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core/ can now parse the <irc> tag fully; added some new functions that I pulled out of parse_components(); added stubs for encrypting/decrypting passwords; nitpick in core/

Ben Kurtovic 13 years ago
2 changed files with 109 additions and 17 deletions
  1. +108
  2. +1

+ 108
- 16
core/ View File

@@ -81,6 +81,18 @@ def make_new_config():
return is_encrypted

def encrypt_password(password, key):
"""If passwords are supposed to be encrypted, use this function to do that
using a user-provided key."""
# TODO: stub
return password

def decrypt_password(password, key):
"""If passwords are encrypted, use this function to decrypt them using a
user-provided key."""
# TODO: stub
return password

def are_passwords_encrypted():
"""Determine if the passwords in our config file are encrypted, returning
either True or False."""
@@ -104,6 +116,34 @@ def attribute_to_bool(element, attribute, default=None):
"got '{2}'.").format(attribute, element.tagName, value)
raise TypeMismatchException(e)

def get_first_element(parent, tag_name):
"""Return the first child of the parent element with the given tag name, or
return None."""
return parent.getElementsByTagName(tag_name)[0]
except IndexError:
return None

def get_required_element(parent, tag_name):
"""Return the first child of the parent element with the given tag name, or
raise MissingElementException() if no child of that name exists."""
element = get_first_element(parent, tag_name)
if not element:
e = "<{0}> is missing a required <{1}> tag.".format(parent.tagName,
raise MissingElementException(e)
return element

def get_required_attribute(element, attr_name):
"""Return the value of the attribute 'attr_name' in 'element'. If
undefined, raise MissingAttributeException()."""
attribute = element.getAttribute(attr_name)
if not attribute:
e = "A <{0}> tag is missing the required attribute '{1}'.".format(
element.tagName, attr_name)
raise MissingAttributeException(e)
return attribute

def parse_config(key):
"""Parse config data from a DOM object into the 'config' global variable.
The key is used to unencrypt passwords stored in the XML config file."""
@@ -128,32 +168,84 @@ def parse_components(data):
if it is disabled."""
components = defaultdict(lambda: False) # all components are disabled by
# default
element = data.getElementsByTagName("components")
if not element:
e = "<config> is missing a required <components> tag."
raise MissingElementException(e)
element = element[0] # select the first <components> tag out of our list
# of tags, even though we should only have one

component_tags = element.getElementsByTagName("component")
for component in component_tags:
name = component.getAttribute("name")
if not name:
e = "A <component> tag is missing the required attribute 'name'."
raise MissingAttributeException(e)
is_enabled = attribute_to_bool(component, "enabled", False)
components[name] = is_enabled
element = get_required_element(data, "components")

for component in element.getElementsByTagName("component"):
name = get_required_attribute(component, "name")
components[name] = True

return components

def parse_wiki(data, key):
"""Parse everything within the <wiki> tag of our XML config file."""

def parse_irc_server(data, key):
"""Parse everything within a <server> tag."""
server = Container()
connection = get_required_element(data, "connection") = get_required_attribute(connection, "host")
server.port = get_required_attribute(connection, "port")
server.nick = get_required_attribute(connection, "nick")
server.ident = get_required_attribute(connection, "ident")
server.realname = get_required_attribute(connection, "realname")

nickserv = get_first_element(data, "nickserv")
if nickserv:
server.nickserv = Container()
server.nickserv.username = get_required_attribute(nickserv, "username")
password = get_required_attribute(nickserv, "password")
if are_passwords_encrypted():
server.nickserv.password = decrypt_password(password, key)
server.nickserv.password = password

channels = get_first_element(data, "channels")
if channels:
server.channels = list()
for channel in channels.getElementsByTagName("channel"):
name = get_required_attribute(channel, "name")

return server

def parse_irc(data, key):
"""Parse everything within the <irc> tag of our XML config file."""
irc = Container()

element = get_first_element(data, "irc")
if not element:
return irc

servers = get_first_element(element, "servers")
if servers:
for server in servers.getElementsByTagName("server"):
server_name = get_required_attribute(server, "name")
if server_name == "frontend":
irc.frontend = parse_irc_server(server, key)
elif server_name == "watcher":
irc.watcher = parse_irc_server(server, key)
print ("Warning: config file specifies a <server> with " +
"unknown name '{0}'. Ignoring.").format(server_name)

permissions = get_first_element(element, "permissions")
if permissions:
irc.permissions = dict()
for group in permissions.getElementsByTagName("group"):
group_name = get_required_attribute(group, "name")
irc.permissions[group_name] = list()
for user in group.getElementsByTagName("user"):
hostname = get_required_attribute(user, "host")

return irc
def parse_schedule(data):
"""Parse everything within the <schedule> tag of our XML config file."""
def parse_watcher(data):
"""Parse everything within the <watcher> tag of our XML config file."""

+ 1
- 1
core/ View File

@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ def run():
print "Starting IRC watcher..." # component, so run its function only
irc_watcher() # and don't worry about anything else

else: # nothing is enabled!
else: # nothing is enabled!
print "No bot parts are enabled; stopping..."
