소스 검색

OAuth support; switch to requests; update login flow

Ben Kurtovic 5 년 전
5개의 변경된 파일114개의 추가작업 그리고 89개의 파일을 삭제
  1. +5
  2. +2
  3. +98
  4. +7
  5. +2

+ 5
- 3

@@ -4,6 +4,11 @@ v0.3 (unreleased):
- Copyvio detector: improved sentence splitting algorithm; many performance
- Improved config file command/task exclusion logic.
- Wiki: Added logging for warnings.
- Wiki: Added OAuth support.
- Wiki: Switched to requests from urllib2.
- Wiki: Updated some deprecated API calls.
- Wiki: Fixed Page.toggle_talk() behavior on mainspace titles with colons.
- IRC > !cidr: Added; new command for calculating range blocks.
- IRC > !notes: Improved help and added aliases.
- IRC > !remind: Added !remind all. Fixed multithreading efficiency issues.
@@ -14,9 +19,6 @@ v0.3 (unreleased):
- IRC: Try not to join channels before NickServ auth has completed.
- IRC: Improved detection of maximum IRC message length.
- IRC: Improved some help commands.
- Wiki: Added logging for warnings.
- Wiki: Updated some deprecated API calls.
- Wiki: Fixed Page.toggle_talk() behavior on mainspace titles with colons.

v0.2 (released November 8, 2015):

+ 2
- 1
earwigbot/wiki/copyvios/__init__.py 파일 보기

@@ -46,7 +46,8 @@ class CopyvioMixIn(object):
def __init__(self, site):
self._search_config = site._search_config
self._exclusions_db = self._search_config.get("exclusions_db")
self._addheaders = site._opener.addheaders
self._addheaders = [("User-Agent", site.user_agent),
("Accept-Encoding", "gzip")]

def _get_search_engine(self):
"""Return a function that can be called to do web searches.

+ 98
- 81
earwigbot/wiki/site.py 파일 보기

@@ -21,17 +21,16 @@

from cookielib import CookieJar
from gzip import GzipFile
from json import loads
from logging import getLogger, NullHandler
from os.path import expanduser
from StringIO import StringIO
from threading import RLock
from time import sleep, time
from urllib import quote_plus, unquote_plus
from urllib2 import build_opener, HTTPCookieProcessor, URLError
from urlparse import urlparse

import requests
from requests_oauthlib import OAuth1

from earwigbot import exceptions, importer
from earwigbot.wiki import constants
from earwigbot.wiki.category import Category
@@ -83,15 +82,16 @@ class Site(object):
SPECIAL_TOKENS = ["deleteglobalaccount", "patrol", "rollback",
"setglobalaccountstatus", "userrights", "watch"]
SPECIAL_TOKENS = ["createaccount", "deleteglobalaccount", "login",
"patrol", "rollback", "setglobalaccountstatus",
"userrights", "watch"]

def __init__(self, name=None, project=None, lang=None, base_url=None,
article_path=None, script_path=None, sql=None,
namespaces=None, login=(None, None), cookiejar=None,
user_agent=None, use_https=True, assert_edit=None,
maxlag=None, wait_between_queries=2, logger=None,
namespaces=None, login=(None, None), oauth=None,
cookiejar=None, user_agent=None, use_https=True,
assert_edit=None, maxlag=None, wait_between_queries=2,
logger=None, search_config=None):
"""Constructor for new Site instances.

This probably isn't necessary to call yourself unless you're building a
@@ -100,14 +100,15 @@ class Site(object):
based on your config file and the sites database. We accept a bunch of
kwargs, but the only ones you really "need" are *base_url* and
*script_path*; this is enough to figure out an API url. *login*, a
tuple of (username, password), is highly recommended. *cookiejar* will
be used to store cookies, and we'll use a normal CookieJar if none is
tuple of (username, password), can be used to log in using the legacy
BotPasswords system; otherwise, a dict of OAuth info should be provided
to *oauth*. *cookiejar* will be used to store cookies, and we'll use a
normal CookieJar if none is given.

