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Add a bunch of things to the WikiProjectTagger task.

Ben Kurtovic pirms 7 gadiem
2 mainītis faili ar 168 papildinājumiem un 79 dzēšanām
  1. +1
  2. +167

+ 1
- 0
CHANGELOG Parādīt failu

@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
v0.3 (unreleased):

- Added various new features to the WikiProjectTagger task.
- Copyvio detector: improved sentence splitting algorithm.
- Improved config file command/task exclusion logic.
- IRC > !cidr: Added; new command for calculating range blocks.

+ 167
- 79
earwigbot/tasks/wikiproject_tagger.py Parādīt failu

@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2009-2015 Ben Kurtovic <ben.kurtovic@gmail.com>
# Copyright (C) 2009-2017 Ben Kurtovic <ben.kurtovic@gmail.com>
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
@@ -30,9 +30,9 @@ class WikiProjectTagger(Task):
"""A task to tag talk pages with WikiProject banners.

Usage: :command:`earwigbot -t wikiproject_tagger PATH
--banner BANNER (--category CAT | --file FILE) [--summary SUM]
[--append TEXT] [--autoassess] [--nocreate] [--recursive NUM]
[--site SITE]`
--banner BANNER (--category CAT | --file FILE) [--summary SUM] [--update]
[--append PARAMS] [--autoassess [CLASSES]] [--only-with BANNER]
[--nocreate] [--recursive [NUM]] [--genfixes] [--site SITE] [--dry-run]`

.. glossary::

@@ -47,21 +47,33 @@ class WikiProjectTagger(Task):
current directory)
``--summary SUM``
an optional edit summary to use; defaults to
``"Adding WikiProject banner {{BANNER}}."``
``--append TEXT``
optional text to append to the banner (after an autoassessment, if
any), like ``|importance=low``
``"Tagging with WikiProject banner {{BANNER}}."``
updates existing banners with new fields; should include at least one
of ``--append`` or ``--autoassess`` to be useful
``--append PARAMS``
optional comma-separated parameters to append to the banner (after an
auto-assessment, if any); use syntax ``importance=low,taskforce=yes``
to add ``|importance=low|taskforce=yes``
``--autoassess [CLASSES]``
try to assess each article's class automatically based on the class of
other banners on the same page
other banners on the same page; if CLASSES is given as a
comma-separated list, only those classes will be auto-assessed
``--only-with BANNER``
only tag pages that already have the given banner
don't create new talk pages with just a banner if the page doesn't
already exist
``--recursive NUM``
recursively go through subcategories up to a maximum depth of ``NUM``,
or if ``NUM`` isn't provided, go infinitely (this can be dangerous)
apply general fixes to the page if already making other changes
``--site SITE``
the ID of the site to tag pages on, defaulting to the... default site
the ID of the site to tag pages on, defaulting to the default site
don't actually make any edits, just log the pages that would have been

name = "wikiproject_tagger"
@@ -94,7 +106,8 @@ class WikiProjectTagger(Task):
r"((wikiproject|wp) ?)?bio(graph(y|ies))?$",

def _upperfirst(self, text):
def _upperfirst(text):
"""Try to uppercase the first letter of a string."""
return text[0].upper() + text[1:]
@@ -114,15 +127,28 @@ class WikiProjectTagger(Task):

site = self.bot.wiki.get_site(name=kwargs.get("site"))
banner = kwargs["banner"]
summary = kwargs.get("summary", "Adding WikiProject banner $3.")
summary = kwargs.get("summary", "Tagging with WikiProject banner $3.")
update = kwargs.get("update", False)
append = kwargs.get("append")
autoassess = kwargs.get("autoassess", False)
ow_banner = kwargs.get("only-with")
nocreate = kwargs.get("nocreate", False)
recursive = kwargs.get("recursive", 0)
genfixes = kwargs.get("genfixes", False)
dry_run = kwargs.get("dry-run", False)
banner, names = self.get_names(site, banner)
if not names:
job = _Job(banner, names, summary, append, autoassess, nocreate)
if ow_banner:
_, only_with = self.get_names(site, ow_banner)
if not only_with:
only_with = None

job = _Job(banner=banner, names=names, summary=summary, update=update,
append=append, autoassess=autoassess, only_with=only_with,
nocreate=nocreate, genfixes=genfixes, dry_run=dry_run)

