A Python robot that edits Wikipedia and interacts with people over IRC https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:EarwigBot
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  1. EarwigBot
  2. =========
  3. EarwigBot_ is a Python_ robot that edits Wikipedia_ and interacts with people
  4. over IRC_. This file provides a basic overview of how to install and setup the
  5. bot; more detailed information is located in the ``docs/`` directory (available
  6. online at PyPI_).
  7. History
  8. -------
  9. Development began, based on the `Pywikipedia framework`_, in early 2009.
  10. Approval for its fist task, a `copyright violation detector`_, was carried out
  11. in May, and the bot has been running consistently ever since (with the
  12. exception of Jan/Feb 2011). It currently handles `several ongoing tasks`_
  13. ranging from statistics generation to category cleanup, and on-demand tasks
  14. such as WikiProject template tagging. Since it started running, the bot has
  15. made over 50,000 edits.
  16. A project to rewrite it from scratch began in early April 2011, thus moving
  17. away from the Pywikipedia framework and allowing for less overall code, better
  18. integration between bot parts, and easier maintenance.
  19. Installation
  20. ------------
  21. This package contains the core ``earwigbot``, abstracted enough that it should
  22. be usable and customizable by anyone running a bot on a MediaWiki site. Since
  23. it is component-based, the IRC components can be disabled if desired. IRC
  24. commands and bot tasks specific to `my instance of EarwigBot`_ that I don't
  25. feel the average user will need are available from the repository
  26. `earwigbot-plugins`_.
  27. It's recommended to run the bot's unit tests before installing. Run ``python
  28. setup.py test`` from the project's root directory. Note that some
  29. tests require an internet connection, and others may take a while to run.
  30. Coverage is currently rather incomplete.
  31. Latest release (v0.1)
  32. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  33. EarwigBot is available from the `Python Package Index`_, so you can install the
  34. latest release with ``pip install earwigbot`` (`get pip`_).
  35. You can also install it from source [1]_ directly::
  36. curl -Lo earwigbot.tgz https://github.com/earwig/earwigbot/tarball/v0.1
  37. tar -xf earwigbot.tgz
  38. cd earwig-earwigbot-*
  39. python setup.py install
  40. cd ..
  41. rm -r earwigbot.tgz earwig-earwigbot-*
  42. Development version
  43. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  44. You can install the development version of the bot from ``git`` by using
  45. setuptools/distribute's ``develop`` command [1]_, probably on the ``develop``
  46. branch which contains (usually) working code. ``master`` contains the latest
  47. release. EarwigBot uses `git flow`_, so you're free to
  48. browse by tags or by new features (``feature/*`` branches)::
  49. git clone git://github.com/earwig/earwigbot.git earwigbot
  50. cd earwigbot
  51. python setup.py develop
  52. Setup
  53. -----
  54. The bot stores its data in a "working directory", including its config file and
  55. databases. This is also the location where you will place custom IRC commands
  56. and bot tasks, which will be explained later. It doesn't matter where this
  57. directory is, as long as the bot can write to it.
  58. Start the bot with ``earwigbot path/to/working/dir``, or just ``earwigbot`` if
  59. the working directory is the current directory. It will notice that no
  60. ``config.yml`` file exists and take you through the setup process.
  61. There is currently no way to edit the ``config.yml`` file from within the bot
  62. after it has been created, but YAML is a very straightforward format, so you
  63. should be able to make any necessary changes yourself. Check out the
  64. `explanation of YAML`_ on Wikipedia for help.
  65. After setup, the bot will start. This means it will connect to the IRC servers
  66. it has been configured for, schedule bot tasks to run at specific times, and
  67. then wait for instructions (as commands on IRC). For a list of commands, say
  68. "``!help``" (commands are messages prefixed with an exclamation mark).
  69. You can stop the bot at any time with Control+C, same as you stop a normal
  70. Python program, and it will try to exit safely. You can also use the
  71. "``!quit``" command on IRC.
  72. Customizing
  73. -----------
  74. The bot's working directory contains a ``commands`` subdirectory and a
  75. ``tasks`` subdirectory. Custom IRC commands can be placed in the former,
  76. whereas custom wiki bot tasks go into the latter. Developing custom modules is
  77. explained below, and in more detail through the bot's documentation on PyPI_.
  78. Note that custom commands will override built-in commands and tasks with the
  79. same name.