First, we'll store the given arguments as attributes, then set up our
URL opener. We'll load any of the attributes that weren't given from
the API, and then log in if a username/pass was given and we aren't
already logged in.
requests session. We'll load any of the attributes that weren't given
from the API, and then log in if a username/pass was given and we
aren't already logged in.
# Attributes referring to site information, filled in by an API query
# if they are missing (and an API url can be determined):
@@ -145,16 +146,22 @@ class Site(object):
self._search_config = {}

# Set up cookiejar and URL opener for making API queries:
# Set up cookiejar and requests session for making API queries:
if cookiejar is not None:
self._cookiejar = cookiejar
self._cookiejar = CookieJar()
self._last_cookiejar_save = None
if not user_agent:
user_agent = constants.USER_AGENT # Set default UA
self._opener = build_opener(HTTPCookieProcessor(self._cookiejar))
self._opener.addheaders = [("User-Agent", user_agent),
("Accept-Encoding", "gzip")]
self._oauth = oauth
self._session = requests.Session()
self._session.cookies = self._cookiejar
self._session.headers["User-Agent"] = user_agent
if oauth:
self._session.auth = OAuth1(
oauth["consumer_token"], oauth["consumer_secret"],
oauth["access_token"], oauth["access_secret"])

# Set up our internal logger:
if logger:
@@ -168,7 +175,7 @@ class Site(object):

# If we have a name/pass and the API says we're not logged in, log in:
self._login_info = name, password = login
if name and password:
if not self._oauth and name and password:
logged_in_as = self._get_username_from_cookies()
if not logged_in_as or name.replace("_", " ") != logged_in_as:
@@ -180,17 +187,18 @@ class Site(object):
"base_url={_base_url!r}", "article_path={_article_path!r}",
"script_path={_script_path!r}", "use_https={_use_https!r}",
"assert_edit={_assert_edit!r}", "maxlag={_maxlag!r}",
"sql={_sql_data!r}", "login={0}", "user_agent={2!r}",
"sql={_sql_data!r}", "login={0}", "oauth={1}", "user_agent={3!r}",
name, password = self._login_info
login = "({0}, {1})".format(repr(name), "hidden" if password else None)
oauth = "hidden" if self._oauth else None
cookies = self._cookiejar.__class__.__name__
if hasattr(self._cookiejar, "filename"):
cookies += "({0!r})".format(getattr(self._cookiejar, "filename"))
cookies += "()"
agent = self._opener.addheaders[0][1]
return res.format(login, cookies, agent, **self.__dict__)
agent = self.user_agent
return res.format(login, oauth, cookies, agent, **self.__dict__)

def __str__(self):
"""Return a nice string representation of the Site."""
@@ -238,24 +246,12 @@ class Site(object):
self._logger.debug("{0} -> {1}".format(url, data))

response = self._opener.open(url, data)
except URLError as error:
if hasattr(error, "reason"):
e = "API query failed: {0}.".format(error.reason)
elif hasattr(error, "code"):
e = "API query failed: got an error code of {0}."
e = e.format(error.code)
e = "API query failed."
raise exceptions.APIError(e)
response = self._session.post(url, data=data)
except requests.RequestException as exc:
raise exceptions.APIError("API query failed: {0}".format(exc))

result = response.read()
if response.headers.get("Content-Encoding") == "gzip":
stream = StringIO(result)
gzipper = GzipFile(fileobj=stream)
result = gzipper.read()

return self._handle_api_result(result, params, tries, wait, ae_retry)
return self._handle_api_result(response, params, tries, wait, ae_retry)

def _request_csrf_token(self, params):
"""If possible, add a request for a CSRF token to an API query."""
@@ -290,10 +286,10 @@ class Site(object):
data = self._urlencode_utf8(params)
return url, data

def _handle_api_result(self, result, params, tries, wait, ae_retry):
"""Given the result of an API query, attempt to return useful data."""
def _handle_api_result(self, response, params, tries, wait, ae_retry):
"""Given an API query response, attempt to return useful data."""
res = loads(result) # Try to parse as a JSON object
res = response.json()
except ValueError:
e = "API query failed: JSON could not be decoded."
raise exceptions.APIError(e)
@@ -309,6 +305,9 @@ class Site(object):
warning = value
self._logger.warning("API warning: %s: %s", name, warning)

