A Python robot that edits Wikipedia and interacts with people over IRC https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:EarwigBot
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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  1. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  2. import threading
  3. import re
  4. from classes import BaseCommand, Data, KwargParseException
  5. import tasks
  6. import config
  7. class Command(BaseCommand):
  8. """Manage wiki tasks from IRC, and check on thread status."""
  9. name = "threads"
  10. def check(self, data):
  11. commands = ["tasks", "task", "threads", "tasklist"]
  12. if data.is_command and data.command in commands:
  13. return True
  14. return False
  15. def process(self, data):
  16. self.data = data
  17. if data.host not in config.irc["permissions"]["owners"]:
  18. msg = "at this time, you must be a bot owner to use this command."
  19. self.connection.reply(data, msg)
  20. return
  21. if not data.args:
  22. if data.command == "tasklist":
  23. self.do_list()
  24. else:
  25. msg = "no arguments provided. Maybe you wanted '!{0} list', '!{0} start', or '!{0} listall'?"
  26. self.connection.reply(data, msg.format(data.command))
  27. return
  28. if data.args[0] == "list":
  29. self.do_list()
  30. elif data.args[0] == "start":
  31. self.do_start()
  32. elif data.args[0] in ["listall", "all"]:
  33. self.do_listall()
  34. else: # They asked us to do something we don't know
  35. msg = "unknown argument: \x0303{0}\x0301.".format(data.args[0])
  36. self.connection.reply(data, msg)
  37. def do_list(self):
  38. """With !tasks list (or abbreviation !tasklist), list all running
  39. threads. This includes the main threads, like the irc frontend and the
  40. watcher, and task threads."""
  41. threads = threading.enumerate()
  42. normal_threads = []
  43. task_threads = []
  44. for thread in threads:
  45. tname = thread.name
  46. if tname == "MainThread":
  47. tname = self.get_main_thread_name()
  48. t = "\x0302{0}\x0301 (as main thread, id {1})"
  49. normal_threads.append(t.format(tname, thread.ident))
  50. elif tname in ["irc-frontend", "irc-watcher", "wiki-scheduler"]:
  51. t = "\x0302{0}\x0301 (id {1})"
  52. normal_threads.append(t.format(tname, thread.ident))
  53. elif tname.startswith("reminder"):
  54. tname = tname.replace("reminder ", "")
  55. t = "\x0302reminder\x0301 (until {0})"
  56. normal_threads.append(t.format(tname))
  57. else:
  58. tname, start_time = re.findall("^(.*?) \((.*?)\)$", tname)[0]
  59. t = "\x0302{0}\x0301 (id {1}, since {2})"
  60. task_threads.append(t.format(tname, thread.ident, start_time))
  61. if task_threads:
  62. msg = "\x02{0}\x0F threads active: {1}, and \x02{2}\x0F task threads: {3}."
  63. msg = msg.format(len(threads), ', '.join(normal_threads),
  64. len(task_threads), ', '.join(task_threads))
  65. else:
  66. msg = "\x02{0}\x0F threads active: {1}, and \x020\x0F task threads."
  67. msg = msg.format(len(threads), ', '.join(normal_threads))
  68. self.connection.reply(self.data, msg)
  69. def do_listall(self):
  70. """With !tasks listall or !tasks all, list all loaded tasks, and report
  71. whether they are currently running or idle."""
  72. all_tasks = tasks.get_all().keys()
  73. threads = threading.enumerate()
  74. tasklist = []
  75. all_tasks.sort()
  76. for task in all_tasks:
  77. threadlist = [t for t in threads if t.name.startswith(task)]
  78. ids = [str(t.ident) for t in threadlist]
  79. if not ids:
  80. tasklist.append("\x0302{0}\x0301 (idle)".format(task))
  81. elif len(ids) == 1:
  82. t = "\x0302{0}\x0301 (\x02active\x0F as id {1})"
  83. tasklist.append(t.format(task, ids[0]))
  84. else:
  85. t = "\x0302{0}\x0301 (\x02active\x0F as ids {1})"
  86. tasklist.append(t.format(task, ', '.join(ids)))
  87. tasklist = ", ".join(tasklist)
  88. msg = "{0} tasks loaded: {1}.".format(len(all_tasks), tasklist)
  89. self.connection.reply(self.data, msg)
  90. def do_start(self):
  91. """With !tasks start, start any loaded task by name with or without
  92. kwargs."""
  93. data = self.data
  94. try:
  95. task_name = data.args[1]
  96. except IndexError: # No task name given
  97. self.connection.reply(data, "what task do you want me to start?")
  98. return
  99. try:
  100. data.parse_kwargs()
  101. except KwargParseException, arg:
  102. msg = "error parsing argument: \x0303{0}\x0301.".format(arg)
  103. self.connection.reply(data, msg)
  104. return
  105. if task_name not in tasks.get_all().keys():
  106. # This task does not exist or hasn't been loaded:
  107. msg = "task could not be found; either bot/tasks/{0}.py doesn't exist, or it wasn't loaded correctly."
  108. self.connection.reply(data, msg.format(task_name))
  109. return
  110. tasks.start(task_name, **data.kwargs)
  111. msg = "task \x0302{0}\x0301 started.".format(task_name)
  112. self.connection.reply(data, msg)
  113. def get_main_thread_name(self):
  114. """Return the "proper" name of the MainThread."""
  115. if "irc_frontend" in config.components:
  116. return "irc-frontend"
  117. elif "wiki_schedule" in config.components:
  118. return "wiki-scheduler"
  119. else:
  120. return "irc-watcher"