  80. ``Bot`` and ``BotConfig``
  81. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  82. `earwigbot.bot.Bot`_ is EarwigBot's main class. You don't have to instantiate
  83. this yourself, but it's good to be familiar with its attributes and methods,
  84. because it is the main way to communicate with other parts of the bot. A
  85. ``Bot`` object is accessible as an attribute of commands and tasks (i.e.,
  86. ``self.bot``).
  87. The most useful attributes are:
  88. - ``bot.config``: an instance of ``BotConfig``, for accessing the bot's
  89. configuration data (see below).
  90. - ``bot.commands``: the bot's ``CommandManager``, which is used internally to
  91. run IRC commands (through ``bot.commands.call()``, which you shouldn't have
  92. to use); you can safely reload all commands with ``bot.commands.load()``.
  93. - ``bot.tasks``: the bot's ``TaskManager``, which can be used to start tasks
  94. with ``bot.tasks.start(task_name, **kwargs)``. ``bot.tasks.load()`` can be
  95. used to safely reload all tasks.
  96. - ``bot.frontend`` / ``bot.watcher``: instances of ``earwigbot.irc.Frontend``
  97. and ``earwigbot.irc.Watcher``, respectively, which represent the bot's
  98. connections to these two servers; you can, for example, send a message to the
  99. frontend with ``bot.frontend.say(chan, msg)`` (more on communicating with IRC
  100. below).
  101. - ``bot.wiki``: interface with `the Wiki Toolset`_ (see below).
  102. - Finally, ``bot.restart()`` (restarts IRC components and reloads config,
  103. commands, and tasks) and ``bot.stop()`` can be used almost anywhere. Both
  104. take an optional "reason" that will be logged and used as the quit message
  105. when disconnecting from IRC.
  106. `earwigbot.config.BotConfig`_ stores configuration information for the bot. Its
  107. docstring explains what each attribute is used for, but essentially each "node"
  108. (one of ``config.components``, ``wiki``, ``tasks``, ``irc``, and ``metadata``)
  109. maps to a section of the bot's ``config.yml`` file. For example, if
  110. ``config.yml`` includes something like::
  111. irc:
  112. frontend:
  113. nick: MyAwesomeBot
  114. channels:
  115. - "##earwigbot"
  116. - "#channel"
  117. - "#other-channel"
  118. ...then ``config.irc["frontend"]["nick"]`` will be ``"MyAwesomeBot"`` and
  119. ``config.irc["frontend"]["channels"]`` will be ``["##earwigbot", "#channel",
  120. "#other-channel"]``.
  121. Custom IRC commands
  122. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  123. Custom commands are subclasses of `earwigbot.commands.BaseCommand`_ that
  124. override ``BaseCommand``'s ``process()`` (and optionally ``check()``) methods.
  125. ``BaseCommand``'s docstrings should explain what each attribute and method is
  126. for and what they should be overridden with, but these are the basics:
  127. - Class attribute ``name`` is the name of the command. This must be specified.
  128. - Class attribute ``hooks`` is a list of the "IRC events" that this command
  129. might respond to. It defaults to ``["msg"]``, but options include
  130. ``"msg_private"`` (for private messages only), ``"msg_public"`` (for channel
  131. messages only), and ``"join"`` (for when a user joins a channel). See the
  132. afc_status_ plugin for a command that responds to other hook types.
  133. - Method ``check()`` is passed a ``Data`` [2]_ object, and should return
  134. ``True`` if you want to respond to this message, or ``False`` otherwise. The
  135. default behavior is to return ``True`` only if ``data.is_command`` is
  136. ``True`` and ``data.command == self.name``, which is suitable for most cases.
  137. A common, straightforward reason for overriding is if a command has aliases
  138. (see chanops_ for an example). Note that by returning ``True``, you prevent
  139. any other commands from responding to this message.
  140. - Method ``process()`` is passed the same ``Data`` object as ``check()``, but
  141. only if ``check()`` returned ``True``. This is where the bulk of your command
  142. goes. To respond to IRC messages, there are a number of methods of
  143. ``BaseCommand`` at your disposal. See the the test_ command for a simple
  144. example, or look in BaseCommand's ``__init__`` method for the full list.
