A Python robot that edits Wikipedia and interacts with people over IRC https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:EarwigBot
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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  1. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  2. import re
  3. from classes import BaseCommand
  4. import config
  5. import wiki
  6. class Command(BaseCommand):
  7. """Get the number of pending AfC submissions, open redirect requests, and
  8. open file upload requests."""
  9. name = "status"
  10. hooks = ["join", "msg"]
  11. def check(self, data):
  12. commands = ["status", "count", "num", "number"]
  13. if data.is_command and data.command in commands:
  14. return True
  15. try:
  16. if data.line[1] == "JOIN" and data.chan == "#wikipedia-en-afc":
  17. if data.nick != config.irc["frontend"]["nick"]:
  18. return True
  19. except IndexError:
  20. pass
  21. return False
  22. def process(self, data):
  23. self.site = wiki.get_site()
  24. self.site._maxlag = None
  25. if data.line[1] == "JOIN":
  26. status = " ".join(("\x02Current status:\x0F", self.get_status()))
  27. self.connection.notice(data.nick, status)
  28. return
  29. if data.args:
  30. action = data.args[0].lower()
  31. if action.startswith("sub") or action == "s":
  32. subs = self.count_submissions()
  33. msg = "there are \x0305{0}\x0301 pending AfC submissions (\x0302WP:AFC\x0301)."
  34. self.connection.reply(data, msg.format(subs))
  35. elif action.startswith("redir") or action == "r":
  36. redirs = self.count_redirects()
  37. msg = "there are \x0305{0}\x0301 open redirect requests (\x0302WP:AFC/R\x0301)."
  38. self.connection.reply(data, msg.format(redirs))
  39. elif action.startswith("file") or action == "f":
  40. files = self.count_redirects()
  41. msg = "there are \x0305{0}\x0301 open file upload requests (\x0302WP:FFU\x0301)."
  42. self.connection.reply(data, msg.format(files))
  43. elif action.startswith("agg") or action == "a":
  44. try:
  45. agg_num = int(data.args[1])
  46. except IndexError:
  47. agg_data = (self.count_submissions(),
  48. self.count_redirects(), self.count_files())
  49. agg_num = self.get_aggregate_number(agg_data)
  50. except ValueError:
  51. msg = "\x0303{0}\x0301 isn't a number!"
  52. self.connection.reply(data, msg.format(data.args[1]))
  53. return
  54. aggregate = self.get_aggregate(agg_num)
  55. msg = "aggregate is \x0305{0}\x0301 (AfC {1})."
  56. self.connection.reply(data, msg.format(agg_num, aggregate))
  57. elif action.startswith("nocolor") or action == "n":
  58. self.connection.reply(data, self.get_status(color=False))
  59. else:
  60. msg = "unknown argument: \x0303{0}\x0301. Valid args are 'subs', 'redirs', 'files', 'agg', 'nocolor'."
  61. self.connection.reply(data, msg.format(data.args[0]))
  62. else:
  63. self.connection.reply(data, self.get_status())
  64. def get_status(self, color=True):
  65. subs = self.count_submissions()
  66. redirs = self.count_redirects()
  67. files = self.count_files()
  68. agg_num = self.get_aggregate_number((subs, redirs, files))
  69. aggregate = self.get_aggregate(agg_num)
  70. if color:
  71. msg = "Articles for creation {0} (\x0302AFC\x0301: \x0305{1}\x0301; \x0302AFC/R\x0301: \x0305{2}\x0301; \x0302FFU\x0301: \x0305{3}\x0301)."
  72. else:
  73. msg = "Articles for creation {0} (AFC: {1}; AFC/R: {2}; FFU: {3})."
  74. return msg.format(aggregate, subs, redirs, files)
  75. def count_submissions(self):
  76. """Returns the number of open AFC submissions (count of CAT:PEND)."""
  77. cat = self.site.get_category("Pending AfC submissions")
  78. subs = len(cat.members(limit=2500, use_sql=True))
  79. # Remove [[Wikipedia:Articles for creation/Redirects]] and
  80. # [[Wikipedia:Files for upload]], which aren't real submissions:
  81. return subs - 2
  82. def count_redirects(self):
  83. """Returns the number of open redirect submissions. Calculated as the
  84. total number of submissions minus the closed ones."""
  85. title = "Wikipedia:Articles for creation/Redirects"
  86. content = self.site.get_page(title).get()
  87. total = len(re.findall("^\s*==(.*?)==\s*$", content, re.MULTILINE))
  88. closed = content.lower().count("{{afc-c|b}}")
  89. redirs = total - closed
  90. return redirs
  91. def count_files(self):
  92. """Returns the number of open WP:FFU (Files For Upload) requests.
  93. Calculated as the total number of requests minus the closed ones."""
  94. content = self.site.get_page("Wikipedia:Files for upload").get()
  95. total = len(re.findall("^\s*==(.*?)==\s*$", content, re.MULTILINE))
  96. closed = content.lower().count("{{ifu-c|b}}")
  97. files = total - closed
  98. return files
  99. def get_aggregate(self, num):
  100. """Returns a human-readable AFC status based on the number of pending
  101. AFC submissions, open redirect requests, and open FFU requests. This
  102. does not match {{AFC status}} directly because my algorithm factors in
  103. WP:AFC/R and WP:FFU while the template only looks at the main
  104. submissions. My reasoning is that AFC/R and FFU are still part of
  105. the project, so even if there are no pending submissions, a backlog at
  106. FFU (for example) indicates that our work is *not* done and the
  107. project-wide backlog is most certainly *not* clear."""
  108. if num == 0:
  109. return "is \x02\x0303clear\x0301\x0F"
  110. elif num < 125: # < 25 subs
  111. return "is \x0303almost clear\x0301"
  112. elif num < 200: # < 40 subs
  113. return "is \x0312normal\x0301"
  114. elif num < 275: # < 55 subs
  115. return "is \x0307lightly backlogged\x0301"
  116. elif num < 350: # < 70 subs
  117. return "is \x0304backlogged\x0301"
  118. elif num < 500: # < 100 subs
  119. return "is \x02\x0304heavily backlogged\x0301\x0F"
  120. else: # >= 100 subs
  121. return "is \x02\x1F\x0304severely backlogged\x0301\x0F"
  122. def get_aggregate_number(self, (subs, redirs, files)):
  123. """Returns an 'aggregate number' based on the real number of pending
  124. submissions in CAT:PEND (subs), open redirect submissions in WP:AFC/R
  125. (redirs), and open files-for-upload requests in WP:FFU (files)."""
  126. num = (subs * 5) + (redirs * 2) + (files * 2)
  127. return num