self.run_job(kwargs, site, job, recursive)
@@ -172,32 +198,29 @@ class WikiProjectTagger(Task):
banner = banner.split(":", 1)[1]
page = site.get_page(title)
if page.exists != page.PAGE_EXISTS:
self.logger.error(u"Banner [[{0}]] does not exist".format(title))
self.logger.error(u"Banner [[%s]] does not exist", title)
return banner, None

if banner == title:
names = [self._upperfirst(banner)]
names = [self._upperfirst(banner), self._upperfirst(title)]
names = {banner, title}
result = site.api_query(action="query", list="backlinks", bllimit=500,
blfilterredir="redirects", bltitle=title)
for backlink in result["query"]["backlinks"]:
if backlink["ns"] == constants.NS_TEMPLATE:
names.append(backlink["title"].split(":", 1)[1])
names.add(backlink["title"].split(":", 1)[1])

log = u"Found {0} aliases for banner [[{1}]]".format(len(names), title)
log = u"Found %s aliases for banner [[%s]]"
self.logger.debug(log, len(names), title)
return banner, names

def process_category(self, page, job, recursive):
"""Try to tag all pages in the given category."""
self.logger.info(u"Processing category: [[{0]]".format(page.title))
self.logger.info(u"Processing category: [[%s]]", page.title)
for member in page.get_members():
if member.namespace == constants.NS_CATEGORY:
if recursive is True:
self.process_category(member, job, True)
elif recursive:
elif recursive > 0:
self.process_category(member, job, recursive - 1)
self.process_page(member, job)
@@ -214,65 +237,125 @@ class WikiProjectTagger(Task):
code = page.parse()
except exceptions.PageNotFoundError:
if job.nocreate:
log = u"Skipping nonexistent page: [[{0}]]".format(page.title)
log = u"Tagging new page: [[{0}]]".format(page.title)
banner = "{{" + job.banner + job.append + "}}"
summary = job.summary.replace("$3", banner)
page.edit(banner, self.make_summary(summary))
self.process_new_page(page, job)
except exceptions.InvalidPageError:
log = u"Skipping invalid page: [[{0}]]".format(page.title)
self.logger.error(u"Skipping invalid page: [[%s]]", page.title)

is_update = False
for template in code.ifilter_templates(recursive=True):
name = self._upperfirst(template.name.strip())
if name in job.names:
log = u"Skipping page: [[{0}]]; already tagged with '{1}'"
self.logger.info(log.format(page.title, name))
if template.name.matches(job.names):
if job.update:
banner = template
is_update = True
log = u"Skipping page: [[%s]]; already tagged with '%s'"
self.logger.info(log, page.title, template.name)

if job.only_with:
if not any(template.name.matches(job.only_with)
for template in code.ifilter_templates(recursive=True)):
log = u"Skipping page: [[%s]]; fails only-with condition"
self.logger.info(log, page.title)

banner = self.make_banner(job, code)
shell = self.get_banner_shell(code)
if shell:
if shell.has_param(1):
shell.get(1).value.insert(0, banner + "\n")
shell.add(1, banner)
if is_update:
old_banner = unicode(banner)
self.update_banner(banner, job, code)
if banner == old_banner:
log = u"Skipping page: [[%s]]; already tagged and no updates"
self.logger.info(log, page.title)
self.logger.info(u"Updating banner on page: [[%s]]", page.title)
self.add_banner(code, banner)
self.logger.info(u"Tagging page: [[%s]]", page.title)
banner = self.make_banner(job, code)
shell = self.get_banner_shell(code)
if shell:
if shell.has_param(1):
shell.get(1).value.insert(0, banner + "\n")
shell.add(1, banner)
self.add_banner(code, banner)

self.logger.info(u"Tagging page: [[{0}]]".format(page.title))
summary = job.summary.replace("$3", banner)
page.edit(unicode(code), self.make_summary(summary))
if job.genfixes:

def make_banner(self, job, code):
if job.dry_run:
self.logger.debug(u"DRY RUN: Banner: %s", banner)
summary = job.summary.replace("$3", banner)
page.edit(unicode(code), self.make_summary(summary))

def process_new_page(self, page, job):
"""Try to tag a *page* that doesn't exist yet using the *job*."""
if job.nocreate or job.only_with:
log = u"Skipping nonexistent page: [[%s]]"
self.logger.info(log, page.title)
self.logger.info(u"Tagging new page: [[%s]]", page.title)
banner = self.make_banner(job)
if job.dry_run:
self.logger.debug(u"DRY RUN: Banner: %s", banner)
summary = job.summary.replace("$3", banner)
page.edit(banner, self.make_summary(summary))

