class _Case:
- """A object representing a dispute resolution case."""
- def __init__(
- self,
- id_,
- title,
- status,
- last_action,
- file_user,
- file_time,
- modify_user,
- modify_time,
- volunteer_user,
- volunteer_time,
- close_time,
- parties_notified,
- archived,
- very_old_notified,
- last_volunteer_size,
- new=False,
- ):
- self.id = id_
- self.title = title
- self.status = status
- self.last_action = last_action
- self.file_user = file_user
- self.file_time = file_time
- self.modify_user = modify_user
- self.modify_time = modify_time
- self.volunteer_user = volunteer_user
- self.volunteer_time = volunteer_time
- self.close_time = close_time
- self.parties_notified = parties_notified
- self.very_old_notified = very_old_notified
- self.archived = archived
- self.last_volunteer_size = last_volunteer_size
- self.new = new
- self.original_status = status
- self.body = None
- self.old = None
- class _Notice:
- """An object representing a notice to be sent to a user or a page."""
- def __init__(self, target, template, too_late=None):
- self.target = target
- self.template = template
- self.too_late = too_late