  145. The most common ones are ``self.say(chan_or_user, msg)``,
  146. ``self.reply(data, msg)`` (convenience function; sends a reply to the
  147. issuer of the command in the channel it was received),
  148. ``self.action(chan_or_user, msg)``, ``self.notice(chan_or_user, msg)``,
  149. ``self.join(chan)``, and ``self.part(chan)``.
  150. It's important to name the command class ``Command`` within the file, or else
  151. the bot might not recognize it as a command. The name of the file doesn't
  152. really matter and need not match the command's name, but this is recommended
  153. for readability.
  154. The bot has a wide selection of built-in commands and plugins to act as sample
  155. code and/or to give ideas. Start with test_, and then check out chanops_ and
  156. afc_status_ for some more complicated scripts.
  157. Custom bot tasks
  158. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  159. Custom tasks are subclasses of `earwigbot.tasks.BaseTask`_ that override
  160. ``BaseTask``'s ``run()`` (and optionally ``setup()``) methods.
  161. ``BaseTask``'s docstrings should explain what each attribute and method is for
  162. and what they should be overridden with, but these are the basics:
  163. - Class attribute ``name`` is the name of the task. This must be specified.
  164. - Class attribute ``number`` can be used to store an optional "task number",
  165. possibly for use in edit summaries (to be generated with ``make_summary()``).
  166. For example, EarwigBot's ``config.wiki["summary"]`` is
  167. ``"([[WP:BOT|Bot]]; [[User:EarwigBot#Task $1|Task $1]]): $2"``, which the
  168. task class's ``make_summary(comment)`` method will take and replace ``$1``
  169. with the task number and ``$2`` with the details of the edit.
  170. Additionally, ``shutoff_enabled()`` (which checks whether the bot has been
  171. told to stop on-wiki by checking the content of a particular page) can check
  172. a different page for each task using similar variables. EarwigBot's
  173. ``config.wiki["shutoff"]["page"]`` is ``"User:$1/Shutoff/Task $2"``; ``$1``
  174. is substituted with the bot's username, and ``$2`` is substituted with the
  175. task number, so, e.g., task #14 checks the page
  176. ``[[User:EarwigBot/Shutoff/Task 14]].`` If the page's content does *not*
  177. match ``config.wiki["shutoff"]["disabled"]`` (``"run"`` by default), then
  178. shutoff is considered to be *enabled* and ``shutoff_enabled()`` will return
  179. ``True``, indicating the task should not run. If you don't intend to use
  180. either of these methods, feel free to leave this attribute blank.
  181. - Method ``setup()`` is called *once* with no arguments immediately after the
  182. task is first loaded. Does nothing by default; treat it like an
  183. ``__init__()`` if you want (``__init__()`` does things by default and a
  184. dedicated setup method is often easier than overriding ``__init__()`` and
  185. using ``super``).
  186. - Method ``run()`` is called with any number of keyword arguments every time
  187. the task is executed (by ``bot.tasks.start(task_name, **kwargs)``, usually).
  188. This is where the bulk of the task's code goes. For interfacing with
  189. MediaWiki sites, read up on `the Wiki Toolset`_ below.
  190. Tasks have access to ``config.tasks[task_name]`` for config information, which
  191. is a node in ``config.yml`` like every other attribute of ``bot.config``. This
  192. can be used to store, for example, edit summaries, or templates to append to
  193. user talk pages, so that these can be easily changed without modifying the task
  194. itself.
  195. It's important to name the task class ``Task`` within the file, or else the bot
  196. might not recognize it as a task. The name of the file doesn't really matter
  197. and need not match the task's name, but this is recommended for readability.
  198. See the built-in wikiproject_tagger_ task for a relatively straightforward
  199. task, or the afc_statistics_ plugin for a more complicated one.
  200. The Wiki Toolset
  201. ----------------
  202. EarwigBot's answer to the `Pywikipedia framework`_ is the Wiki Toolset
  203. (``earwigbot.wiki``), which you will mainly access through ``bot.wiki``.
  204. ``bot.wiki`` provides three methods for the management of Sites -
  205. ``get_site()``, ``add_site()``, and ``remove_site()``. Sites are objects that
  206. simply represent a MediaWiki site. A single instance of EarwigBot (i.e. a
  207. single *working directory*) is expected to relate to a single site or group of
  208. sites using the same login info (like all WMF wikis with CentralAuth).
  209. Load your default site (the one that you picked during setup) with
  210. ``site = bot.wiki.get_site()``.
