A Python robot that edits Wikipedia and interacts with people over IRC https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:EarwigBot
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  1. Installation
  2. ============
  3. This package contains the core :py:mod:`earwigbot`, abstracted enough that it
  4. should be usable and customizable by anyone running a bot on a MediaWiki site.
  5. Since it is component-based, the IRC components can be disabled if desired. IRC
  6. commands and bot tasks specific to `my instance of EarwigBot`_ that I don't
  7. feel the average user will need are available from the repository
  8. `earwigbot-plugins`_.
  9. It's recommended to run the bot's unit tests before installing. Run
  10. :command:`python setup.py test` from the project's root directory. Note that
  11. some tests require an internet connection, and others may take a while to run.
  12. Coverage is currently rather incomplete.
  13. Latest release (v0.3)
  14. ---------------------
  15. EarwigBot is available from the `Python Package Index`_, so you can install the
  16. latest release with :command:`pip install earwigbot` (`get pip`_).
  17. If you get an error while pip is installing dependencies, you may be missing
  18. some header files. For example, on Ubuntu, see `this StackOverflow post`_.
  19. You can also install it from source [1]_ directly::
  20. curl -Lo earwigbot.tgz https://github.com/earwig/earwigbot/tarball/v0.3
  21. tar -xf earwigbot.tgz
  22. cd earwig-earwigbot-*
  23. python setup.py install
  24. cd ..
  25. rm -r earwigbot.tgz earwig-earwigbot-*
  26. Development version
  27. -------------------
  28. You can install the development version of the bot from :command:`git` by using
  29. setuptools's :command:`develop` command [1]_, probably on the ``develop``
  30. branch which contains (usually) working code. ``master`` contains the latest
  31. release. EarwigBot uses `git flow`_, so you're free to browse by tags or by new
  32. features (``feature/*`` branches)::
  33. git clone git://github.com/earwig/earwigbot.git earwigbot
  34. cd earwigbot
  35. python setup.py develop
  36. .. rubric:: Footnotes
  37. .. [1] :command:`python setup.py install`/:command:`develop` may require root,
  38. or use the :command:`--user` switch to install for the current user
  39. only.
  40. .. _my instance of EarwigBot: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:EarwigBot
  41. .. _earwigbot-plugins: https://github.com/earwig/earwigbot-plugins
  42. .. _Python Package Index: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/earwigbot
  43. .. _get pip: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pip
  44. .. _this StackOverflow post: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6504810/how-to-install-lxml-on-ubuntu/6504860#6504860
  45. .. _git flow: https://nvie.com/posts/a-successful-git-branching-model/