- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- import re
- from os.path import expanduser
- import oursql
- from classes import BaseTask
- import config
- import wiki
- class Task(BaseTask):
- """A task to generate statistics for WikiProject Articles for Creation.
- Statistics are stored in a MySQL database ("u_earwig_afc_statistics")
- accessed with oursql. Statistics are updated live while watching the recent
- changes IRC feed and saved once an hour, on the hour, to self.pagename.
- In the live bot, this is "Template:AFC statistics".
- """
- name = "afc_statistics"
- number = 2
- def __init__(self):
- self.cfg = cfg = config.tasks.get(self.name, {})
- # Set some wiki-related attributes:
- self.pagename = cfg.get("page", "Template:AFC statistics")
- default_summary = "Updating statistics for [[WP:WPAFC|WikiProject Articles for creation]]."
- self.summary = self.make_summary(cfg.get("summary", default_summary))
- # Templates used in chart generation:
- templates = cfg.get("templates", {})
- self.tl_header = templates.get("header", "AFC statistics/header")
- self.tl_row = templates.get("row", "AFC statistics/row")
- self.tl_footer = templates.get("footer", "AFC statistics/footer")
- # Establish a connection with our SQL database:
- kwargs = cfg.get("sql", {})
- kwargs["read_default_file"] = expanduser("~/.my.cnf")
- self.conn = oursql.connect(**kwargs)
- def run(self, **kwargs):
- self.site = wiki.get_site()
- action = kwargs.get("action")
- if not action:
- return
- if action == "save":
- self.save()
- return
- page = kwargs.get("page")
- if page:
- methods = {
- "edit": self.process_edit,
- "move": self.process_move,
- "delete": self.process_delete,
- "restore": self.process_restore,
- }
- method = methods.get(action)
- if method:
- method(page)
- def save(self):
- self.check_integrity()
- if self.shutoff_enabled():
- return
- statistics = self.compile_charts()
- page = self.site.get_page(self.pagename)
- text = page.get()
- newtext = re.sub("(<!-- stat begin -->)(.*?)(<!-- stat end -->)",
- statistics.join(("\\1\n", "\n\\3")), text,
- flags=re.DOTALL)
- if newtext == text:
- return # Don't edit the page if we're not adding anything
- newtext = re.sub("(<!-- sig begin -->)(.*?)(<!-- sig end -->)",
- "\\1~~~ at ~~~~~\\3", newtext)
- page.edit(newtext, self.summary, minor=True, bot=True)
- def compile_charts(self):
- stats = ""
- with self.conn.cursor() as cursor:
- cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM chart")
- for chart in cursor:
- stats += self.compile_chart(chart) + "\n"
- return stats[:-1] # Drop the last newline
- def compile_chart(self, chart_info):
- chart_id, chart_title, special_title = chart_info
- chart = "|".join((self.tl_header, chart_title))
- if special_title:
- chart += "".join(("|", special_title))
- chart = "".join(("{{", chart, "}}"))
- query = "SELECT * FROM page JOIN row ON page_id = row_id WHERE row_chart = ?"
- with self.conn.cursor(oursql.DictCursor) as cursor:
- cursor.execute(query, (chart_id,))
- for page in cursor:
- chart += "\n" + self.compile_chart_row(page)
- chart += "".join(("\n{{", self.tl_footer, "}}"))
- return chart
- def compile_chart_row(self, page):
- row = "{0}|s={page_status}|t={page_title}|h={page_short}|z={page_size}|"
- row += "cr={page_create_user}|cd={page_create_time}|ci={page_create_oldid}|"
- row += "mr={page_modify_user}|md={page_modify_time}|mi={page_modify_oldid}|"
- page["page_create_time"] = self.format_time(page["page_create_time"])
- page["page_modify_time"] = self.format_time(page["page_modify_time"])
- if page["page_special_user"]:
- row += "sr={page_special_user}|sd={page_special_time}|si={page_special_oldid}|"
- page["page_special_time"] = self.format_time(page["page_special_time"])
- if page["page_notes"]:
- row += "n=1{page_notes}"
- return "".join(("{{", row.format(self.tl_row, **page), "}}"))
- def format_time(self, timestamp):
- return timestamp.strftime("%H:%M, %d %B %Y")
- def check_integrity(self):
- pass
- def process_edit(self, page):
- pass
- def process_move(self, page):
- pass
- def process_delete(self, page):
- pass
- def process_restore(self, page):
- pass