  211. Dealing with other sites
  212. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  213. *Skip this section if you're only working with one site.*
  214. If a site is *already known to the bot* (meaning that it is stored in the
  215. ``sites.db`` file, which includes just your default wiki at first), you can
  216. load a site with ``site = bot.wiki.get_site(name)``, where ``name`` might be
  217. ``"enwiki"`` or ``"frwiktionary"`` (you can also do
  218. ``site = bot.wiki.get_site(project="wikipedia", lang="en")``). Recall that not
  219. giving any arguments to ``get_site()`` will return the default site.
  220. ``add_site()`` is used to add new sites to the sites database. It may be called
  221. with similar arguments as ``get_site()``, but the difference is important.
  222. ``get_site()`` only needs enough information to identify the site in its
  223. database, which is usually just its name; the database stores all other
  224. necessary connection info. With ``add_site()``, you need to provide enough
  225. connection info so the toolset can successfully access the site's API/SQL
  226. databases and store that information for later. That might not be much; for
  227. WMF wikis, you can usually use code like this::
  228. project, lang = "wikipedia", "es"
  229. try:
  230. site = bot.wiki.get_site(project=project, lang=lang)
  231. except earwigbot.SiteNotFoundError:
  232. # Load site info from http://es.wikipedia.org/w/api.php:
  233. site = bot.wiki.add_site(project=project, lang=lang)
  234. This works because EarwigBot assumes that the URL for the site is
  235. ``"//{lang}.{project}.org"`` and the API is at ``/w/api.php``; this might
  236. change if you're dealing with non-WMF wikis, where the code might look
  237. something more like::
  238. project, lang = "mywiki", "it"
  239. try:
  240. site = bot.wiki.get_site(project=project, lang=lang)
  241. except earwigbot.SiteNotFoundError:
  242. Load site info from http://mysite.net/mywiki/it/s/api.php:
  243. base_url = "http://mysite.net/" + project + "/" + lang
  244. db_name = lang + project + "_p"
  245. sql = {host: "sql.mysite.net", db: db_name}
  246. site = bot.wiki.add_site(base_url=base_url, script_path="/s", sql=sql)
  247. ``remove_site()`` does the opposite of ``add_site()``: give it a site's name
  248. or a project/lang pair like ``get_site()`` takes, and it'll remove that site
  249. from the sites database.
  250. Sites
  251. ~~~~~
  252. ``Site`` objects provide the following attributes:
  253. - ``name``: the site's name (or "wikiid"), like ``"enwiki"``
  254. - ``project``: the site's project name, like ``"wikipedia"``
  255. - ``lang``: the site's language code, like ``"en"``
  256. - ``domain``: the site's web domain, like ``"en.wikipedia.org"``
  257. and the following methods:
  258. - ``api_query(**kwargs)``: does an API query with the given keyword arguments
  259. as params
  260. - ``sql_query(query, params=(), ...)``: does an SQL query and yields its
  261. results (as a generator)
  262. - ``get_replag()``: returns the estimated database replication lag (if we have
  263. the site's SQL connection info)
  264. - ``namespace_id_to_name(id, all=False)``: given a namespace ID, returns the
  265. primary associated namespace name (or a list of all names when ``all`` is
  266. ``True``)
  267. - ``namespace_name_to_id(name)``: given a namespace name, returns the
  268. associated namespace ID
  269. - ``get_page(title, follow_redirects=False)``: returns a ``Page`` object for
  270. the given title (or a ``Category`` object if the page's namespace is
  271. "``Category:``")
  272. - ``get_category(catname, follow_redirects=False)``: returns a ``Category``
  273. object for the given title (sans namespace)
  274. - ``get_user(username)``: returns a ``User`` object for the given username
  275. Pages (and Categories)
  276. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  277. Create ``Page`` objects with ``site.get_page(title)``,
  278. ``page.toggle_talk()``, ``user.get_userpage()``, or ``user.get_talkpage()``.