if self._should_save_cookiejar():

code = res["error"]["code"]
info = res["error"]["info"]
@@ -328,18 +327,18 @@ class Site(object):
return self._api_query(params, tries, wait * 2, ae_retry=ae_retry)
elif code in ["assertuserfailed", "assertbotfailed"]: # AssertEdit
if ae_retry and all(self._login_info):
if ae_retry and all(self._login_info) and not self._oauth:
# Try to log in if we got logged out:
if "token" in params: # Fetch a new one; this is invalid now
params["token"] = self.get_token(params["action"])
return self._api_query(params, tries, wait, ae_retry=False)
if not all(self._login_info):
if not all(self._login_info) and not self._oauth:
e = "Assertion failed, and no login info was provided."
elif code == "assertbotfailed":
e = "Bot assertion failed: we don't have a bot flag!"
e = "User assertion failed due to an unknown issue. Cookie problem?"
e = "User assertion failed due to an unknown issue. Cookie or OAuth problem?"
raise exceptions.PermissionsError("AssertEdit: " + e)
else: # Some unknown error occurred
e = 'API query failed: got error "{0}"; server says: "{1}".'
@@ -476,15 +475,30 @@ class Site(object):
unnecessary API query. For the cookie-detection method, see
_get_username_from_cookies()'s docs.

If our username isn't in cookies, then we're probably not logged in, or
something fishy is going on (like forced logout). In this case, do a
single API query for our username (or IP address) and return that.
If our username isn't in cookies, then we're either using OAuth or
we're probably not logged in, or something fishy is going on (like
forced logout). If we're using OAuth and a username was configured,
assume it is accurate and use it. Otherwise, do a single API query for
our username (or IP address) and return that.
name = self._get_username_from_cookies()
if name:
return name
if self._oauth and self._login_info[0]:
return self._login_info[0]
return self._get_username_from_api()

def _should_save_cookiejar(self):
"""Return a bool indicating whether we should save the cookiejar.

This is True if we haven't saved the cookiejar yet this session, or if
our last save was over a day ago.
max_staleness = 60 * 60 * 24 # 1 day
if not self._last_cookiejar_save:
return True
return time() - self._last_cookiejar_save > max_staleness

def _save_cookiejar(self):
"""Try to save our cookiejar after doing a (normal) login or logout.

@@ -498,8 +512,9 @@ class Site(object):
getattr(self._cookiejar, "save")()
except (NotImplementedError, ValueError):
self._last_cookiejar_save = time()

def _login(self, login, token=None, attempt=0):
def _login(self, login):
"""Safely login through the API.

Normally, this is called by __init__() if a username and password have
@@ -507,45 +522,43 @@ class Site(object):
time it needs to be called is when those cookies expire, which is done
automatically by api_query() if a query fails.

Recent versions of MediaWiki's API have fixed a CSRF vulnerability,
requiring login to be done in two separate requests. If the response
from from our initial request is "NeedToken", we'll do another one with
the token. If login is successful, we'll try to save our cookiejar.
*login* is a (username, password) tuple.

Raises LoginError on login errors (duh), like bad passwords and
nonexistent usernames.

*login* is a (username, password) tuple. *token* is the token returned
from our first request, and *attempt* is to prevent getting stuck in a
loop if MediaWiki isn't acting right.
name, password = login

params = {"action": "login", "lgname": name, "lgpassword": password}
if token:
params["lgtoken"] = token
params = {"action": "query", "meta": "tokens", "type": "login"}
with self._api_lock:
result = self._api_query(params, no_assert=True)
token = result["query"]["tokens"]["logintoken"]
except KeyError:
raise exceptions.LoginError("Couldn't get login token")

params = {"action": "login", "lgname": name, "lgpassword": password,
"lgtoken": token}
with self._api_lock:
result = self._api_query(params, no_assert=True)

