Sfoglia il codice sorgente

Implement the rest of _set_wiki(); _ask(); other tweaks.

Ben Kurtovic 11 anni fa
4 ha cambiato i file con 85 aggiunte e 15 eliminazioni
  1. +1
  2. +7
  3. +76
  4. +1

+ 1
- 1
earwigbot/bot.py Vedi File

@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ class Bot(object):

def __init__(self, root_dir, level=logging.INFO):
self.config = BotConfig(root_dir, level)
self.config = BotConfig(self, root_dir, level)
self.logger = logging.getLogger("earwigbot")
self.commands = CommandManager(self)
self.tasks = TaskManager(self)

+ 7
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earwigbot/config/__init__.py Vedi File

@@ -76,7 +76,8 @@ class BotConfig(object):
- :py:meth:`decrypt`: decrypts an object in the config tree

def __init__(self, root_dir, level):
def __init__(self, bot, root_dir, level):
self._bot = bot
self._root_dir = root_dir
self._logging_level = level
self._config_path = path.join(self.root_dir, "config.yml")
@@ -170,6 +171,11 @@ class BotConfig(object):

def bot(self):
"""The config's Bot object."""
return self._bot

def root_dir(self):
"""The bot's root directory containing its config file and more."""
return self._root_dir

+ 76
- 12
earwigbot/config/script.py Vedi File

@@ -35,6 +35,8 @@ try:
except ImportError:
yaml = None

from earwigbot import exceptions

__all__ = ["ConfigScript"]

class ConfigScript(object):
@@ -57,6 +59,15 @@ class ConfigScript(object):
def _print(self, msg):
print fill(re.sub("\s\s+", " ", msg), self.WIDTH)

def _ask(self, text, default=None):
text = "> " + text
if default:
text += " [{0}]".format(default)
lines = wrap(re.sub("\s\s+", " ", msg), self.WIDTH)
if len(lines) > 1:
print "\n".join(lines[:-1])
return raw_input(lines[-1] + " ") or default

def _ask_bool(self, text, default=True):
text = "> " + text
if default:
@@ -125,30 +136,83 @@ class ConfigScript(object):
self.data["components"]["irc_watcher"] = watcher
self.data["components"]["wiki_scheduler"] = scheduler

def _login(self, kwargs):
print "Trying to login to the site...",
site = self.config.bot.wiki.add_site(**kargs)
except exceptions.APIError:
print " API error!"
question = "Would you like to re-enter the site information?"
if self._ask_bool(question):
return self._set_wiki()
question = "This will cancel the setup process. Are you sure?"
if self._ask_bool(question, default=False):
raise exceptions.NoConfigError()
return self._set_wiki()
except exceptions.LoginError:
print " login error!"
question = "Would you like to re-enter your login information?"
if self._ask_bool(question):
self.data["wiki"]["username"] = self._ask("Bot username:")
self.data["wiki"]["password"] = getpass("> Bot password: ")
return self._login(kwargs)
question = "Would you like to re-enter the site information?"
if self._ask_bool(question):
return self._set_wiki()
self._print("""Moving on. You can modify the login information
stored in the bot's config in the future.""")
print " success."
return site

def _set_wiki(self):
wmf = self._ask_bool("""Will this bot run on Wikimedia Foundation
wikis, like Wikipedia?""")
if wmf:
sitename = ? # setup sites.db
msg = "Site project (e.g. 'wikipedia', 'wiktionary', 'wikimedia'):"
project = self._ask(msg, default="wikipedia").lower()
msg = "Site language code (e.g. 'en', 'fr', 'commons'):"
lang = self._ask(msg, default="en").lower()
kwargs = {"project": project, "lang": lang}
sitename = ? # setup sites.db
self.data["wiki"]["username"] = raw_input("> Bot username: ")
msg = "Site base URL, without the script path and trailing slash;"
msg += " can be protocol-insensitive (e.g. '//en.wikipedia.org'):"
url = self._ask(msg)
script = self._ask("Site script path:", default="/w")
kwargs = {"base_url": url, "script_path": script, "sql": sql}

self.data["wiki"]["username"] = self._ask("Bot username:")
self.data["wiki"]["password"] = getpass("> Bot password: ")
self.data["wiki"]["userAgent"] = "EarwigBot/$1 (Python/$2; https://github.com/earwig/earwigbot)"
self.data["wiki"]["summary"] = "([[WP:BOT|Bot]]): $2"
self.data["wiki"]["useHTTPS"] = True
self.data["wiki"]["assert"] = "user"
self.data["wiki"]["maxlag"] = 10
self.data["wiki"]["waitTime"] = 2
self.data["wiki"]["defaultSite"] = sitename
ts = self._ask_bool("Will this bot run from the Wikimedia Toolserver?")
if ts:
args = (("host", "$1-p.rrdb.toolserver.org"), ("db": "$1_p"))
self.data["wiki"]["sql"] = OrderedDict(args)
self.data["wiki"]["sql"] = {}
self.data["wiki"]["waitTime"] = 3
self.data["wiki"]["defaultSite"] = self._login(kwargs).name
self.data["wiki"]["sql"] = {}

if wmf:
msg = "Will this bot run from the Wikimedia Toolserver?"
toolserver = self._ask_bool(msg, default=False)
if toolserver:
args = (("host", "$1-p.rrdb.toolserver.org"), ("db": "$1_p"))
self.data["wiki"]["sql"] = OrderedDict(args)

self.data["wiki"]["shutoff"] = {}
msg = "Would you like to enable an automatic shutoff page for the bot?"
if self._ask_bool(msg):
self._print("""The page title can contain two wildcards: $1 will be
substituted with the bot's username, and $2 with the
current task number. This can be used to implement a
separate shutoff page for each task.""")
page = self._ask("Page title:", default="User:$1/Shutoff")
disabled = self._ask("Page content when *not* shut off:", "run")
args = (("page", page), ("disabled", disabled))
self.data["wiki"]["shutoff"] = OrderedDict(args)

self.data["wiki"]["search"] = {}

def _set_irc(self):

+ 1
- 1
earwigbot/wiki/sitesdb.py Vedi File

@@ -386,7 +386,7 @@ class SitesDB(object):
config = self.config
login = (config.wiki.get("username"), config.wiki.get("password"))
user_agent = config.wiki.get("userAgent")
use_https = config.wiki.get("useHTTPS", False)
use_https = config.wiki.get("useHTTPS", True)
assert_edit = config.wiki.get("assert")
maxlag = config.wiki.get("maxlag")
wait_between_queries = config.wiki.get("waitTime", 3)