def make_banner(self, job, code=None):
"""Return banner text to add based on a *job* and a page's *code*."""
banner = "{{" + job.banner
if job.autoassess:
classes = {"fa": 0, "fl": 0, "ga": 0, "a": 0, "b": 0, "start": 0,
"stub": 0, "list": 0, "dab": 0, "c": 0, "redirect": 0,
"book": 0, "template": 0, "category": 0}
for template in code.ifilter_templates(recursive=True):
if template.has_param("class"):
value = unicode(template.get("class").value).lower()
if value in classes:
classes[value] += 1
values = tuple(classes.values())
banner = job.banner
if code is not None and job.autoassess is not False:
assessment = self.get_autoassessment(code, job.autoassess)
if assessment:
banner += "|class=" + assessment
if job.append:
banner += "|" + "|".join(job.append.split(","))
return "{{" + banner + "}}"

def update_banner(self, banner, job, code):
"""Update an existing *banner* based on a *job* and a page's *code*."""
if job.autoassess is not False:
if not banner.has("class") or not banner.get("class").value:
assessment = self.get_autoassessment(code, job.autoassess)
if assessment:
banner.add("class", assessment)
if job.append:
for param in job.append.split(","):
key, value = param.split("=", 1)
if not banner.has(key) or not banner.get(key).value:
banner.add(key, value)

def get_autoassessment(self, code, only_classes=None):
if only_classes is None:
classnames = ["a", "b", "book", "c", "category", "dab", "fa",
"fl", "ga", "list", "redirect", "start", "stub",
classnames = [klass.strip().lower()
for klass in only_classes.split(",")]

classes = {klass: 0 for klass in classnames}
for template in code.ifilter_templates(recursive=True):
if template.has("class"):
value = unicode(template.get("class").value).lower()
if value in classes:
classes[value] += 1

values = tuple(classes.values())
if values:
best = max(values)
confidence = float(best) / sum(values)
if confidence > 0.75:
rank = tuple(classes.keys())[values.index(best)]
if rank in ("fa", "fl", "ga"):
banner += "|class=" + rank.upper()
return rank.upper()
banner += "|class=" + self._upperfirst(rank)
return banner + job.append + "}}"
return self._upperfirst(rank)
return None

def get_banner_shell(self, code):
"""Return the banner shell template within *code*, else ``None``."""
@@ -281,8 +364,8 @@ class WikiProjectTagger(Task):
if not shells:
shells = code.filter_templates(matches=regex, recursive=True)
if shells:
log = u"Inserting banner into shell: {0}"
log = u"Inserting banner into shell: %s"
self.logger.debug(log, shells[0].name)
return shells[0]

def add_banner(self, code, banner):
@@ -292,15 +375,16 @@ class WikiProjectTagger(Task):
name = template.name.lower().replace("_", " ")
for regex in self.TOP_TEMPS:
if re.match(regex, name):
self.logger.info("Skipping top template: {0}".format(name))
self.logger.debug(u"Skipping top template: %s", name)
index = i + 1

self.logger.debug(u"Inserting banner at index {0}".format(index))
self.logger.debug(u"Inserting banner at index %s", index)
code.insert(index, banner)

def apply_genfixes(self, code):
"""Apply general fixes to *code*, such as template substitution."""
regex = r"^\{\{\s*((un|no)?s(i((gn|ng)(ed3?)?|g))?|usu|tilde|forgot to sign|without signature)"
regex = (r"^\{\{\s*((un|no)?s(i((gn|ng)(ed3?)?|g))?|usu|tilde|"
r"forgot to sign|without signature)")
for template in code.ifilter_templates(matches=regex):
self.logger.debug("Applying genfix: substitute {{unsigned}}")
template.name = "subst:unsigned"
@@ -313,13 +397,17 @@ class _Job(object):
or not to autoassess and create new pages from scratch, and a counter of
the number of pages edited.
def __init__(self, banner, names, summary, append, autoassess, nocreate):
self.banner = banner
self.names = names
self.summary = summary
self.append = append
self.autoassess = autoassess
self.nocreate = nocreate
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.banner = kwargs["banner"]
self.names = kwargs["names"]
self.summary = kwargs["summary"]
self.update = kwargs["update"]
self.append = kwargs["append"]
self.autoassess = kwargs["autoassess"]
self.only_with = kwargs["only_with"]
self.nocreate = kwargs["nocreate"]
self.genfixes = kwargs["genfixes"]
self.dry_run = kwargs["dry_run"]
self.counter = 0

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