res = result["login"]["result"]
if res == "Success":
elif res == "NeedToken" and attempt == 0:
token = result["login"]["token"]
return self._login(login, token, attempt=1)
if res == "Illegal":
e = "The provided username is illegal."
elif res == "NotExists":
e = "The provided username does not exist."
elif res == "EmptyPass":
e = "No password was given."
elif res == "WrongPass" or res == "WrongPluginPass":
e = "The given password is incorrect."
if res == "Illegal":
e = "The provided username is illegal."
elif res == "NotExists":
e = "The provided username does not exist."
elif res == "EmptyPass":
e = "No password was given."
elif res == "WrongPass" or res == "WrongPluginPass":
e = "The given password is incorrect."
e = "Couldn't login; server says '{0}'.".format(res)
raise exceptions.LoginError(e)
e = "Couldn't login; server says '{0}'.".format(res)
raise exceptions.LoginError(e)

def _logout(self):
"""Safely logout through the API.
@@ -663,6 +676,11 @@ class Site(object):
url = "http:" + url
return url

def user_agent(self):
"""The User-Agent header sent to the API by the requests session."""
return self._session.headers["User-Agent"]

def api_query(self, **kwargs):
"""Do an API query with `kwargs` as the parameters.

@@ -679,10 +697,9 @@ class Site(object):
:py:attr:`self._assert_edit` and :py:attr:`_maxlag` respectively.
Additionally, we'll sleep a bit if the last query was made fewer than
:py:attr:`self._wait_between_queries` seconds ago. The request is made
through :py:attr:`self._opener`, which has cookie support
(:py:attr:`self._cookiejar`), a ``User-Agent``
(:py:const:`earwigbot.wiki.constants.USER_AGENT`), and
``Accept-Encoding`` set to ``"gzip"``.
through :py:attr:`self._session`, which has cookie support
(:py:attr:`self._cookiejar`) and a ``User-Agent``

Assuming everything went well, we'll gunzip the data (if compressed),
load it as a JSON object, and return it.

+ 7
- 4
earwigbot/wiki/sitesdb.py 파일 보기

@@ -187,6 +187,7 @@ class SitesDB(object):

config = self.config
login = (config.wiki.get("username"), config.wiki.get("password"))
oauth = config.wiki.get("oauth")
user_agent = config.wiki.get("userAgent")
use_https = config.wiki.get("useHTTPS", True)
assert_edit = config.wiki.get("assert")
@@ -212,7 +213,7 @@ class SitesDB(object):

return Site(name=name, project=project, lang=lang, base_url=base_url,
article_path=article_path, script_path=script_path,
sql=sql, namespaces=namespaces, login=login,
sql=sql, namespaces=namespaces, login=login, oauth=oauth,
cookiejar=cookiejar, user_agent=user_agent,
use_https=use_https, assert_edit=assert_edit,
maxlag=maxlag, wait_between_queries=wait_between_queries,
@@ -386,6 +387,7 @@ class SitesDB(object):

config = self.config
login = (config.wiki.get("username"), config.wiki.get("password"))
oauth = config.wiki.get("oauth")
user_agent = config.wiki.get("userAgent")
use_https = config.wiki.get("useHTTPS", True)
assert_edit = config.wiki.get("assert")
@@ -398,9 +400,10 @@ class SitesDB(object):

# Create a Site object to log in and load the other attributes:
site = Site(base_url=base_url, script_path=script_path, sql=sql,
login=login, cookiejar=cookiejar, user_agent=user_agent,
use_https=use_https, assert_edit=assert_edit,
maxlag=maxlag, wait_between_queries=wait_between_queries)
login=login, oauth=oauth, cookiejar=cookiejar,
user_agent=user_agent, use_https=use_https,
assert_edit=assert_edit, maxlag=maxlag,

self._logger.info("Added site '{0}'".format(site.name))

+ 2
- 0
setup.py 파일 보기

@@ -28,6 +28,8 @@ from earwigbot import __version__
required_deps = [
"PyYAML >= 3.12", # Parsing config files
"mwparserfromhell >= 0.5", # Parsing wikicode for manipulation
"requests >= 2.21.0", # Wiki API requests
"requests_oauthlib >= 1.2.0", # API authentication via OAuth

extra_deps = {

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