  279. They provide the following attributes:
  280. - ``title``: the page's title, or pagename
  281. - ``exists``: whether the page exists
  282. - ``pageid``: an integer ID representing the page
  283. - ``url``: the page's URL
  284. - ``namespace``: the page's namespace as an integer
  285. - ``protection``: the page's current protection status
  286. - ``is_talkpage``: ``True`` if the page is a talkpage, else ``False``
  287. - ``is_redirect``: ``True`` if the page is a redirect, else ``False``
  288. and the following methods:
  289. - ``reload()``: forcibly reload the page's attributes (emphasis on *reload* -
  290. this is only necessary if there is reason to believe they have changed)
  291. - ``toggle_talk(...)``: returns a content page's talk page, or vice versa
  292. - ``get()``: returns page content
  293. - ``get_redirect_target()``: if the page is a redirect, returns its destination
  294. - ``get_creator()``: returns a ``User`` object representing the first user to
  295. edit the page
  296. - ``edit(text, summary, minor=False, bot=True, force=False)``: replaces the
  297. page's content with ``text`` or creates a new page
  298. - ``add_section(text, title, minor=False, bot=True, force=False)``: adds a new
  299. section named ``title`` at the bottom of the page
  300. - ``copyvio_check(...)``: checks the page for copyright violations
  301. - ``copyvio_compare(url, ...)``: checks the page like ``copyvio_check()``, but
  302. against a specific URL
  303. Additionally, ``Category`` objects (created with ``site.get_category(name)`` or
  304. ``site.get_page(title)`` where ``title`` is in the ``Category:`` namespace)
  305. provide the following additional method:
  306. - ``get_members(use_sql=False, limit=None)``: returns a list of page titles in
  307. the category (limit is ``50`` by default if using the API)
  308. Users
  309. ~~~~~
  310. Create ``User`` objects with ``site.get_user(name)`` or
  311. ``page.get_creator()``. They provide the following attributes:
  312. - ``name``: the user's username
  313. - ``exists``: ``True`` if the user exists, or ``False`` if they do not
  314. - ``userid``: an integer ID representing the user
  315. - ``blockinfo``: information about any current blocks on the user (``False`` if
  316. no block, or a dict of ``{"by": blocking_user, "reason": block_reason,
  317. "expiry": block_expire_time}``)
  318. - ``groups``: a list of the user's groups
  319. - ``rights``: a list of the user's rights
  320. - ``editcount``: the number of edits made by the user
  321. - ``registration``: the time the user registered as a ``time.struct_time``
  322. - ``emailable``: ``True`` if you can email the user, ``False`` if you cannot
  323. - ``gender``: the user's gender (``"male"``, ``"female"``, or ``"unknown"``)
  324. and the following methods:
  325. - ``reload()``: forcibly reload the user's attributes (emphasis on *reload* -
  326. this is only necessary if there is reason to believe they have changed)
  327. - ``get_userpage()``: returns a ``Page`` object representing the user's
  328. userpage
  329. - ``get_talkpage()``: returns a ``Page`` object representing the user's
  330. talkpage
  331. Additional features
  332. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  333. Not all aspects of the toolset are covered here. Explore `its code and
  334. docstrings`_ to learn how to use it in a more hands-on fashion. For reference,
  335. ``bot.wiki`` is an instance of ``earwigbot.wiki.SitesDB`` tied to the
  336. ``sites.db`` file in the bot's working directory.
  337. Tips
  338. ----
  339. - Logging_ is a fantastic way to monitor the bot's progress as it runs. It has
  340. a slew of built-in loggers, and enabling log retention (so logs are saved to
  341. ``logs/`` in the working directory) is highly recommended. In the normal
  342. setup, there are three log files, each of which "rotate" at a specific time
  343. (``filename.log`` becomes ``filename.log.2012-04-10``, for example). The
  344. ``debug.log`` file rotates every hour, and maintains six hours of logs of
  345. every level (``DEBUG`` and up). ``bot.log`` rotates every day at midnight,
  346. and maintains seven days of non-debug logs (``INFO`` and up). Finally,
  347. ``error.log`` rotates every Sunday night, and maintains four weeks of logs
  348. indicating unexpected events (``WARNING`` and up).
  349. To use logging in your commands or tasks (recommended), ``BaseCommand`` and
  350. ``BaseTask`` provide ``logger`` attributes configured for the specific
  351. command or task. If you're working with other classes, ``bot.logger`` is the
  352. root logger (``logging.getLogger("earwigbot")`` by default), so you can use
  353. ``getChild`` to make your logger. For example, task loggers are essentially
  354. ``bot.logger.getChild("tasks").getChild(task.name)``.
