- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- # Convert a Wikipedia page name into a URL.
- import re
- from irc.base_command import BaseCommand
- class Link(BaseCommand):
- def get_hook(self):
- return "msg"
- def get_help(self, command):
- return "Convert a Wikipedia page name into a URL."
- def check(self, data):
- if ((data.is_command and data.command == "link") or
- (("[[" in data.msg and "]]" in data.msg) or
- ("{{" in data.msg and "}}" in data.msg))):
- return True
- return False
- def process(self, data):
- msg = data.msg
- if re.search("(\[\[(.*?)\]\])|(\{\{(.*?)\}\})", msg):
- links = self.parse_line(msg)
- links = " , ".join(links)
- self.connection.reply(data, links)
- elif data.command == "link":
- if not data.args:
- self.connection.reply(data, "what do you want me to link to?")
- return
- pagename = ' '.join(data.args)
- link = self.parse_link(pagename)
- self.connection.reply(data, link)
- def parse_line(self, line):
- results = list()
- line = re.sub("\{\{\{(.*?)\}\}\}", "", line) # destroy {{{template parameters}}}
- links = re.findall("(\[\[(.*?)(\||\]\]))", line) # find all [[links]]
- if links:
- links = map(lambda x: x[1], links) # re.findall() returns a list of tuples, but we only want the 2nd item in each tuple
- results.extend(map(self.parse_link, links))
- templates = re.findall("(\{\{(.*?)(\||\}\}))", line) # find all {{templates}}
- if templates:
- templates = map(lambda x: x[1], templates)
- results.extend(map(self.parse_template, templates))
- return results
- def parse_link(self, pagename):
- pagename = pagename.strip()
- link = "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/" + pagename
- link = link.replace(" ", "_")
- return link
- def parse_template(self, pagename):
- pagename = "Template:%s" % pagename # TODO: implement an actual namespace check
- link = self.parse_link(pagename)
- return link