  355. - A very useful IRC command is "``!reload``", which reloads all commands and
  356. tasks without restarting the bot. [3]_ Combined with using the `!git plugin`_
  357. for pulling repositories from IRC, this can provide a seamless command/task
  358. development workflow if the bot runs on an external server and you set up
  359. its working directory as a git repo.
  360. - You can run a task by itself instead of the entire bot with ``earwigbot
  361. path/to/working/dir --task task_name``.
  362. - Questions, comments, or suggestions about the documentation? `Let me know`_
  363. so I can improve it for other people.
  364. Footnotes
  365. ---------
  366. .. [1] ``python setup.py install``/``develop`` may require root, or use the
  367. ``--user`` switch to install for the current user only.
  368. .. [2] ``Data`` objects are instances of ``earwigbot.irc.Data`` that contain
  369. information about a single message sent on IRC. Their useful attributes
  370. are ``chan`` (channel the message was sent from, equal to ``nick`` if
  371. it's a private message), ``nick`` (nickname of the sender), ``ident``
  372. (ident_ of the sender), ``host`` (hostname of the sender), ``msg`` (text
  373. of the sent message), ``is_command`` (boolean telling whether or not
  374. this message is a bot command, i.e., whether it is prefixed by ``!``),
  375. ``command`` (if the message is a command, this is the name of the
  376. command used), and ``args`` (if the message is a command, this is a list
  377. of the command arguments - for example, if issuing "``!part ##earwig
  378. Goodbye guys``", ``args`` will equal ``["##earwig", "Goodbye",
  379. "guys"]``). Note that not all ``Data`` objects will have all of these
  380. attributes: ``Data`` objects generated by private messages will, but
  381. ones generated by joins will only have ``chan``, ``nick``, ``ident``,
  382. and ``host``.
  383. .. [3] In reality, all this does is call ``bot.commands.load()`` and
  384. ``bot.tasks.load()``!
  385. .. _EarwigBot: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:EarwigBot
  386. .. _Python: http://python.org/
  387. .. _Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/
  388. .. _IRC: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Relay_Chat
  389. .. _PyPI: http://packages.python.org/earwigbot
  390. .. _Pywikipedia framework: http://pywikipediabot.sourceforge.net/
  391. .. _copyright violation detector: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Bots/Requests_for_approval/EarwigBot_1
  392. .. _several ongoing tasks: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:EarwigBot#Tasks
  393. .. _my instance of EarwigBot: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:EarwigBot
  394. .. _earwigbot-plugins: https://github.com/earwig/earwigbot-plugins
  395. .. _Python Package Index: http://pypi.python.org
  396. .. _get pip: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pip
  397. .. _git flow: http://nvie.com/posts/a-successful-git-branching-model/
  398. .. _explanation of YAML: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YAML
  399. .. _earwigbot.bot.Bot: https://github.com/earwig/earwigbot/blob/develop/earwigbot/bot.py
  400. .. _earwigbot.config.BotConfig: https://github.com/earwig/earwigbot/blob/develop/earwigbot/config.py
  401. .. _earwigbot.commands.BaseCommand: https://github.com/earwig/earwigbot/blob/develop/earwigbot/commands/__init__.py
  402. .. _afc_status: https://github.com/earwig/earwigbot-plugins/blob/develop/commands/afc_status.py
  403. .. _chanops: https://github.com/earwig/earwigbot/blob/develop/earwigbot/commands/chanops.py
  404. .. _test: https://github.com/earwig/earwigbot/blob/develop/earwigbot/commands/test.py
  405. .. _earwigbot.tasks.BaseTask: https://github.com/earwig/earwigbot/blob/develop/earwigbot/tasks/__init__.py
  406. .. _wikiproject_tagger: https://github.com/earwig/earwigbot/blob/develop/earwigbot/tasks/wikiproject_tagger.py
  407. .. _afc_statistics: https://github.com/earwig/earwigbot-plugins/blob/develop/tasks/afc_statistics.py
  408. .. _its code and docstrings: https://github.com/earwig/earwigbot/tree/develop/earwigbot/wiki
  409. .. _logging: http://docs.python.org/library/logging.html
  410. .. _Let me know: ben.kurtovic@verizon.net
  411. .. _!git plugin: https://github.com/earwig/earwigbot-plugins/blob/develop/commands/git.py
  412. .. _ident: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ident